Talented Genius

Chapter 1706: problem occurs

The next morning, Ye Tianlong got up less than six o'clock, looking at Lei Shijing who was curled up, there was endless tenderness in his eyes, and a hint of apology.

He blamed himself for being too impulsive. He hadn't thought about lingering with Lei Shijing before he came, at least he felt that it was not the time yet.

I don't know why, facing Lei Shijing's slight temptation last night, he has almost no resistance, as if both physical and psychological offense and defense have failed.

Ye Tianlong quickly thought of the reason, that was the nightmare fragments, which brought him exhaustion and hostility, so Lei Shijing just stopped.

But Ye Tianlong didn't make any excuses for herself. Lei Shijing gave her body to him, and he would be responsible for her.

Ye Tianlong looked at Lei Shijing's pretty face and the sweetness between her eyebrows, and couldn't stop reaching out and caress her face.

Last night, I only cared about lingering and crazy, and now I looked at the woman's body closely and found that it was indeed a big stunner.

The skin is agglomerated like mutton fat and white jade, the slender waist is as soft as willow branches, and the jade legs like ivory carvings all show her charm.


When Ye Tianlong's fingers were about to slip off the woman's abdomen, the phone on the bedside table vibrated slightly.

He had no choice but to stop his intimacy, picked up the phone and glanced at it, and found that it was a call from the Zhan Qing Lou, immediately got up and walked to the balcony to answer:

"Sister Brothel, good morning!"

The voice of Zhan Brothel heard in the ear: "Tianlong, Shen Tianmei has an accident in Wufeidu..."

Ye Tianlong's pupils instantly condensed into glow...

At ten o'clock in the morning, a military plane was flying from Ancheng to Gangcheng. Ye Tianlong was eating breakfast while listening to Zhan Qinglou's intelligence.

"Ufidu said in the past few days that the commander of the armed forces, Hemanra, rebelled, abolished the elected President Hahatu, and took over Ufidu."

Ye Tianlong quickly took the topic: "Shen Tianmei was in the press group watching the ceremony?"

He saw in the news a few days ago that while Hemanra had taken Hahatu, he had also detained more than 80 foreign journalists as enemies of the country.

Hemanra asked all countries to take money to redeem people.

Zhan Qinglou nodded: "Yes, Shen Tianmei is in the press team."

Ye Tianlong was puzzled: "Isn't the mutiny five days ago? Why is there news now?"

In Ye Tianlong's vision, Zhan Qinglou and the others should report Shen Tianmei's arrest as soon as possible.

"General Lu has always refused to allow Shen Tianmei to visit war-torn countries, so she slipped out of China under the guise of traveling to Bahrain."

Zhan Qinglou gave a wry smile: "So Mrs. Lu and they all thought that Shen Tianmei was in Bahrain until Hemanla released the ID picture and list."

"Ms. Lu saw her pseudonym, and only then did she know that Tian Mei had gone to Ufidu. Later, someone got a reporter's photo to confirm that Shen Tianmei was taken."

She exhaled a long breath: "And there is no bodyguard around her, it was a person who joined in the fun in the past."

"This woman is really unnerving."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head, and then changed the conversation: "Isn't Hey Manla begging for money? How much does he want? I can give him."

"If it's something money can solve, then you don't need to find you."

Zhan Qinglou sighed slightly: "Hemanra originally wanted one million US dollars to change a reporter. The United Nations negotiated with them a few days ago."

"I hope that the price can be suppressed, so that the amount is not large so that it will not cause public outcry."

Ye Tianlong nodded and understood this point. From an official standpoint, if one person is replaced by tens of thousands, the public will not have too many disturbances.

If it is tens of millions, the government will be criticized as incompetent by the people.

"Who knows that the Eagles are arrogant and arrogant. They feel that the Ufidu soldiers are vulnerable and want to show off in front of the nations of the world."

Zhan Qinglou continued the topic just now: "So a ten-person commando team was sent to rescue their people."

"Who knows, not only didn't rescue the people, but was surrounded by Hemanla's men, and the assault team armed to the teeth was wiped out."

"This move not only provokes Hemanra and the military, but also allows him to directly kill six Eagle Country reporters."

She asked one of the most critical questions: "At the same time increase the reporter's ransom to 50 million."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Dollar?"

Zhan Qinglou nodded: "Dollar!"

Ye Tianlong immediately scolded: "His uncle, Heimanla has a really big appetite. This is more expensive than being a Chinese star."

"But Eagle Intelligence is also a bastard, always thinking that he is invincible in the world."

He really wanted to beat up those guys who did not succeed and failed more than succeeded: "Ten people want to make contributions, it's too naive."

"The Eagle Intelligence Bureau is indeed a little arrogant."

Zhan Qinglou took the topic: "But the combat effectiveness of Ufidu soldiers is also beyond our original estimate."

"According to the intelligence and images we received, the ten Eagle Intelligence Commandos started to advance very smoothly and killed more than 50 enemies."

Her tone became solemn: "But when I met a group of black python soldiers, all ten commandos were killed."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly: "Black Python soldier? When did Ufidu have this system?"

Zhan Qinglou briefly described: "They wear snakeskin clothes and snake head covers, and they are very combative."

"That group of Black Anaconda soldiers was only a platoon, and killed the Eagle Nation Commando before they sacrificed 20 people."

She gave an objective sentence: "The Eagle Countryman is indeed arrogant, but the assault team sent is definitely not a waste."

Two to one?

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. Knowing the strength of the Eagle Nation commando team, he calculated the loss ratio and looked a little more solemn, then nodded slightly:

"Looking at it this way, there are still two things to do with this big snake soldier."

In his vision, the Eagle Nation Commando team should be at least ten or twenty. After all, their fighting quality and firepower are there.

Now that he was killed by a black python soldier with twice the strength, Ye Tianlong had to admit that the black python was a bit wise.

Zhan Qinglou's conversation turned: "If the ransom is millions of Chinese coins, maybe you can consider taking the money to settle it first, and then properly sanction Hemanra."

"But if Heiman offered 50 million dollars, he would not be able to use the money to redeem him. In addition to attracting the attention of the other party, he would be criticized by the public."

"Western media will think that this is a disguised funding for the Hemanra atrocities, and they will also think that governments are too weak and incompetent."

"So the United Nations not only rejected this huge ransom, but it also warned governments not to take money to ransom people privately, no matter how rich it is."

Zhan Qinglou informed Ye Tianlong of the situation: "So we can't spend money, so even if we save Shen Tianmei, we will be accused and isolated by various countries."

"The United Nations has failed to make any concessions during the three communications today. Hemanla also directly closed the communication channel and ordered the money to be released within three days."

"Otherwise kill them all."

Zhan Qinglou throws out a sentence: "Eagle Nation is raging and they are ready to attack by force, that is, they don't care about the life or death of the hostage."

"Damn, they don't care, I care."

Ye Tianlong said unceremoniously: "It must be the hostage of the Eagle Countryman who died, so he dragged everyone into the water."


Zhan Qinglou nodded: "All six reporters from Eagle Country were killed."

"Old Zhao doesn't want Shen Tianmei to have something to do, but because of the tight time, Africa has no soldiers available, so I can only let you go."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and said: "Lao Zhao said, when you return in triumph, kill a chicken to reward you."

"that's it?"

Ye Tianlong bit his lip: "I didn't promise official positions, gold bars, beauties or anything?"


Zhan Qinglou smiled: "He is going to propose marriage to the Wu family for you..."

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