Talented Genius

Chapter 1707: What nosebleed?

At three o'clock in the afternoon, people came and went at the Hong Kong Airport.

Ye Tianlong sat in the coffee shop that was packed, flipping through the map of the Ufidu country while waiting for the relevant personnel to go through the procedures for the special plane.

Ufidu has been under military control, and not only the four border entrances and exits have been closed, but even the only airport has been strictly controlled.

If Ye Tianlong wants to reach Ufidu, he can only reach a neighboring country first, and then sneak in from the long border to rescue people.

When he went to Ufidu this time, he didn't ask anyone from the Huaxia official. In addition to being unfamiliar and making things difficult, he also worried about leaking secrets.

Hemanra is not a fool, and will definitely watch the movements of the countries. Whoever sends troops or does not send troops, he will definitely receive the wind.

Therefore, in this secret operation, Ye Tianlong was only accompanied by handicapped hands and Dalmatians, and a team that had cooperated several times.


When Ye Tianlong looked at the map to confirm that he had sneaked into the gap, the phone on his desk rang again, and he picked up the headset and put it on.

As soon as Ye Tianlong fed it out, a familiar voice came over: "Ye Tianlong, are you in Mingjiang?"

Lin Chenxue.

Ye Tianlong stunned her to call herself, then smiled and said, "Ms. Lin, it's been a long time since I saw you, why, do you want to invite me to dinner?"

He has been able to calmly face the relationship between the two and the past, and it is good not to be a lover and be a friend.

Lin Chenxue didn't talk nonsense: "Are you there?"

"I was going back to Mingjiang today, but I came to Hong Kong City temporarily because of something."

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "It is estimated that it will take a few days to return to Mingjiang. If you want to invite me to dinner, you have to make a reservation in advance."

Lin Chenxue is still simple and neat: "Well, I will make an appointment with you first, and go to Mingjiang in a week. You must give me one day at that time."

Ye Tianlong hesitated for a while, not knowing which one Lin Chenxue was going to play. Of course, he could not determine his specific time, so he said:

"President Lin, I can't guarantee this time, but I can promise you that if I have nothing important, I will save you one day."

This year, the plan was not as good as the change. Ye Tianlong didn't dare to say too hard, so as not to disappoint Lin Chenxue.

Lin Chenxue sighed softly: "You must give me one day, this matter is extremely important to you."

Ye Tianlong asked, "What is it?"

Lin Chenxue's self-deprecating laugh faintly came: "It seems that you have forgotten me. You don't even remember the promise of our heavenly capital."

"Let’s say it at the time. When you return to Mingjiang when you are done, you will give me a chance to check your body."

Lin Chenxue's tone was two-point lonely: "But it's normal if you don't remember, I'm already a passerby for you."

"It's just that your body must be checked carefully. I should check it myself. I hope you can take it seriously."

Lin Chenxue said softly, "You can also treat it as my unsympathetic invitation."

Ye Tianlong shook his heart, and then took over the topic: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I forgot what I promised you."

"This is not your unrelenting invitation, it is my honor to Ye Tianlong."

"I promise you that within ten days, I will spare one day for your inspection."

He rubbed his head, and indeed forgot Lin Chenxue's inspection request, so there was a hint of apology in his heart: "You can do it whatever you want."

Lin Chenxue said softly: "Okay, I will contact you in a week... You suddenly ran to Hong Kong City, it should be an emergency... Be careful."

When speaking of the latter sentence, her tone was hesitant and caring, which made Ye Tianlong's mood fluctuate slightly.

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat: "Thank you, I will take care."

Lin Chenxue didn't say anything, but slowly hung up the phone.

Ye Tianlong looked at the phone in a daze, and it took a long time to remember what he had forgotten, and forgot to ask Lin Chenxue: How are you doing recently?

As the mind turned, the glass door of the coffee shop was pushed open, Ye Tianlong looked up, and a woman with a graceful figure walked in.

She wears a pair of sunglasses, she wears a short dress and a short skirt, which not only shows her heroic appearance, but also makes her figure perfect.

In particular, the legs are slender, strong, and strong. Although the complexion is not white and has some wheatish color, it also gives people a feeling of health and vitality.

A discerning look can tell that this is a woman tempered by blood.


When Ye Tianlong was about to stand up to greet her, she saw that the woman in sunglasses suddenly shook her right hand, and a pistol appeared in her palm, and she shot Ye Tianlong.

"Pump pound!"

More than a dozen plastic bullets shot out, pouring over Ye Tianlong like raindrops.

It's just that Ye Tianlong seemed to be prepared long ago, and when the opponent's muzzle was raised, he had already rushed out to the side.


All the bullets hit the coffee table, the coffee cup was overturned, and the map had a lot of holes, but Ye Tianlong was not injured.

When the woman with sunglasses turned her muzzle and wanted to re-lock Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong was already attached to her body like a phantom.

The woman with sunglasses didn't panic, she turned around, and swept towards Ye Tianlong with a side kick!


Ye Tianlong turned on his side, avoiding the opponent's attack, reached out and grabbed the ankle kicked out by the woman in sunglasses, starting with delicate Yurun.

A touch of black at the bottom of the skirt flashed away.

Although Ye Tianlong grabbed her ankle, the woman in sunglasses didn't give in. She hummed, but she held the chair with one hand and twisted her waist.

The other foot drew a whip leg towards Ye Tianlong with greater force.

The air seemed to be exploded, and the legs flicked like a whip towards Ye Tianlong's shoulders!

Ye Tianlong didn't expect her to be so difficult, so he could only put out another hand and grabbed the other foot of the woman with sunglasses.

The feet of the woman with sunglasses were instantly locked by Ye Tianlong, and it was as if a doll was lifted upside down, and all the spring light instantly appeared in Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Clearly chiseled, strong and attractive, this is definitely the best of 300 rounds of war.

Ye Tianlong stayed for a while.

The woman in sunglasses put her hands on the ground and then yelled, "Ye Tianlong, let me go."

Ye Tianlong gave a shock, coughed and let go of the feet of the woman with sunglasses.

The woman in sunglasses flipped back and landed calmly, then stared at Ye Tianlong and hummed, "A big man wouldn't let me a little bit, and even spied on me."

"Who is spying on you?"

Ye Tianlong said solemnly: "Who dares to peep at Miss Six?"

The woman with sunglasses took off her sunglasses, revealing a pretty cheek, and sneered: "No peeping? What is your nosebleed?"

"Nosebleed? Just kidding, I didn't peep, why did I get a nosebleed?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch it, and sure enough, there was a little blood on his nose.

He whispered in his heart that this **** nosebleed is coming again, and it is not time to come...

It's really time for Lin Chenxue to check it carefully.

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