Talented Genius

Chapter 1708: Everywhere (four more)

Ye Tianlong took a tissue to wipe off the nosebleed, and then invited Xuelang to sit down.

He pays more attention to the flow of nosebleeds, but there is no time to discuss it at the moment. The most urgent thing is to rescue Shentianmei as soon as possible.

Three days will pass in an instant.

Snow Wolf didn't molest Ye Tianlong anymore, and sat down on the sofa with agile movements, his legs were wrong, and a charming arc was outlined, and then he calmly said:

"Three independent teams, a total of fifteen brothers have already marched towards Ufidu, and Ufidu's black market arms dealers have also been contacted."

Snow Wolf has clearly understood the situation: "As long as we have a good offensive and defensive plan, we can act at the latest tomorrow night."

Ye Tianlong expressed his praise: "As expected of Miss Six, doing things is courageous and efficient."

"As soon as I called you this morning, you have arranged the preliminary work."

He poured a cup of coffee for Xuelang: "I invite you to join the war this time. It seems that you didn't find the wrong person."

Xuelang's pretty face didn't have much laughter, she was always indifferent to everything, she took a sip of coffee:

"Thanksgiving Demon's success has fallen short, I have been holding my breath, now I have a task of course I must go all out."

She lazily throws out: "If you don't do this job beautifully, how can you be worthy of your big employer?"

"It is God's will to kill the monster."

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "You have done your best and done well. The shot you hit will make him stop for a year or a half at least."

"In any case, it is still not perfect for me."

Xuelang rubbed his finger against the cup: "Okay, let's not talk about the butcher monster, let's talk about our minimum requirements for this mission."

"Very simple."

Ye Tianlong was prepared, and with a light tap of his finger, a slideshow appeared on the wall with a photo of Shen Tianmei on it:

"You follow me to rescue her, you rescued her alive."

He landed and said: "I don't care how much it costs, and no matter what the trouble is, I only ask her to return to China alive!"

Xuelang looked at Shen Tianmei on the screen, with a complex light in his eyes, and finally nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not dead, she's not dead."

She quickly sent this instruction to the frontline brothers, so that they had a deep understanding of Shen Tianmei, so that saving people would be twice the result with half the effort.

As for whether the other reporters were alive or dead, Snow Wolf did not ask Ye Tianlong, but she knew the answer in Ye Tianlong's heart.

If it does not affect their own safety, they will help those reporters, but if it involves their own lives, they can only abandon them.

A dead fellow is not dead.

Xuelang took out a piece of information: "On the way I flew there, people checked their detention place, guard force, armed leader, and evacuation route."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised: "So efficient?"

The corner of Xuelang's mouth turned up invisibly, and then opened the information: "Of course, I have already said that this single task should be done beautifully."

"There are a total of 89 reporters, 66 men, and 23 women in the ritual group. They are all detained in Xinsheng prison."

"The new prison was established by President Hahatu with a fund of 20 million, and it was also the first prison in Ufidu's history."

The screen showed a small prison, three checkpoints, a power grid, six guard towers, and two access roads.

"This prison can only accommodate about 300 people. The original prison guards were 30, but now they are guarded by nearly a hundred soldiers."

Xuelang continued to inform Ye Tianlong of the information: "Ufidu did not use prisons at all before, and killed enemies or criminals almost directly."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "This is normal. The prison is too wasteful for Ufidu."

"Hahatu tried to change the phenomenon of lack of human rights, so he raised a large sum of money from the West to establish it."

Xuelang pointed to the prison on the screen: "The reporter's observation group is considered the first batch of guests in the prison."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "It's really a chaotic country."

Xue Lang looked at Ye Tianlong calmly: "It can be said that its safety, sturdiness, and privacy are almost not worth mentioning."

"The nearly a hundred soldiers garrisoned are a bit tricky, but as long as we have strong firepower, we can still deal with them."

Xuelang's pretty face was confident, but then frowned: "But..."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Where are the difficulties?"

"First, the prison is only 60 kilometers away from the base camp of Hemanla."

Xuelang didn't conceal Ye Tianlong: "It doesn't take long for the helicopter to fly over and suppress it."

"Secondly, the black python soldiers you mentioned. I checked for a long time and only knew that they were the Black Manra Guards. Nothing else was found."

Xuelang added frankly: "This is a variable. After all, they know too little about the enemy, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to the CIA."

"You know, individual contests may not be afraid of these black python soldiers, but the opponent has countless reinforcements to help, the situation is completely different."

"Third, five kilometers away from the prison, there is also a militia group of 1,000 people. The new recruits are composed of skirmishers."

"This is a group of mobs, with different weapons and different means of transportation, but they are all desperadoes. It is still quite troublesome to bite."

"After all, there are many people on the other side, and cold knives and guns are endless."

Xuelang's head was a little bit painful: "So if you want to rescue Shen Tianmei and evacuate calmly, you must first kill this thousand-person militia camp."

"Otherwise, even if we rescued people, it would be troublesome to evacuate passersby."

There are more than a dozen people against more than a thousand people, not to mention that there is no chance of winning, even if there is a chance of winning, they can't fight.

Because the opponents continue to support, and oneself die one less.

Ye Tianlong looked at the military camp above, as well as the men in uniforms of different heights and fats, with a smile on his lips:

"Don't worry, I will settle the helicopter position and the camp of thousands of people."

Ye Tianlong has absolute confidence on his face: "I promise, they won't cause you trouble."

Xuelang was taken aback for a moment: "Can you settle it?"

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, with a deep look in his eyes: "It should be fine."

At ten o'clock that evening, Ye Tianlong sent out a message that a ray of electric waves spread to Africa instantly, and the dark waves were surging.


A black Sori was eating instant noodles at home. He saw the message on his mobile phone and immediately dropped the instant noodles, rushed out, and went straight to a nearby Internet cafe.

An Ethiopian black girl was hooking up in a bar. When her mobile phone rang, she immediately kicked the man who got soaked and rushed out.

A Jigua gang leader was fighting with someone to grab the site. After receiving a mobile phone message, he immediately gathered the team, turned and ran back to his site.

There was also the owner of a Kete stall selling watermelons at the night market. Upon learning the news, he immediately threw the watermelon stall away and ran away with his mobile phone...

"Hey, number seven or seven is in place..."

"Hello, number three zero three four are ready..."

"Hey, number eight three six two on standby..."

Overnight, network traffic in African countries soared by 30%...

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