Talented Genius

Chapter 1710: confusion

"Heymanra slaughtered innocents and ruined girls, the world was shocked!"

"Heimanla dug kidneys and stealing hearts, and three thousand people were brutally murdered!"

"The red bayonet Ye Tianlong airborne Ufila, and the war is about to start."

"Ye Tianlong entered the presidential palace, one shot at a time, no one can stop it."

"Heimanla was shocked, the three armies were shocked, Ye Tianlong destroyed half of the presidential palace alone."

"Ye Tianlong sword pointed at Hemanla, and the Uzbek army was in panic."

"Hahatu's family was rescued by Ye Tianlong single-handedly!"

"Hey Manra was shot and killed by Ye Tianlong at the entrance of the Presidential Palace!"

In the afternoon when Hemanla thought Ye Tianlong was going to make a noise, a large wave of news with various **** pictures spread throughout Ufira.

News headlines were shocking one after another, and they soon attracted the attention of the people of Ufila, and the calm situation just made waves again.

There are pictures with the ‘truth’, and the news not only has many photos of dead bodies, but also scenes similar to the bombing of the presidential palace and Hemanra kneeling on the ground.

What makes the Ufila parties the most uneasy is that many people also "with their own eyes" saw Hemanra stealing kidneys and digging heart, and Ye Tianlong bravely rushed to the presidential palace.

These people not only have time, location, but also various details, and even the submachine gun model Ye Tianlong is holding can be reported.

The Ufila people, whose verification channels were not too developed, quickly believed that the rumors were true after a simple cyber attack and guidance from others.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ufila TV, which originally refuted the rumors, suddenly changed its style. A host announced to the national public:

"Hemanra is dead, Hahatu will return to the stage..."

"Thank Ye Tianlong for maintaining world peace..."

The major official websites also quickly turned black and gray, with a unified picture of the black manla being killed.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong shot and exploded the video of ‘Black Manra’, and it quickly spread secretly among the people.

With the help of many people, Ye Tianlong's might and strength quickly became popular.

Ten minutes later, the news of Hemanla's death became more and more people believed that not only the rest of Hahatu was about to move, but the military also began to panic.

Ufidu became confused.

"What is going on? What is going on?"

In the presidential palace, Hemanra yelled at a dozen people: "When I go to sleep, I am already dead? I am also framed as a murderer?"

"A dozen fraternal countries that originally supported my regime have all called the office to see if I am dead."

"I finally explained that it was a rumor, and they asked me again, why do you want to kill innocent people, dig kidneys and steal your heart? Even cooking young children to eat?"

"I explained that I haven't dispelled their doubts for a long time, and now they all stop cooperating with us for fear of being labeled as anti-human."

He kicked over a chair: "You, now give me an explanation, you must give me an explanation."

The one-eyed woman was the first to say: "General, Ye Tianlong must have done this. Only he has the power to discredit you."

"We have found out that the Internet has the rhythm of the navy, and bars and restaurants are deliberately guided."

She hurriedly said with relief: "But you can rest assured that the military has been dispatched and will fully monitor these places to prevent the spread of rumors."

Hemanra stared at a middle-aged man and shouted, "What's the matter with your TV station? Isn't it refuting the rumors? How did it become a confirmation?"

The middle-aged man was sweating: "The TV station was hacked, and we did not broadcast that scene."

"It's just that we want to correct the statement that the TV station's server was hacked."

His breathing became short: "The cable was also blown up. It will take at least three days to fix it."

"The network is temporarily out of technical control. Many of our facilities are built by China, and our technology is limited, and we cannot fight against other hackers."

Another black youth also said: "The major official websites have also been hacked, all turned dark, and the general has died obituaries."

"The military's network is also poisoned, and all the news of the general's atrocities and deaths are pushed, and now the military camp is also panicking."

He whispered: "We can still hold it down for the time being, but the general must speak publicly before dawn, otherwise I am worried that something will happen."

Hemanra yelled: "Remove it for me immediately, shut it down for me immediately, repair it immediately, and dispel the rumors before dawn."

"And we must stop the spread of this kind of rumors, cut off the power, the network, the cell phone signal, and, the water, let them busy looking for water to drink."

He ordered murderously: "After ten o'clock, give me a curfew and let everyone stay at home for me."

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Also, drop another group and stare at Hahatu."

Hemanra looked sharp: "As long as I pinch Hahatu, victory belongs to us."

The one-eyed women immediately dispersed...

As Hemanra and the others were rushing to deal with the rumors, two military vehicles were slowly approaching in front of the Xinsheng prison.

There were six people sitting in the car, one by one wearing military uniforms, with a very indifferent style.

The soldiers guarding the prison were talking about online news, and a person panicked and didn't know what was true or not, and morale plummeted.

Originally following Hemanra's rebellion and wanted to share a cup of pie, who knew Hemanra was killed by Ye Tianlong within a week.

Although their superiors told them that General Hemanra was okay, but the video was headshot, really Hemanra.

They are ready to wait for the news tomorrow to see if Hemanra will speak.


At this moment, when a car appeared in front of him, an officer kicked a soldier and asked him to see who was coming.

The soldier came to the door and shouted through the window: "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "We are the generals, we are here to pick up reporters."

The soldier subconsciously yelled, "What do you extract reporters for?"

"The Internet has been invaded and rumors have spread. They must be used to quell the rumors."

Ye Tianlong took out a notebook and responded coldly, "This is my certificate."

The soldier felt that Ye Tianlong was justified, and he still had a certificate in his hand, so he opened the door to check out: "You wait a minute."

He didn't dare to let Ye Tianlong over, if he was really a cronies of the general, he would be sad in the future.

When the soldier came to Ye Tianlong, just holding his ID, he smelled a murderous intent and a cold light flashed.


The soldier shook his body and fell heavily to the ground, piercing his throat with the knife.

Ye Tianlong shot out from the window agilely, kicked his right foot violently, and the corpse straddled the trajectory of the door movement, preventing the door from closing again.

In the next second, he rushed in.

"Enemy attack—"

The officer just now saw this scene and subconsciously uttered a roar: "Alarm--"

While speaking, Ye Tianlong pounced at them like a cheetah.

Several soldiers raised their short guns to take aim, but found that Ye Tianlong was too fast.

He passed through them like a wolf, and the soldiers felt a little pain in the next second.

They wanted to say something, only to find that their strength was inexplicably emptied.

Their guns did not snap, until Ye Tianlong pierced the officer's throat, the three soldiers slowly fell to the ground like a collapsed statue.

A smear of blood spread slowly from their necks, and then blood rushed out, warm and strange, blooming with the last vitality.

"Pump pound!"

At the same time, more than a dozen dull gunfire sounded, and the guard tower soldiers who probed fell to the ground screaming.


Two jeeps rushed in.

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