Talented Genius

Chapter 1711: Australia City Gambling King

"Da da da!"

After the jeep rushed into the prison, the car door opened immediately, and five men in military uniforms drilled out, with a Gatling man.

With Ye Tianlong's head tilted, the five shot bullets at the same time, and the rotating muzzle ejected dense bullets, forming two bullets that flowed to the left and right.

Between the gunshots, they were so dense that many enemies were hit hard by bullets before they even had time to move down, splashing blood and falling down.

The few remaining clever enemies hiding behind the door can only watch, one by one with hot bullets, and wantonly kill the companions who can't evade.


Batch after batch of soldiers, without even clarifying the matter, turned from living beings into a pile of shattered flesh and blood.

Several soldiers were furious and wanted to shoot, but just as the muzzle came out, Gatling tore their bodies to pieces again.

During this period, Ye Tianlong held a long spear calmly, one shot at a time, exploding all eight heavy firepower enemies to their heads.

Two rocket launchers fell from a height.

In one minute, five Gatling fired more than 20,000 bullets. The prison defense line was destroyed in a disastrous manner. At least fifty people fell in a pool of blood.

"Group action!"

After the bullets were shot, the five took out submachine guns from the car, and Ye Tianlong also took two short guns and killed them directly into the prison.

The five quickly dispersed, outflanking the enemy on both sides.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong had a clear goal to march towards the depths of the prison, and the remaining soldiers had heard the movement and rushed out from various strongholds.

More than a dozen soldiers who didn't wear well clothes got out of the two rooms in the corridor and blocked Ye Tianlong's path.

Ye Tianlong didn't stay and dodge at all, but rushed towards them. At the same time, he shot a dozen bullets with both hands.

The eight enemies snorted, and the charging posture turned into a life tragic. The guns they only raised to their chests fell back weakly.

When they fell to the ground, Ye Tianlong had already shot into the remaining crowd.

He grabbed a dead body in front of him, grabbed a knife with his right hand and shot it to the right.

When a string of bullets hit the corpse, the dagger also sank into an enemy's chest, splashing patches of blood!


Then Ye Tianlong kicked the corpse out and knocked over the three enemies who came up with guns.

He also took this opportunity to roll to the ground and touched two sabers from the corpse.


Two precise shots, the two approaching enemies were immediately pierced through the chest by Ye Tianlong, and the burly body retreated a few steps to the back before crashing to the ground!

The last enemy flashed murderously, holding the submachine gun and grinning at Ye Tianlong. Just when his finger touched the trigger, a gunshot sounded.

A bullet pierced his head, passed through the back of his head and shot into the wall.

Ye Tianlong's head didn't turn back either, just a thumbs up at the night sky, giving a thumbs up to the secret snow wolf.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong grabbed two more shots, and continued to advance with an indifferent expression.

"Boom boom!"

The two guns were released continuously, and the three black shadows with guns flashed upstairs screaming instantly, and one head fell from a height.

Ye Tianlong turned around, and two more shots were fired, and the head of the enemy who rushed out of the road on the left blossomed.

An enemy who was about to cast a cold gun was shocked.

Knowing that he was not an opponent, he subconsciously ran away with a gun.

Ye Tianlong's body slammed to one side, and the muzzle protruded and hit the back of his head.

The enemy screamed and fell into the corner.

"Boom boom!"

Just in this gap, several enemies rushed out in front of him, pointed their guns at Ye Tianlong, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Ye Tianlong rolled on the spot without stopping at all.

A dozen bullets ‘dangdangdang’ hit his heel.

When Ye Tianlong dodges the enemy's shots and rubbed his pain on a pillar, a sturdy black man flashed in front of him.

He roared with a hysterical grin: "You, go to hell!"

Ye Tianlong leaned over when his shoulder was shaking, and the bullet flew past his ear.

When the enemy reacted slightly and was about to sink his muzzle and shoot again, Ye Tianlong had already hit his chest with a left knife, whistling with the wind.

With a "bang", it was severely cut on the opponent's chest.

This palm was heavy and fast, and the sturdy black "pounced" out a mouthful of blood, feeling that his sternum seemed to be cracked.

He covered his chest with both hands, looked at Ye Tianlong with fear, and sat down slowly like a puddle of mud. It was really hard for him to imagine the strength of the opponent.

In the next second, Ye Tianlong put the muzzle on his head!


Head burst! Vitality died out!

At this moment, a large number of enemies clamoring for the door appeared again, and Ye Tianlong moved away to avoid the bullet.


At this moment, another bullet came from the night sky, and an officer felt black before his eyes.

A bullet passed through his body, and shot into the throat of the enemy behind without any reduction, and then strung another guy who couldn't dodge.

The special bullet stabs the tofu to kill six people in a row, and finally stops at an enemy's chest. The blood mist rising in the night sky makes people look confused!

Ye Tianlong ignored their life and death, but grabbed two guns and fired at the living enemies. After a fierce battle, all the enemies fell to the ground.

Ye Tianlong continued on.

He calmly marched towards the destination, alternately covering and shooting with the five Xuelang men.

The morale of the Uzbek army was low, but it was beaten by Gatling again, and the resistance was disorderly, and they were strangulated in twos and threes.

From the door to the detention center, no one could stop Ye Tianlong from moving forward. Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong stopped in front of a heavy steel door.

Behind him, twelve prison guards fell in a pool of blood.


As the steel door slowly opened, Ye Tianlong's vision became clear again, and he saw a long and narrow iron grid in front of which there were two cells.

One cell was for a woman, and the other was for a man. Both men and women looked haggard, with horror on their faces.

"Shen Tianmei!"

Ye Tianlong opened the woman's cell, and then roared, and the voice fell, and he saw a person rushing out and rushing into Ye Tianlong's embrace like a swallow.

"Ye Tianlong!"

It is Shen Tianmei.

Although he was detained for a week, Shen Tianmei still had the flying as he deserved, and the delicate and soft eyes seemed to waft out at any time.

She was very happy to kiss Ye Tianlong: "Why are you here?"

Ye Tianlong let out angrily: "You have tossed yourself into a prisoner. Who else will save you if I don't come to save you?"

While holding Shen Tianmei to comfort him, he glanced at more than 80 people. Many people looked at him with bright eyes, apparently treating him as the savior.

Ye Tianlong also caught a scared girl sitting behind the female cell, twenty-four or five years old, with a centipede-like mark on her face.

"Tianlong, you are so kind to me."

Shen Tianmei is still blooming with coquettishness: "I have decided, I will go back to roll the sheets for you, and repay you well."

"Don't say so much, go back first."

Ye Tianlong gave Shen Tianmei a gun: "Hurry up, don't leave again, the army is coming."

Shen Tianmei nodded and followed Ye Tianlong out.


Ye Tianlong opened the door of another male prisoner, and then shouted to more than 80 people: "Heimanra wants 10 million dollars to lose one person."

"No one will pay this money, and no one will pay it even if it can afford it."

When more than 80 people screamed in panic, Ye Tianlong explained the situation to them: "So no one will rescue you peacefully."

"And Hemanra has already made a decision. Two days later, he saw that the money was released, but he had no money to kill."

"Everyone, you only have one way right now. Pick up the weapons outside and try to kill them."

He smiled faintly: "Let's go ahead and regret it forever."

After speaking, he pulled Shen Tianmei to leave.

"Little brother, wait a minute."

Suddenly, a western man rushed out and shouted: "If you can kill in, you can certainly kill out."

"You take me away. It's safe. I'll give you 20 million dollars."

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, another female reporter shouted: "I will give you 30 million."

"I will give you fifty million!"

"I am 80 million!"

"One billion..."

"Three hundred million!"

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong got angry on his face, and stepped forward and kicked the seven or eight bidders: "Your uncle, it's cool to shout bad checks, isn't it?"

"You are so rich, you don't need the government ransom, your family can use the money to ransom others."

He kicked the western youth who shouted 300 million: "300 million, 300 million, you have an egg of 300 million."

"Take me out."

At this moment, the girl with a scar on her face came up from the back: "My father can give you 300 million, US dollars."

Ye Tianlong gave her a white look: "Your father gave me 300 million? Your father Li Jiacheng."

The scar girl faintly said, "His name is Feng Tianba."

Shen Tianmei whispered: "Australian City Gambling King?"

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