Talented Genius

Chapter 1712: Scared them to death (four more)

Australia City Gambling King? Feng family? Rich people.

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up for an instant, but he still snorted, "You say Feng Batian is Feng Batian. I also said my brother is Bill."

"Furthermore, if you are really Feng Batian's daughter, why haven't I heard of you?"

He added: "Also, even if you are the daughter of the gambling king, he would pay 300 million dollars to ransom you? The gambling king has more than a dozen children."

Ye Tianlong also looked at Shen Tianmei and asked, Shen Tianmei also shook her head. She was familiar with Feng's family, but she had never seen this scar girl.

"Have you heard that I am not important. The important thing is that I am real and my father is willing to give you 300 million dollars."

The scar girl said coldly, "My name is Feng Yuyan. This is my dad's phone number. This is my jade pendant. You can verify my identity at any time."

She said a number to Ye Tianlong, and then took a Jade Guanyin from her neck.

When Ye Tianlong looked at Jade Guanyin, she knew that what she said was 80% true. This jade Guanyin was not only an emperor's green, but also the workmanship was extremely delicate.

This jade Guanyin is worth at least ten million.

"Verify what... Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha."

Ye Tianlong put Jade Guanyin directly in his arms, and then turned his head slightly: "It is fate to meet today, so you can leave with us."

When Shen Tianmei laughed at the little man as shameless as ever, Ye Tianlong gave Feng Yuyan a gun and told her to follow her out.

Feng Yuyan's eyelids jumped, despising Ye Tianlong's behavior, but in the end she said nothing, and walked outside with him with the gun.

More than 80 reporters glanced at each other, then shouted, and a swarm of people chased Ye Tianlong and the others.

Ye Tianlong didn't take them away, wouldn't they follow Ye Tianlong?

"Your uncle--"

Ye Tianlong turned his head and looked at the crowd behind him. He was about to scream depressed, but saw a Uzbek soldier in front of him climbing up from the grass.

It was like an enemy who had been seriously injured and had not died.


Without waiting for Ye Tianlong to take action, Feng Yuyan exploded the opponent's head with a shot just beside him.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then gave a thumbs up: "Good job."

He was very pleased that Feng Yuyan had so many times, then the evacuation would not become a burden, and it would be much easier to earn 300 million US dollars.

The entire prison was blood-washed, so Ye Tianlong and the others evacuated very quickly, and they arrived at the prison gate in no time.

Three jeeps were already parked at the door, and Snow Wolf saw the dark crowd around Ye Tianlong, and his expression was astonished: "So many people?"

"They followed by themselves."

Ye Tianlong stuffed Shen Tianmei and Feng Yuyan into the car, and then pointed a finger at some military vehicles in the prison: "You have to survive, and drive by yourself."

The eighty-odd people swarmed on three military vehicles and held various weapons on high alert.

Although these reporters who occupy the land have been detained for a week, their physical fitness and combat effectiveness are still higher than that of ordinary people, so they will not fall behind for a while.

"Who is this person?"

Xuelang looked at Feng Yuyan and shouted, "Don't you just save Miss Shen?"

Ye Tianlong responded with his headset: "This is a gold mine, don't talk nonsense, and drive away."


At this moment, a dozen military vehicles suddenly drove in front of them. There were more than 300 black soldiers on both sides of the vehicles. Many of them were panting.

They have all kinds of guns in their hands, as well as a few machetes. They are not at the same level as the prison guards, but they are crowded.

Especially at this hour of the night, the skin color of the black soldiers made people feel wrong. Five or six hundred people came over, it was a sense of thousands of troops surging.

More than 80 reporters saw so many black soldiers coming, they suddenly screamed in horror, and the driver ran away as soon as he stepped on the accelerator and turned around.

"Don't run, don't run!"

Ye Tianlong roared: "Come back, come back!"

In the words, the three military vehicles ran faster, swish and rushed away, hoping that the black soldiers would rush out before surrounded.

However, their illusions were quickly shattered, and within three hundred meters, more than two hundred black soldiers appeared at another intersection, blocking their path.

Amidst the black soldiers' scolding, more than 80 reporters missed a shot and threw their guns and hugged their heads begging for mercy.

Ye Tianlong couldn't stop cursing secretly: waste.

Seeing that both sides were blocked by the enemy, the five werewolves under the Snow Wolf took out their weapons one after another, facing the black crowd.

In the distance, a small team responsible for the reception also quietly picked up the rocket launcher.

Upon seeing this, Shen Tianmei whispered: "Tianlong, what should I do? Return to the prison for defense?"

The snow wolf also had a numb scalp: "The opponent came faster than we thought. We only have 20 ammunition left. It is difficult to kill these 800 people."

Feng Yuyan said coldly: "Even if you die, you must die on the charge."

"Tsk, the world is so beautiful, it's boring to die at every turn."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then twisted his neck to open the skylight: "Don't worry, although the other party is crowded, they are all mobs."

"As long as I yell at my name, they will run away."

Feng Yuyan said coldly, "If you don't blow, you will die?"

"Wait, then."

Ye Tianlong laughed, then pulled the skylight with both hands and jumped out, rushing into the prison quickly, and soon he turned back again.

It's just that there are seven or eight heads tied together in his hand.

When the black soldier stepped forward with his gun, Ye Tianlong suddenly took a step forward. As soon as the muzzle was raised, the body of the three guys carrying the rockets shook.

Then, their heads blossomed, and they fell to the ground, so they couldn't die again.

The sharp and neat marksmanship not only caused the black soldiers to strain their nerves, but also raised their guns and shouted, and there was a sense of dignity in their hearts.

When he was about to shoot someone, Ye Tianlong suddenly jumped into the car and yelled, "Ye Tianlong is here. Come up to me without fear of death."

The sound resounded like a huge thunder, resounding through the black soldiers on both sides.

It's too loud, it's like a thunder.

"Ye Tianlong?"

When Feng Yuyan was noncommittal, the black team stopped breathing for a while, and countless people stared at Ye Tianlong on the roof in shock.

The three words Ye Tianlong were put on last night. Few black people present knew about it, but now, no one does not know.

That is the person who single-handedly smashed into the presidential palace. Even the regular army was destroyed by his regiment. How could they not know him?

The black soldier shouted with difficulty:

"Ye Tianlong?"

"Are you Ye Tianlong?"

"He is really Ye Tianlong!"

They looked at Ye Tianlong, their muzzles drooping unconsciously.

"Hemanra was killed by me, Hahatu was saved by me, and the prison was my last stop."

Ye Tianlong's voice was loud and loud: "More than a hundred guards were all killed by me. If you are not afraid of death, come up to me."

This remark immediately caused an uproar. Many blacks looked towards the dead prison and the rich blood, and again invisibly believed Ye Tianlong's words.


Then, Ye Tianlong flicked his hands and threw seven or eight heads into the black crowd. They were immediately scared and backed away embarrassed, thinking it was a bomb.

Seeing the **** head or the big figures in the prison, the black soldier screamed again, and the fear of Ye Tianlong grew stronger.

Ye Tianlong roared, "Give you a chance, get out, or I will tear you up."

The next second, as soon as he pressed the eagle jersey on his body, the whole person immediately rose three meters, condescending, and the volume seemed to have increased a lot.

"Oh my God, he's getting bigger!"

"Oh my god, he can fly."

"His eyes turned red."

"His nails are getting longer."

"Run, run! Ye Tianlong is going to kill."

In the crowd, someone deliberately dropped a saber or gun, and then made a panicked sound:

"The big demon Ye Tianlong is going to kill someone!"

"Ye Tianlong who tears the devil is here, and Ye Tianlong who killed the general is here!"

"Run quickly, or you will die."

"Ye Tianlong is going to eat people, run away."

After the team that had surrounded them, after screaming one after another, dozens of black people yelled and threw their swords and guns, turned around and fled to the original road.

They not only smashed into the formation, but also made the team even more frightened. Then, just like contracting the plague, many people followed.

As they ran, they shouted: "Run, Ye Tianlong is here, Ye Tianlong is tearing the devil."

At the same time, more than a dozen white smoke came out of the team, bewildering everyone's sight, and making them even more panic.

The black man standing behind was confused, but when he heard the three words Ye Tianlong and saw his companions running desperately, they also ran away...

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong took advantage of this opportunity and fired eight shots in one breath, directly killing the eight black officers who were about to order to stop, and then shouted:


More than 800 people screamed, turned around and ran...

Feng Yuyan and Shen Tianmei were directly confused.

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