Talented Genius

Chapter 1714: Take the dog's life

"Be careful!"

Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly. He didn't expect a helicopter to chase after him. This shouldn't be the case. He asked Can Shou to take someone to the helicopter team to do some tricks.

It's just that there is no time to think about it at this moment, he can only yell at everyone: "Jump off the car!"

When the snow wolf stepped on the brakes, the helicopter was already pressing over from the sky, and the fuselage was slowly lowered.

It approached Ye Tianlong and the others unhurriedly, and also stuck out a machine gun barrel. This scene was extremely thrilling.

It looked like a killer came from the netherworld.

The metallic luster machine gun appeared in the dark from time to time, as if it was about to harvest everyone's lives.

Overbearing momentum, no fight has already been defeated!

"Boom boom!"

Several Western men couldn't bear the pressure and stood on the truck and shouted, raising their guns and pouring bullets frantically at the helicopter.

The bullet hit the helicopter with a crisp sound, but it did not harm the cabin crew at all.

The next second, the barrel of the gun slammed against them, and the sound of intense gunfire sounded earth-shaking.

"Da da da!"

Countless bullets swept toward the shooting reporter in an arc, and the ground under Ye Tianlong's feet shook, and the bullets directly tore the shooter.

"Jump! Jump!"

Ye Tianlong, who had pulled Shen Tianmei and rolled down, yelled at the reporter who was still in the truck: "Don't stay in the truck."

Amidst the panic shouts of a dozen reporters, the helicopter's machine gun fired mercilessly again, sweeping the last truck beyond recognition.

Compared with the helicopter’s pulling wind and firepower, the guns in the hands of reporters are pale like fire sticks...


At this time, in the darkness, two rockets were fired, whizzing toward the helicopter, and the secretly protected response team used heavy weapons.


Seeing two rockets coming, the helicopter also fired two artillery shells. The four fireballs collided in the air, making a earth-shattering sound.

Then, the sky was bright, and countless fragments and flames fell, leaving the ground with flames and black smoke.

Although the rocket did not blast off the helicopter, the huge momentum made it raise several meters, giving Ye Tianlong time to conceal.

"Boom boom!"

When Ye Tianlong took Shen Tianmei into the ruins by the roadside, several reporters were raising their submachine guns and shooting at the hovering helicopter.

They want to take advantage of the victory.

The bullet hit the helicopter as a sound, and there were more than a dozen shocking bullet marks on the fuselage, but the helicopter was unharmed.

"Da da da!"

After shaking for a while, the helicopter quickly stopped and the machine gun deflected again, firing mercilessly.

After a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, the six reporters were beaten into a pile of flesh and blood, and the truck's baffle was also cracked, obviously unable to withstand the pouring of bullets.

The wounded, intact, climbed out of the car screaming, avoiding the machine gun and fired again.

At this moment, the machine gun was deflected and swept toward another military vehicle. The bullets poured down like rain, and the three reporters who were jumping from the vehicle screamed and fell to the ground.

"Get down! Get down!"

An anger flashed in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and then stared at the personnel on the helicopter. There were four people in total, all wearing body armor and a mask.

Although the package is tight, Ye Tianlong can still judge that these are definitely not black soldiers. Judging from the skin color of their wrists, 80% are Asian.

Ye Tianlong analyzed a lot of things, but they were all done in flash flint.

Then, he rolled out and threw down Feng Yuyan who was shooting: "Be careful!"

Feng Yuyan was flashing out of the ruins, and the gunman who was about to take out the machine gun with one shot, but unexpectedly a cloud of smoke blurred his vision.

Locked the helicopter again, but saw that the opponent had turned around, and the muzzle was also pressed.

"Da da da!"

When Ye Tianlong rolled into a ditch with Feng Yuyan in his arms, a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and dozens of bullets poured into Feng Yuyan's position.

The rubble splashed and the dust was flying.


At this moment, a shot was fired, and a bullet burst out from the darkness, and hit the helicopter's propeller.

There was a loud bang and the propeller snapped.

At the same time, a large red flame spread across the top of the machine, and Ye Tianlong knew at a glance that it was a bullet shot by a snow wolf.

The helicopter hovered and fell uncontrollably, slamming into the ground with a large flame, and hitting the ground with many people screaming.


The falling helicopter made an explosion, deafening, soaring into the sky, countless fragments flying horizontally, half of his head exploded in front of Ye Tianlong.

Feng Yuyan shuddered when she saw this, but soon recovered her calm.

Ye Tianlong was about to kick the half of his head away, but his eyes stopped suddenly, his eyes fell on the other party's mask of flesh and blood.

It was half a silver mask, Ye Tianlong thought of the mysterious man on the sea in the deep city...

As Ye Tianlong was turning his thoughts, Feng Yuyan broke free from Ye Tianlong's embrace, and then squeezed out two words: "Thank you."

Ye Tianlong nodded without speaking, then put half of the mask in his arms...

All the enemies of the helicopter died, and the helicopter was not seen in the follow-up. The Snow Wolf quickly counted the casualties.

The results of the inventory came out very quickly. Except for the two jeeps, the rest of the cars broke down. Twenty-three reporters were killed and five others were injured.

Shen Tianmei and Feng Yuyan treated the wounds for the wounded.

Snow Wolf pulled Ye Tianlong to the side and whispered: "Ye Shao, in this situation, we can no longer take them to evacuate."

"In addition to the fact that the enemy does not know when they will come out again, the evacuation on foot takes at least five hours. Our risk has doubled."

She analyzed the current situation: "Although we still have a few cars, they are all dedicated to the reception team and it is impossible to move them out."

"It's difficult to find a car along the way. This ghost place is still in the middle of the night. Except for the military camp, there are cars, and the people can hardly see even motorcycles."

Xue Lang let out a long breath: "Let's withdraw first by ourselves."

"Although I have always been a fellow Daoist and not a poor Dao, but I have promised them to leave together, then I can't go back."

Ye Tianlong has a solemn expression, but his face is not too tangled: "In this way, the wounded and Tian Mei squeeze in the jeep, while the rest of the reporters walk."

"Five hours is a little longer, but it's fine as long as you be careful."

Ye Tianlong scanned the remaining fifty-odd people: "They are war correspondents, and their feet are strong enough to support them."

Snow Wolf frowned: "I believe they can go to a safe zone, but if chasing soldiers catch up again, it is very likely that none of them can go."

Ye Tianlong shook her hand: "Don't worry, as long as you can support it for two hours, all chasing soldiers and difficulties will be relieved."

Xue Lang narrowed his beautiful eyes: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Tianlong took out a folded photo with a strong pitbull on one side:

"Take the dog's life."

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