Talented Genius

Chapter 1715: Mr. Silver

As the night got darker, a rain began to fall in the sky, which made the Ufidus temperature drop a lot and made people feel more chill.

In the presidential palace, Hemanra also put on a military uniform, walking around the command center, with a solemn expression.

Today is the most aggrieved day of his life. He received dozens of calls from the afternoon to the evening, all of whom were allies made by Africa.

They first confirmed whether he had died, and then all reminded him not to be too cruel.

Mutiny and seizure do not matter, murder and arson are also normal. After all, this kind of story is staged every day in Africa, but it is too much to gouge the heart and steal the kidney and eat human blood.

If there is such a brutal behavior, everyone will not be used to go there in the future, and they will not be allies. After all, they don't want to be stinking for thousands of years.

Hemanra’s dry-mouthed explanation barely dispelled the doubts of his allies, but many finalized cooperation still stopped.

This made Hemanla depressed to vomit blood.

However, he was even more angry. The subordinates have not solved the problem so far. No matter whether it is online channels or TV communication, they cannot fully control it.

Two hours after the official interrupted the network and communication, and tried to return to normal to send instructions, a large number of pushes flooded into people's mobile phones immediately.

It's all about Hemanra's atrocities and news of his death again.

The government can only cut off the network and communication again. Although the power outage and disconnection have slowed down the rumors, it has also made people more fearful.

This is also the reason Hemanra is angry.

"What do you eat?"

Hemanra yelled: "How many hours have it been since the problem has not been solved yet? The network cannot be controlled, and the TV station can't broadcast it."

"I spend so much money to support you, but you can't do anything well?"

He strode forward, kicked a uniformed man flying, and then slapped a black woman down:

"Tomorrow morning, can you guarantee that my clarification meeting will proceed without any interference?"

He uttered a sentence: "I don't want to have a bunch of confusing pictures on the screen."

There was silence for a while around, and it seemed that he didn't know how to respond to this question. After a long time, a middle-aged man bit his head and said:

"General, don't worry, there must be no problem before dawn. I have already asked a few technical experts to help, so I should be able to do something."

No guarantee, you may die now, guarantee, there is still a bet one night.

"Okay, I'll give you another night."

Hemanra returned to her position and pulled a collar open and said, "After seven o'clock in the morning, I don't want to see any news that discredited me."


At this moment, the one-eyed woman walked in with a solemn look on her face: "I just received news from the prison."

"Ye Tianlong led a man to attack the prison, killing more than 100 guards and prison guards."

She added the last sentence: "He saved all over 80 journalists."

Hemanra stopped walking in circles and glanced at the one-eyed woman: "He attacked the prison and saved the reporter?"

"Is his brain flooded? What did he do to save the reporter? More than 80 people, how did he get out?"

He turned and looked at Ufidu's map, as well as the distance from the prison to the border: "Ye Tianlong is going to make a noise."

"He rescued the reporter and killed me as a cover, his real intention is Hahatu."

"I didn't have a chance to kill me, so I rescued the reporter, and really attacked the prison, trying to make the details to the utmost, in order to deceive me by deploying heavy troops to encircle."

Heimanra seemed to have discovered something, and a joke was conjured up at the corner of her mouth: "Unfortunately I am not as idiot as he thought."

"I don't believe it. He came to Ufidu all the way to save the reporters. What benefits can those reporters give him afterwards?"

Hemanra squeezed out a cigar: "And it's an almost impossible task."

"Sixty kilometers before they can reach the border, this distance is enough for me to kill him thousands of times."

He snorted: "Ye Tianlong, if you want to play, I will play with you."

"If the order continues, we will continue to strengthen guard against Hahatu and the others, and at the same time let the militia group attack to contain Ye Tianlong and the reporters."

Heimanla's eyes flickered: "Ye Tianlong, I see what tricks you can play."

The one-eyed woman who couldn't find a chance to interrupt, exhaled a long breath and replied: "General, the militia can't attack."

Hemanra's eyes cold: "Why? Can't contact? Then take my warrant to the barracks."

The corners of the one-eyed woman's lips moved a bit: "It's not that we can't get in touch, but the militia has collapsed."

"The militia group besieged them for the first time, but they were defeated in less than ten minutes. They were all frightened by Ye Tianlong."

There was helplessness on her face: "There are now less than two hundred people gathered in the barracks, and all of them are panicked and have no fighting power."

Hemanra's voice sank: "Scared away?"

"Are those all rubbish? Can this be frightened?"

He shouted: "Is Ye Tianlong really a god?"

The one-eyed woman sighed: "They didn't regard Ye Tianlong as a god, but as a great demon."

"Those circulating on the Internet have deeply penetrated their hearts and washed their heads."

She briefly described the situation: "Plus the general's life and death have not yet been clarified, Ye Tianlong has two more skills, so they were frightened and fled."

"What a waste! When I stabilize, I must clean up the militia."

Heimanla's face sank: "The militia can't do it, then transfer two helicopters to kill them, and one by one will kill me."

"The helicopter team was attacked by graphite dust, and the circuit had a short circuit problem. The technicians are rushing to repair it."

The one-eyed woman added: "But the general's three friends heard that the prison was attacked and flew over in their own helicopter."

"Are they chasing Ye Tianlong?"

Hemanra was initially frustrated by the angry helicopter team, but when he heard the three friends frowned: "Who let them go?"

"How long have you been there? Let them come back right away! They can't have an accident."

The one-eyed woman replied in a low voice, "They went there for more than an hour, but the communication was not good, and it was fed back to me five minutes ago."

"They can't be contacted now, civilian communications have been interrupted, and their frequency has not been left to us."

She has a dry mouth: "I am worried that they are in danger..."

Hemanra yelled: "Send me two queues. In any case, we must protect their safety."

The one-eyed woman straightened her body: "Yes!"

When the one-eyed woman turned and went out to arrange things, the safe flashed a red light, and Hei Manla hurriedly opened the safe and took out a black box.

Turn it on, there is a satellite phone inside.

He closed the door, then picked up the phone to answer, respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Yin."

A gentle and flat voice soon came from my ear: "Hey Manra, you have disappointed me."

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