Talented Genius

Chapter 1716: Break into

Hearing this voice, Hemanra changed her expression seriously:

"Mr. Silver, I'm sorry, but I am incompetent and messed up the situation."

Although Hemanra is now the overlord of Ufidu, he dare not be arrogant to Mr. Silver on the phone.

Although Hemanra has never seen the other side's face, and the other party wears a silver mask every time, Hemanra knows how good he is.

The reason why he dared to overthrow the Hahatu government was because of the aid of the other side, money, weapons, and two groups of black python soldiers who attacked the sky.

The secret intelligence of the Eagle Nation Commando provided by the other party made Hemanra feel the amazing ability of the other party, so he dared not make a mistake.

At this moment, Mr. Yin said faintly: "I thought that after you kill the Eagle Nation Commando, you can completely control the situation in Ufidu."

"But I didn't expect that you would be frustrated by Ye Tianlong."

Mr. Silver snorted unceremoniously: "Mr. Hemanra, I am a little disappointed by your ability to control."

"Mr. Silver, rest assured, this is only temporary."

Heiman twitched his eyelids and hurriedly replied softly, "The main reason for this situation is that I didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so shameless."

"Using a large number of naval forces and technical superiority to blackmail me has made people panic, but you can rest assured that you must control the situation before dawn."

Hemanra promised: "I will crush all rumors."

"You have to regain control of the situation as soon as possible, and completely stabilize Wu Fei's heart, otherwise your good times will end."

Mr. Yin's voice is very stern: "Ye Tianlong not only blacked you in Ufidu, but also blacked you in Africa and the world."

"Say you dig people's hearts, eat human blood, kill innocent people, and ruin women. There are not only texts, but also pictures and videos."

"Although many of them are edited, the public can't recognize them. Now all major forums are putting your crimes on top."

He told Hemanra: "People around the world can be described as turbulent."

Heimanla was furious: "Ye Tianlong, bastard! When I caught him, I must cut off his tongue and cut his hands."

He did not expect that in a day, he would become a world-class villain.

Mr. Yin's tone was sharp: "There will be at least 30 demonstrations against your atrocities tomorrow, and the pressure on the UN is increasing."

"The possibility of the Eagle Nation and their joint troops has also changed from 10% to 50%."

"The remaining five achievements depend on your control of Ufidu. If they find you are exhausted, then they will absolutely solve you by airborne troops."

Mr. Silver reminded Hemanra: "If you have absolute control over Ufidu, they will reconsider the peace method out of consideration for the price."


Hemanra nodded, and then added: "Mr. Silver, I have something to report to you."

"The three adjutants you sent to assist me, they knew that Ye Tianlong had rescued the reporter, so they drove a helicopter to pursue them."

He whispered: "It's been an hour, and they haven't come back yet."

Mr. Yin's tone changed, two points more fiercely: "Who told them to chase?"

Hemanra bit her lip and said, "No one... seems to be chasing by themselves..."

"What an idiot."

Mr. Yin said in a low voice, and then said coldly: "Well, I know about this, I will contact them."

"What is the situation with the black python soldier now? Is there any irritability?"

Hemanra laughed: "No, they are very good and strong, and they are also forbidden. For me, they are definitely a perfect team."

"If I have 10,000 such underlings, I am willing to exchange the entire three armies."

Mr. Yin said faintly: "Just perfect, use them well, they won't let you down."

"I hope you won't let me down."

"If you can stabilize the current situation and become the president, I will build you a larger black python team."

He threw a big pie: "At that time, you can sweep the African continent and become the king of Africa."

Hemanra was extremely happy: "Thank you Mr. Silver, thank you Mr. Silver."

Mr. Yin reminded him: "Also, Ye Tianlong is very cunning. He said that he would take your life, and he might really attack you."

"While you are optimistic about Hahatu, you must strengthen your own security and don't give him a chance to attack."

His voice came out coldly: "You are dead. Not only did you lose your life, but my interests were also seriously damaged."

"Mr. Silver, don't worry, I will start a curfew tonight."

Hemanla looked at the time and said: "At the same time, I transferred the heavy armored troops to guard, I will not let Ye Tianlong attack."


Mr. Yin said the temperature calmed down: "The three God-controlled members I sent to Ufidu will also arrive at the border at noon tomorrow."

"You will send someone to pick them up when you arrive."

"With them, you can hypnotize Hahatu and the others, let them just make way for you, and at the same time hand over the keys and secret orders of the treasury."

He chuckled, "You can also be legally in position."

Hemanra is overjoyed: "Mr. Silver, don't worry, I will arrange it properly."

Mr. Yin said softly: "I wish you success in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Hemanla took out a glass of vodka and drank two glasses of vodka, then looked at the time to order a full curfew, and at the same time let the reloaded troops enter.

Following his instructions one by one, Ufidu Street quickly lost a lot of pedestrians, and many business premises were closed in the wind and rain.

There are many more military vehicles at various entrances and exits.

Military vehicles first set up cards in urban areas and strategically important locations, and then advanced to the suburbs to tightly control Ufidu, a population of less than tens of millions.


The wind and rain fluttered, Xiao Mori's breath was fierce, and the night became deep.

When Ufidu began to fall silent, twelve military vehicles, four armored vehicles and three tanks also slowly drove into the vicinity of the presidential palace.

They guarded the entrances and exits of various power institutions and kept the area from dripping.

Then, four military vehicles entered the presidential palace and stopped one by one in order. Eighty elites got out of the vehicle quickly and gathered together with a desperate look.

Then, they rushed to their respective positions in the command of the officer, and a team guarded the gate of the main building. The strength of the troops was doubled.

The area quickly returned to calm, but it didn't take long for the four military vehicles to have four more shadows on the chassis, like a ghost.

Ye Tianlong, Dalmatians, Canshou and Snow Wolf.

The three Xuelang immediately turned over and knelt after touching the ground, they quickly dispersed in Wubing uniforms, and the explosives in their hands were silently thrown out.

Ye Tianlong swept over a tank not far away, and a carnivore craziness bloomed in his eyes.


Three minutes later, the tank that had been dead silently lowered its barrel and pointed straight at Hemanra's command!


A shell blasted into the building.

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