Talented Genius

Chapter 1717: The final contest




Three non-stop shells slammed into the presidential palace one after another, exploding a series of stunning sparks.

With the earth-shattering explosion, the walls and pillars that were hit instantly shattered, and the windows and doors shattered to the ground at the same time.

More than 30 soldiers were abruptly overturned by the shock wave and fell to the ground covered in blood.

Before the other officers and soldiers could react, the tank blasted out the last two shells mercilessly, this time directly piercing the entire hall.

The officers and soldiers rushing to the hall were instantly blasted into meat sauce, and the two pillars of the hall cracked.

The presidential palace shook, shuddered, and made a sound of collapse, which would become ruin at any time.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, explosives around the garden also exploded, military vehicles or armored vehicles swayed, and officers and soldiers who came with guns were also blown up.

The entire presidential palace became a sea of ​​flames, and the alarm sounded sternly.

Ye Tianlong ignored it and ordered the tank to rush towards the building, and then quickly came out of the tank.

He was as agile as a cat. When he jumped from the tank, his right hand shot two bullets, and the heads of two nearby enemies blossomed to the ground.


Just as the tank slammed into the building and made a loud crash, a burly figure hit the ground on its toes, and the whole figure came out from the corner of the upper floor like a cannonball.

He also held a dog in his hand, it was Hemanla. He went to the corridor window to breathe fresh air, so he escaped Ye Tianlong's shelling.

People are in the air, and the sound of collapse is loud enough to grow into a dragon, shaking Hemanla's eardrums with a huge momentum.

The flames soared into the sky, even the rain couldn't kill it.


The ground is shaking, the mountains are falling apart and the ground is cracking. This is the feeling that Hemanla gave birth to. The collapsed building is like a flood that floods the original site.

The building was turned into ruins in ten seconds, and the explosion made bricks and stones fly around the sky.

Hemanla, who was in mid-air, was not only hit in the back by two bricks, but also four or five somersaults smashed to the ground by the air wave.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The Uzbek soldiers shouted loudly. Hundreds of people moved quickly. All sorts of people approached the center of the incident.

Hemanra wanted to tell them to be careful, but it was too late.


I saw a few explosives falling into the crowd, two loud noises, two more pits in the crowd, and more than 30 people directly disappeared from the field of vision.

More than fifty people were overturned by the air wave, and the scene was a **** mess.

Canshou and Dalmatians were killed from the dark, four submachine guns fired, a large number of soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

The Snow Wolf took off the sniper rifle behind him, squeezed into the special bullets, and then slammed the trigger at the armored vehicle that opened at the door.


A yellow bullet hit it and hit the front of the armored vehicle severely. There was only a loud noise, followed by a crackling crackle.

In the eyes of countless people, the armored vehicle seemed to have been shocked by a high-voltage electric shock. There was a burst of dense sparks, and then it exploded with a bang.

The Snow Wolf didn't stop, another bullet hit the front, and the bullet penetrated into the long, flat barrel.


There was another loud noise, the barrel was abruptly blown off, a puff of black smoke came out, and then I heard a scream from inside.

Then the whole tank was overturned, countless ammunition poured around, more than 30 soldiers could not dodge and fell to the ground wailing.

The Snow Wolf suppressed the Uzbek army in a powerful and domineering manner.

Hemanla's body became stiff in an instant, his eyes fixed on the scene, and there was explosive explosives that continued to explode. After a daze for two seconds, he roared:

"Ye Tianlong! Ye Tianlong! I want to kill you! I'll kill you!"

He wiped the dirt on his face: "Kill them!"

Hemanra is very angry. Although she has experienced countless winds and rains in her life and nine deaths several times, she has never been so embarrassed as she is today.

Not only was Ye Tianlong completely blacked out, he was also infiltrated into the presidential palace at various levels, and he almost lost his life.

How can this not make him feel angry?

"General! General!"

At this time, in the black smoke, a group of soldiers ran over with gray heads and gray faces, and while approaching Hemanra, they caringly shouted, "Here we are!"

As they approached Hemanla, a piece of black smoke suddenly rolled, and a figure burst out from inside.

Ye Tianlong lay directly among the soldiers, his killing intent glowing.

Heimanla's face changed drastically, and she screamed, "Be careful!"

"Boom boom!"

Although Hemanra warned him for the first time, it was too late for the group of soldiers. Ye Tianlong had already held two guns and fired mercilessly.

After a burst of gunfire, the fifteen soldiers didn't even raise their muzzle, they were all shot headshot by Ye Tianlong.

The bullet was lit up, black smoke drifted by, and twelve guards flashed again. Ye Tianlong didn't have time to replace the bullet and slid out on the grass.

He instantly pulled the group of guards close to Hemanra.


Two daggers flew out, and two black soldiers screamed and fell to the ground, their eyes falling in front of Ye Tianlong.

Hemanra yelled: "Kill him, kill him!"

Seven or eight soldiers hurriedly fired, Ye Tianlong had jumped and avoided dozens of bullets that were directed at him.

Then he pulled up a corpse as a shield, and the black soldier shouted and shot.

"Da da da--"

The bullets shuttled continuously in the rain, and for a while, the tracer flickered, irritating the eyes.

Dozens of bullets poured on the corpse like rain, causing Ye Tianlong to retreat four steps, and one of the bullets passed through the corpse and hit him.

It's just that the eagle suit and the silkworm armor on his body have resisted the damage of bullets.


When the black soldier's gunfire weakened slightly, Ye Tianlong screamed and shook the corpse.

Countless bullet heads burst from the body like raindrops.

"Boom boom!"

The six soldiers in front were the first to be hit by the fragments, and their bones fell back and flew out with a crisp sound. On the way, a large mouthful of red blood was sprayed.

The soldier who was hit by the warhead dropped his gun, screamed and fell to the ground holding the wound, and lost his breath after two twitches.

When they died with wide-eyed eyes, Ye Tianlong had already thrown out the corpse and overturned the two of them, and then rushed over with a dagger.

With a slash, the tip of the knife split their trachea.

Then, with a shake of his right hand, the dagger hit the heart of an enemy who fired.

"Black Manra!"

Ye Tianlong then grabbed a saber and slid out like a cheetah!


He slashed at Hemanra who was struggling to get up, and Hemanra hurriedly took the knife to block.


With a loud noise, Heimanla spurted blood in his mouth and flew out. When he fell to the ground, he twisted his body abruptly and knelt on the ground abruptly.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at Ye Tianlong and let out a low growl: "Ye Tianlong!"

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