Talented Genius

Chapter 1718: Take your life

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Long time no see."

Heymanra said with difficulty: "Are you really working hard for Hahatu?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head gently: "No, I'm just here to save people."


Heimanla suddenly whistle, and the pitbull roared, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and it rushed towards Ye Tianlong, with a mouthful of blood, which was amazing.


Ye Tianlong turned over and clicked directly with one foot, hitting the Pitbull's ribs with his toes, making a crackling sound.

The Pitbull howled and turned out seven or eight meters. His head was still colliding with the stone. He wanted to struggle but was already weak, and blood came out of the dog's mouth.


Pitbull stared at Ye Tianlong, yelling furiously and helplessly.

Hemanla shook her body, saw a submachine gun not far away, twisted her body and rushed to take the gun.

Ye Tianlong is too powerful, close combat is not an opponent at all, Hemanla can only fight with a gun.

Unfortunately, Ye Tianlong didn't give him a chance.


Ye Tianlong exploded and shot, and the saber in his hand whizzed down again, the speed and strength were frightening.

Hemanra felt a little bit in his heart, he felt the danger of death at this moment, and he didn't expect the other party to bite so tightly.

At this moment, all the actions were based solely on the instinct of years of blood and fire experience, and he turned his head and collided with Ye Tianlong again.


Just when he swung the stab in his hand, a saber hit the blade hard.

A piercing metal sound rang, and Heimanla slid a few meters on the ground with a knife, all over her body in a muddy and embarrassed state, and she spewed a big mouthful of blood during the fall.

His face instantly turned pale, and his right hand trembled slightly, but he knelt back with a muffled snort when he wanted to stand up!

It is difficult to gather the power to fight again.

Ye Tianlong picked up a short gun and stepped forward with a bright smile: "General, good evening!"


Just as Ye Tianlong was about to step forward to take down Hemanra, a person suddenly popped up in the darkness, as if a gust of wind rushed towards Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong did not hesitate, and raised his hand with two shots, but to his surprise, the other party calmly avoided the bullet.

Then, a masked man appeared, and after avoiding two bullets, his hind feet exerted force, and he rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

He also holds a knife in his hand.

The opponent immediately rushed to two meters, Ye Tianlong had no time to shoot, the dagger drew across a sharp arc, and instantly slashed towards the masked man's arm.

Ye Tianlong, who had already felt that something was wrong, did not retain his strength or deliberately deliberately deliberately. He knew that he had to kill this person as quickly as possible.


Hearing a loud noise, the two knives collided fiercely. Although the masked man was fast enough, his strength was still not as powerful as Ye Tianlong.

With a click, he even carried a knife in his hand and was severed by Ye Tianlong.

The red blood splashed Ye Tianlong's face.

Only the masked man with the broken arm did not scream or scream, and suddenly jumped up again.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth moved, saying that his right leg was gathering strength, and he was a whip to the opponent who rushed over!

The man in the mask was kicked and shook his head. He staggered back and almost fell. Ye Tianlong's right leg also suffered from pain, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

This leg didn't even tip the opponent?

Ye Tianlong jumped up again without stagnation, and kicked the opponent's abdomen again.

When the masked man's abdomen shook his mouth and gasped, Ye Tianlong didn't let go of this good opportunity, and the dagger in his hand was lifted out.

With a muffled noise, the dagger pierced through the opponent's mouth and directly penetrated the entire head.

The tip of the knife protruding from the back of the head was covered with red blood.

When Ye Tianlong pulled out the dagger, the masked man immediately slid down in midair like a frustrated ball.


When Ye Tianlong was about to lift the opponent's mask, he smelled a bad wind coming from behind again, still a fleeting speed.

Ye Tianlong didn't have time to turn his head. He stabbed his backhand with a knife. He only heard a pounce, the tip of the knife pierced the abdomen of a masked man.

The blood soaked Ye Tianlong's whole body instantly.

It was just that the knife didn't immediately kill him. The masked man let out a low growl, his eyes were red and he bit at Ye Tianlong's neck.


When Ye Tianlong's face changed drastically and was about to abandon the knife and retreat, a bullet shot over. The masked man's eyes were cold and his head tilted sideways.

The bullet grazed his nose.

So awesome?

Not only was Ye Tianlong surprised, but the snow wolf who shot was also astonished. When he was about to shoot another shot, Ye Tianlong had already reacted and swept his dagger upward.

The man in the mask snorted and retreated.

Ye Tianlong took a backhand knife and nailed it into the neck of the masked man, and then kicked him away.

"Damn! Who is this?"

Ye Tianlong picked up a submachine gun and was about to step forward to check the two masked men, but saw a thick smoke rising from them, and then set himself on fire.

The flame was fast and burning fiercely. In less than 30 seconds, the entire body surface was scorched, beyond recognition and unrecognizable.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth moved a little, and he secretly asked where these two guys are? Can spontaneous combustion when dead?

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it. When he saw Hemanla was grabbing a gun, Ye Tianlong raised his hand with two bullets and directly interrupted Hemanla's right hand.

Then, Ye Tianlong swept out a shuttle bullet against the night sky and shouted:

"I'm Ye Tianlong! Heimanla has been taken down by me. Give me a ceasefire."

His voice was very loud, and it was a time when the fighting was weak, so this roar was heard almost throughout the garden.

The sound of gunshots, cars, and tracks quickly fell silent, and countless lights passed through the black smoke and fire, all looking at the sound source.

In the field of vision, Ye Tianlong held the submachine gun against Heymanla's head.

"Ye Tianlong?"

"Big Demon King Ye Tianlong?"

"Didn't he just attack the prison? Why did he enter the presidential palace again?"

"Didn't you watch the video? He is the God of War. He can kill wherever he wants!"

"Oh my God, it is Ye Tianlong. He is too courageous to attack the general."

"He carried the rocket launcher seven times in and out of the White House and the Red House, and it was all right. What's so strange about killing here?"

When Xuelang and the others slowly retreated and hid in the bunker, the Uzbek soldiers at the scene talked about Ye Tianlong again, their voices with fear and trepidation.

The muzzle of many people hangs invisibly.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Heimanla had pain on her face, looking up at Ye Tianlong and shouting out:

"Aren't you killing me for money?"

He tempted Ye Tianlong: "Give me a way of life, I give Hahatu ten times."

Although he didn't want to bow his head to Ye Tianlong, he knew in his heart that although he had many soldiers and guns, it was useless for Ye Tianlong.

In addition to being pinched, the soldiers were too jealous of him.

"Do you think I am a person who loves money?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Am I such an easily moved person?"

He would not give Hemanla a chance to comeback, but Ye Tianlong didn't mind receiving a little benefit before he abolished him.

Heymanra coughed: "I can still drill for you. You know, Ufila has two of the top ten diamond mines in the world."

"As long as you don't kill me, I will give you one."

Ye Tianlong joked, "You despise me."

Hemanra offered the price again: "Two!"

One drill can't solve the problem, so two.

Ye Tianlong snorted: "I have always promised a daughter, saying that if you want to take your dog's life, you must take your dog's life."


He shot and killed the Pitbull...

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