Talented Genius

Chapter 1725: Admiration

Navy? Chief coach?

Ma Xueyue and the others couldn't help being quiet for a while when they heard Ye Tianlong's superior and extremely honest expression of their background.

They first set their gazes on Shen Tianmei's face, who was holding back a smile, and then re-examined Ye Tianlong in front of them.

I don't know if this kid is honest or ignorant to the extreme.

In the Internet age, everyone knows what the navy means, but everyone knows that they are the people at the bottom, it is difficult to get on stage, and they are criticized.

In other words, this is a person who has no future. They never expected that Shen Tianmei would find such a person to be her boyfriend.

Shen Tianmei was holding back his smile, but he did not expose this guy, and when he thought about it, he was indeed the chief instructor of the navy.

Hemanra was pointed out by his gangsters.

"The navy is good, this profession is very prestigious!"

When Ma Xueyue and Concubine Tai were too lazy to confuse the snake, Li Fenghua still squeezed out a playful smile, watching Ye Tianlong say something unsatisfactory and unbearable:

"In the Internet age, although the navy is not visible, it is also indispensable. Mr. Ye, I am also engaged in media and entertainment."

Li Fenghua said politely: "Take care of you in the future."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "Miss Li is polite, everyone helps each other."

"I heard that the navy collects money to do things. You are the chief instructor of the 300,000 navy. You should have made a lot of money?"

Ma Xueyue laughed and said, "The ninety-nine limited edition watch on your wrist is one million. BMW is not cheap, at least two million."

She stared at the car key in Ye Tianlong's hand, wanting to put on a new tone to see if Ye Tianlong had other professions.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the woman playfully. Although this woman was a bit snobbish, she still did things in one set.

Listening to Ma Xueyue's inquiries, Ye Tianlong spread his hands and replied honestly: "The navy is not easy to mix now, the competition is too fierce."

"Where can I afford this watch, my monthly salary is five or six thousand, this watch is given by someone else."

He raised the key in his hand: "I came here today to drive Tianmei's car, but I will have a car soon, Tianmei said she sent me a car."

Shen Tianmei smiled faintly, and took the topic in due course: "Don't worry, I will send you one."

What is this? Not only is it low-level, it also eats soft rice.

Hearing these words, Ma Xueyue and the others looked at Shen Tianmei helplessly, it seemed a pity that she had found such a boyfriend.

They just wanted to advise something, and they didn't know how to open their mouths. After all, they all knew Shen Tianmei's character and were as stubborn as them.

"Why don't you have a good mood one by one? It's rare to get together, let go and play."

Shen Tianmei smiled and said: "Come on, billiards, it's been a long time since I competed with the three of you, I don't believe it, this time I will be the bottom."

Tai Fei and the others looked at each other, did not look at Ye Tianlong again, smiled and grabbed Shen Tianmei and said: "Yes, play the ball, we four will have a game."

"It's been a long time since Tian Mei's one shot was cleared. I will take a look today."

"Old rules, whoever loses is responsible for the second half."

They hope that when the atmosphere improves, they will find a gap to persuade Shen Tianmei, otherwise the party today may end up unhappy.

The four women quickly set their posture, Ye Tianlong sat down on the sofa, poured a cup of coffee for himself, and drank while watching the four play.

Although this party is a bit of a pain, Ye Tianlong also feels very good to be able to eat and drink for free, and to have beautiful eyes.

While picking up the club, Shen Tianmei shouted to Li Fenghua:

"Fenghua, I heard that you have a one-month holiday, and your family treats you so kindly. You give so many holidays all at once."

Li Fenghua smiled and took the topic: "I haven't had a rest for almost a year, and I will collapse if I don't give me a holiday."

"Although I am on holiday this time, I am also taking a small mission. Xinguo Entertainment is preparing to enter China, and I will visit the docks of several major cinemas."

Ma Xueyue also yelled: "Me too, this time I will contact Tianmen Beauty Company and prepare to introduce their products."

Concubine Tai subconsciously raised her head: "Tianmen Beauty? Is Red Makeup One? The one that specifically fades the scar?"

"If yes, you must win it. It is indeed very effective and very profitable."

"It's a mess in Manchester City, and it often runs out of stock. I have to call the dealer in advance to get the new product."

Having said this, she also rolled up her left arm clothes, revealing the smoothness: "There was a scar here, after using it, it really disappeared."

Ma Xueyue and Li Fenghua both looked over. They naturally knew that Tai Fei's arm scar was not deep, but it was also red and beautiful.

But now when I look at it, there is no scar at all, and the two women can't help but say: "It's a good medicine."

When Shen Tianmei looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile, Ye Tianlong said modestly: "In fact, it's not that good, right?"

Concubine Tai glanced curiously at Ye Tianlong who had answered the question, and then smiled meaningfully:

"Whenever I have time, I will give you a bottle, and you will know whether it is good or not, or you may ask Tianmei to find you a bottle."

She added the last sentence: "It will definitely make you scream."

"Thank you, but no, I don't need it for the time being."

Ye Tianlong gave a wry smile, knowing that the other party said he was ignorant, so he didn't speak any more, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.


After the four women talked and laughed for a while, they began to play billiards. All of them were veterans, and they played quasi-professional levels in terms of posture and skills.

Ye Tianlong, who only raised his head occasionally, looked at Shen Tianmei's upturned waist, his eyes couldn't stop a flash of light.

It's so tempting.

If Shen Tianmei is too familiar with Zhao Ditian and Lu Yuanjia, Ye Tianlong really wants to take her down.

While admiring his eyes, Ye Tianlong also discovered that Shen Tianmei's real skills were far from what she had shown on the court.

Among the four women, Shen Tianmei’s skills are the most professional and superb, but she keeps herself at the bottom and has to let Ye Tianlong become interested.

It's just that he didn't point it through, and there must be Shen Tianmei's intention in thinking.

The four beautiful women are already a scene, and they play billiards so skillfully that they naturally attract the attention of many animals.

Wearing shirts and bright hair, they admired watching the four Shen Tianmei, which caused the female companions around them to secretly get angry and their pretty faces were frosty.

Only seeing the four women's aura and dress, they can only sigh slightly, the difference is too far.


With a sharp and sharp impact, Ma Xueyue scored three goals in one go, laying the foundation for victory and also making her energetic.

"Very beautiful!"

When she was about to put down the club and wipe her hands, there was a piercing applause, and then a dozen men and women in Chinese clothes slowly approached.

The leader was a Chinese-clothed young man with a greasy face. Wearing gold-framed glasses, he cheered and scanned the four women wantonly.

Ye Tianlong didn't pay attention to him. He was attracted by the person behind, who was the girl with sunglasses he saw on the road that day.

She is still dressed in black at the moment, cold, arrogant, and cool. She also wears sunglasses on her face, making it impossible to see the expression on her face and the content of her eyes.

However, Ye Tianlong could feel that behind the sunglasses, the other party was looking at him with a sharp gaze.

Ye Tianlong didn't want to cause trouble, so he lowered his head and flipped through the book, hoping to avoid the other's recognition.

At this moment, the Huayi youth is introducing himself: "Four beauties, the next one is Australia City and they are also snooker fans."

"Today, I saw four beauties playing amazing standards, Jin Yi was impressed from the heart, the four are really beautiful and intelligent."

He smiled without a smile and added: "I want to invite four beauties to dinner. I wonder if the four can show their faces?"

Although he said politely, everyone could feel that the hormonal aura exuding from him was so rush, so longing.

"Sorry, Mr. Bao, we have money, so you don't need to ask for it."

Seeing many such men, Ma Xueyue said unceremoniously: "Moreover, this is our area, please do not enter."

Hearing these unsatisfactory words, a mushroom-headed youth suddenly became furious, and stepped forward and shouted with a finger:

"Why did you talk to Bao Shao? Shameless, right?"

Shen Tianmei yelled: "If you want a face, get out of here!"

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