Talented Genius

Chapter 1726: Start

"Xue Shao, don't get excited."

Bao Jinyi waved his hand to stop the mushroom head youth from getting angry, then looked at Shen Tianmei and they smiled: "You can't be too rude to beautiful women."

Li Fenghua directly threw out a sentence: "Don't talk nonsense! Get out, you are not welcome here, don't wait for me to call the club security."

The young man with mushroom head yelled again: "It's really too much to clean up, right?"

The rest of the comrades are also turbulent, and they seem to think that Li Fenghua and the others have slapped their faces, but the sunglasses girl is indifferent and still stands behind coldly.

"Everyone be peaceful, be peaceful."

Bao Jinyi flashed a white paper fan, gently fanning to signal his companions not to get angry, then he looked at Ma Xueyue and Li Fenghua and the others:

"Beautiful women have a temper, I understand. After all, being beautiful is also capital, but Bao Jinyi really wants to know the four."

Bao Jinyi picked up a button and added: "Multiple friends and multiple paths, multiple enemies and multiple pits."

"Didn't you hear what my sister said?"

Li Feng's fancy face was cold: "We don't want to know you, how far you go."

They have seen too many men, so the four women knew what Bao Jinyi was thinking about and what kind of stuff they were, so they were too lazy to perfuse.

"Damn! Really consider yourself a saint?"

The young man with mushroom head became angry: "In Australia City, Lao Tzu called someone to round you."

A dozen people around him were also filled with righteous indignation, and they all felt that Ma Xueyue and the others were too arrogant.

Bao Jinyi waved his hand again: "Xue Shao, don't be like this, we are people with identities. Saying that kind of thing will only make people feel that our quality is low."

"What do we say, we are also invited by Huaxia officials to come to Beijing to visit the rich groups of major institutions, don't lose our face and Haojiang."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and glanced at Bao Jinyi. This kid is really in place, and he points out his identity without a trace, as well as his prominent status.

Then, he glanced at the woman with sunglasses, wondering which family she was from in Australia?

"Haojiang Regal Group?"

Hearing these words, Ma Xueyue's pretty faces became more solemn, and they obviously knew what Haojiang Regal Group meant.

Every three years, the families of Hong Kong City, Macao City, and Taicheng will form a group of rich people to take turns to the capital.

In nominal terms, promoting the integration of the two sides of the strait and three places, in fact, the most important goal is to maintain a good relationship with the senior level and to discover the official future policy direction.

At the same time, let the younger generation open their eyes and feel the political and business environment in the mainland, so that it will be more convenient to make money from the mainland in the future.

During the financial crisis, the city of Australia was in depression and the casinos were almost out of food. The Feng family led a delegation to Beijing for a run, asking the authorities to remove visitor restrictions.

It was this measure that not only allowed the Australian City to survive the financial crisis, but also made them earn a lot of money. The Feng Family's daily cash income was one billion yuan.

In other words, the young ladies in front of them are government guests, and disputes with them won't get any advantage.

So Ma Xueyue and their aura are two points weaker.

Although their backgrounds are good, their status is worse.

Concubine Tai took a step forward and looked at Bao Jinyi and said: "Bao Shao, our sisters are not free today, we have something to deal with later."

"So your kindness can only be taken with your heart. One day you have time to go to Manchester, on behalf of the royal family, I invite you to a full seat."

With these words, Mianli hid the needle, Taifei also moved out of her identity.

"The royal family?"

Mushroom head sneered: "The 21st century is back to the royal family, are your brains flooded?"

"Didn't you see the Emperor Dongyang being fed by dogs and wolves at school? What are you embarrassed to say about the Manchester Royal family?"

"Except that Man Wang and Xiang Bohu are somewhat capable, the other princes and princesses are worse than dogs."

He stared at Concubine Tai with a vicious smile: "Don't talk about the full banquet, you just treat me naked, don't want it, what if you are a man?"

The dozens of companions around him laughed, and many looked at Taifei maliciously, guessing whether she was a male or a female.


Taifei's face was cold, and she screamed: "Put your mouth clean."

The mushroom head sneered: "What if it's not clean? You bit me?"

He also used his eyes to assault Tai Fei wantonly, staring fiercely at her white thighs and upper body, making no secret of his beasts.

"Bao Shao, you'd better take your people and leave, because you are an official guest, this time, we don't care about you."

Shen Tianlongmei grabbed Concubine Tai and sneered coldly: "If you dare to be ruthless to my sister, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"Why not give face? How can you not give face?"

Mushroom head smiled again and again: "Don't pretend to be pure, say so much, isn't it just for money?"

"You are a blessing to Bao Shao."

He arrogantly threw out two bank cards: "One person five million, one night, I pack it."

"Xue Shao, don't humiliate beautiful women like this!"

When Ye Tianlong looked at the mushroom head, Bao Jinyi once again stopped his companions from speaking, and then looked at Ma Xueyue and the others with a smile:

"The four do not give face, and we have good face, so in the end one party has to compromise."

Bao Jinyi's eyes flashed with light: "In this way, you are superb, and you can be regarded as masters."

"One of you counts as one. Let's have a match with Xue Shao. As long as we can win him one round, we apologize and compensate you one million each."

"I'm still crawling out of this billiard hall."

He pulled the mushroom head over and said, "If you can't beat him, accompany us to dinner tonight, and each person will fine a catty of liquor, how about it?"

"This is what you said!"

Before Shen Tianmei could say anything, Ma Xueyue knocked on the table with his cue, her pretty face was cold: "The billiard room has high-definition surveillance, and everything you said is recorded."

"If you lose, don't make mistakes!"

She said straightforwardly: "In the first game, I will fight you."

Shen Tianmei subconsciously shouted: "Xueyue--"

"Tianmei, it's okay, I don't believe it, we still can't beat this kind of dude, even if I can't, there will be you."

Years of playing skills have made Ma Xueyue full of confidence, she stared at the mushroom head youth provocatively:

"Come on, snooker, start."

Slok means obstacles, obstacles, so it is also called obstacle billiards. The **** used are divided into one white ball, fifteen red **** and six colored balls.

Among the 22 balls, the order of hitting is one red ball and one colored ball until all the red **** are pocketed.

Then hit the ball one by one in the order of yellow, green, coffee, blue, pink, and black. In the end, the one with the highest score wins.

Although Ma Xueyue and the others are not first-class masters, they are also masters who are keen on this skill and have actually fought countless people, confident that they can teach Mushroom Head severely.

Li Fenghua and Concubine Tai were also interested: "Bao Jinyi, call your person on the court, I want to see how you climbed out."

The two sides are fighting to this point. If you don't have a good temper, it is estimated that no one will be able to get off.

Concubine Tai and the others are determined to win, but Ye Tianlong frowned...

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