Talented Genius

Chapter 1727: Lost all

Ye Tianlong frowned. Although Bao Jinyi was a little arrogant, he was not a slapstick to participate in the rich group to come to Beijing for exchanges.

They had already seen Ma Xueyue and their skills, and they dared to call out a bet in public, and even pressed the bet to climb out.

And judging from Bao Jinyi's playful look, they really have confidence in the mushroom head, but the scene can no longer stop it.

At this moment, Mushroom Head laughed and picked up the cue, and snorted contemptuously: "Ladies first."

Bao Jinyi smiled and said, "Starting."

Ma Xueyue snorted noncommitantly, and then without too much politeness, she directly picked up the cue and kicked the ball.

The ball went off, and one red was pocketed.

Ma Xueyue's pretty face had a touch of joy, and then he scored two more goals, showing her extraordinary billiard level.

Concubine Tai and Li Fenghua were excited, cheering for the sisters together.

Only when the fourth ball was played, the colored ball was wiped from the front ball and lost its accuracy without being pocketed.

She shook her head regretfully, but didn't take it seriously, scoring three goals is already very good, she did not believe that Mushroom Head could surpass herself.

Immediately, she tilted her head coldly: "Please."

"This level is also embarrassing to show off, it's really embarrassing to his grandma."

Mushroom head is very arrogant: "If you don't have a bit of beauty, I don't even bother to take the cue, let alone gambling?"

Tai Fei couldn't help it: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and play."

"Tsk, not only is the figure beautiful, but also the temperament."

Mushroom head stared at her with round and long legs and smiled wickedly: "A woman like you, the most suitable posture for an old man to push a cart, I will book you tonight."

Taifei said with a pretty face: "Are you looking for death?"

She took out the phone and sent a text message, called in three Muay Thai bodyguards, and was going to find a chance to teach the mushroom head that was insulting.

"I don't know if I will die, but you guys are sure to find it tonight, hahaha."

Mushroom head laughed wildly, then picked up the cue and shouted: "Look, I started acting."


The facts are as Shen Tianmei expected, the mushroom head seems to have no morals, it is still a scum, but the table tennis skills are quite superb.

In a series of clear clashes of billiard balls, the mushroom head scored a ball with one shot, another with one shot, and finally hit the black ball in.


Bao Jinyi and the others yelled, raised their fists high and cheered for their companions, the mushroom head stretched out the club, and picked Ma Xueyue's delicate chin:

"Beauty, what? Lost?"

Ma Xueyue's forehead penetrated, and after turning on the molesting cue, he hummed: "What's the hurry? I have three sisters, you wait to lose."

Although she is very strong, she has no confidence in her heart, because Ma Xueyue is very clear that she is the best player among the four women.

Li Fenghua and Tai Fei also knew that there was a dignified look on their pretty faces. Only then did they realize that they underestimated the enemy, but there was no way out.

Mushroom Head yelled again: "Don't say you are one, four, and this young man is still lying down."

There was another burst of laughter among the dozen or so companions.

Li Fenghua yelled, "What are you proud of? I'll come."

She took the cue to the field.

The second game started with a mushroom head. The first shot did not score, but the ball was opened. Li Fenghua scored two goals, but the third goal was not pocketed.

Mushroom head laughed twice, hit a ball with a snap, and scored goals one after another. This is simply Mushroom head's performance alone.

Ma Xueyue was a little sweaty: "I didn't expect the mushroom head billiards to be so good."

In the second round, the mushroom head won.

"Haha, beauty, you lose again."

Mushroom head smiled very proudly: "Hurry up, the third game."

"It's really arrogant, and I don't look at who Xue Shao is, the 30th professional player in the world."

"Playing billiards with him is just looking for death, haha..."

More than a dozen companions around Bao Jinyi laughed, and many beautiful women disdain to look at Taifei and them.

Taifei stepped forward with a gloomy face.

The third game began. The mushroom head gave Tai Fei a kick. Tai Fei gritted her teeth and hit the ball. A red ball slowly rolled towards the hole.

He was about to fall into the hole, but suddenly stopped at the edge.

Concubine Tai gave a low voice: "Damn it."

Ye Tianlong sighed in his heart: his mind has been confused.

"Thank you beauty."

Mushroom head laughed loudly, then hit the red ball in the hole.

In this round, he took three shots to defeat Tai Fei calmly.

After winning three games in a row, the men and women around Bao Jinyi cheered, and the whole billiard room could feel the shock.

Shen Tianmei exhaled a long breath and stepped forward. There was nothing solemn on her face, only a touch of hesitation and entanglement.

She also took a peek at Ye Tianlong, and Ye Tianlong smiled and gave encouragement. In his opinion, Shen Tianmei should have a half chance of winning.

It was just that Ye Tianlong was surprised. In the fourth round, Shen Tianmei lost without any suspense. It was still a big loss.

But she was not depressed when she lost the game, instead she gave Ye Tianlong a playful wink.

Ye Tianlong's heart moved, he immediately understood what she meant, and cried in his heart that he was really a naughty little fairy.

Tai Fei and their pretty faces were completely gloomy, still a little stiff, they lost, all lost, this kid was in trouble.

Ma Xueyue revealed a touch of self-blame. If she knew not to be so impulsive, there would be no shame now.

"Long live Xue Shao, long live Xue Shao!."

More than a dozen companions shouted wildly: "Win, win, Xue Shaoniu, win four games in a row."

Mushroom head took a proud step forward and used the cue to pick Shen Tianmei's chin: "Four beauties, are you not convinced?"

"Go away!"

Shen Tianmei opened the cue and said coldly: "It's best not to be too arrogant."

"No way, now we have won, can't you be arrogant? Can't you be arrogant?"

Bao Jinyi suddenly laughed wildly, as if he had changed the whole person, pointing his finger at Ma Xueyue and the others, shouting wildly:

"I wish to accept the bet and take care of us tonight, otherwise I won't blame me for destroying the flowers."

"Seeing that you are both rich and expensive, dare not to admit it, you will be ruined by the young."

The son is Zhongshan Wolf, and he will be mad when he has aspirations. Bao Jinyi is such a person.

He picked up a white ball, snapped it into pieces, and fell to the ground.

His hand strength and strength were clearly displayed in front of everyone, making people subconsciously take a breath.

Mushroom head clapped his hands with someone: "Bao Shao is great, Bao Shao is great."

The expressions of Li Fenghua, Ma Xueyue, and Concubine Tai changed drastically.

"Four people, please."

Bao Jinyi gently side her hand, smiling very evilly: "Are you going to fall back?"

"What's the blame?"

At this time, a lazy voice sounded, and then Ye Tianlong dropped the magazine in his hand and stood up, looking at Bao Jinyi and they smiled:

"I haven't played this round yet."

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