Talented Genius

Chapter 1729: Be careful


When the crowd was pinched by Ye Tianlong like this, Mushroom Head's expression was extremely ugly. He pulled away Ye Tianlong's hand and stepped back two steps, his eyes burst into anger:

"Boy, why?"

He lost his manner and shouted, "Are you looking for death?"

The mushroom head grows so big, he has always stepped on others and slapped them in the face. How could he be so humiliated tonight?

"What? Losing the game shamelessly?"

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly, wiped his fingers on the table, and then raised his hands high and declared himself: "One shot clears the table, full score, Tianlong wins."


Although Li Fenghua and the others have seen more winds and waves, the inner joy of ‘escape from the dead’ still makes them happy.

Shen Tianmei rushed up directly, slapped Ye Tianlong and kissed him, and smiled: "My dear, I know you can do it."

"Of course, how can a man say no?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and hugged the woman's waist, with undisguised pity in his eyes. A woman has the strength to win but chooses to lose. The purpose is simple.

That is to give yourself a chance to show off and win the favor of Li Fenghua, Ma Xueyue and Taifei.

How could Ye Tianlong let her down to him like this?

The fact is also true, the gaze of Li Fenghua's three daughters towards Ye Tianlong has changed from ignorance to appreciation.

Although a sentence of billiards is nothing, but at this critical moment, the four girls are angry, and they naturally have a good impression of Ye Tianlong.

Compared with the joy of Shen Tianmei's four women, Bao Jinyi's complexion was ugly. They never expected Ye Tianlong to win the game like this.

It's just that although they think Ye Tianlong is a little high, they are more of a mushroom head underestimating the enemy, so they are somewhat unwilling.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong took the cue and smiled faintly: "The victory has been divided, and the promise is fulfilled."

Bao Jinyi smiled forcefully: "Boy, two times, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

Ma Xueyue simply drank and drank: "Let's talk less nonsense. If you lose, you will honour your promise as soon as possible."

"This round is not counted!"

Mushroom head replied directly: "A new round."

In addition to self-feeling that underestimating the enemy and leading to failure, there is also that he never thought of breaking both hands.

Ye Tianlong swayed: "You started the ball first, and I'm behind you. Why doesn't this round count?"

Concubine Tai also leaned against Ye Tianlong and shouted: "That is, our Tianlong won upright and upright, so why not count?"

Li Fenghua also spoke out to help out: "You will deny you if you lose, are you still men?"

"I will give you 200 million, let's have another game."

Mushroom head stared at Ye Tianlong, and shouted: "If you beat me again, I won't say anything."

Bao Jinyi had a little white fan in his hand: "I'll add another 200 million."

He was worried that Ye Tianlong would not agree, so adding 200 million to lure Ye Tianlong, after all, it was about him crawling out of the hall.

"Shao Bao, Shao Xue, don't bet."

Just when Ye Tianlong's smile became interesting, the girl in sunglasses suddenly walked up from behind, speaking without any emotion in her voice:

"Don't think of a comeback, you are not his opponents."

The girl in sunglasses looked at Ye Tianlong and said directly: "I'll give you one billion to offset the gambling bill just now."

Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Head's face changed slightly: "Yu Ge——"

"You two shut up!"

The sunglasses girl unceremoniously stopped them: "I don't want to be humiliated or severed, just listen to me today."

The corners of Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Head's lips moved, and they looked at each other with unwillingness, but in the end they chose to remain silent.

The strong and special status of the girls in sunglasses makes them have to give face, and they can't give life to infighting.

When Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Head were silent, the girl in sunglasses stared at Ye Tianlong: "How glamorous is it to take away one billion in a game?"

"You can insist on breaking Xue Shao's hand, or you can humiliate Bao Shao to vent your anger, but this is tantamount to establishing a strong enemy for you."

"You not only offended the Bao family and Xue family, but also offended the entire Haojiang forces, you still slapped the Huaxia official in the face."

The girl in sunglasses sees blood every word: "Smart people, do smart things, not take a gamble."

"You are his friends, and you seem to know better than him."

She also reminded Shen Tianmei's four daughters: "It's really for his good. You should persuade him to stop if you can, instead of inciting him to make him dead."

This remark was very sharp and in place. Not only did Ma Xueyue's three daughters' big-hearted mentality dissipated for the most part, but Shen Tianmei also hesitated.

It's just that she didn't persuade Ye Tianlong anything, but pressed his ears: "No matter what you decide, I will fully support you."

With this woman, what can your husband ask for?

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook Shen Tianmei's hand, then looked at the woman in sunglasses and said:

"This lady, I have to say that your conditions tempted me, and I won a billion in one round."

"It's just that I feel that even if I collect a billion, keep their hands and prevent them from climbing out, they may not let me go."

"Look at their faces, I can guarantee that they hate me and they will trample me to death whenever they get the chance."

Ye Tianlong smiled with a hint of playfulness: "So I just let them go for one billion, I think it's not worthwhile."

Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Head shouted in unison: "Boy, don't shame your face, believe it or not we will kill you?"

Ye Tianlong said: "Look, before the billion is given, they are just like this. They gave one billion. It is estimated that turning around will kill me."

Ma Xueyue and the others nodded secretly, Ye Tianlong looked inconspicuous, but his heart was very clear.

Whether the money is collected or not, both sides have already settled the beams. If you die, you will tear your face now or retaliate later. It will never be erased.

The girl in sunglasses stared at Ye Tianlong coldly: "What do you want?"

"One billion is impossible."

Ye Tianlong suddenly uttered a sentence that shocked everyone: "Two billion, I let them go today."

Ma Xueyue and the others almost fell, thinking that Ye Tianlong's hard bones were going to die, but they didn't think that one billion was not enough.

Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Tou were also taken aback for a moment, and then they all laughed wildly:

"Two billion? Are you **** crazy?"

"It's a lion who speaks loudly. You are the mouth of a hippo."

In the ridicule of a man and woman in Chinese clothes, the girl in sunglasses also narrowed her eyes, seeming to have a touch of joking.

"Boy, let me tell you, now there are not only two billion, one billion, even two billion."

Mushroom head slowly walked up from the crowd, took off a string of expensive bracelets and said, "I put my hands here, if you have the ability, move me to see."

"Relax, I promise not to fight back. I just want to remind you that if you move me, not only will you die miserably, but the women around you will also suffer."

He glanced at Taifei and the others evilly: "I will kill them one by one."

Before Tai Fei and the others were angry, Bao Jinyi snorted: "Dare to touch Shao Xue with a hair, I promise his whole family will suffer."

From their point of view, Ye Tianlong just clamored verbally. How could he have the courage to really compete with them?

Mushroom head slowly walked to the side of the table, holding his hands on the edge of the table, with a touch of disdain and provocation on his face:

"Is there anything you want?"


Before the voice fell, I heard a harsh sound, which was the movement of the sole of the shoe rubbing against the floor.

The pretty face of the woman in sunglasses changed and she yelled, "Be careful!"

Although she issued a warning, it was too late.

Ye Tianlong was close to the mushroom head like a phantom, not giving him the slightest chance to step back or avoid, and slammed a shot on the joints of the mushroom head's hands.

With a click, the arms of the mushroom head broke off!

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