Talented Genius

Chapter 1730: We will meet again


A scream from Mushroom's hair made everyone's hearts tremble, and they all looked at the scene in shock.

No one thought that Ye Tianlong really dared to make a move, and he would break the mushroom head hands directly.

Ma Xueyue's three daughters were also dry-mouthed, and it was hard to believe the "little boss" in her mind. Such unscrupulous and heavy losses to these wealthy children.

At this time, even if the fork is installed, a strong strength is also needed.


Mushroom head retreated in pain, and the girl in sunglasses stretched out his hand to support him. At this moment, a man in Chinese clothes was filled with righteous indignation and reached out to grab the club next to him.

They screamed and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Seeing that the other party was about to fight in groups, Ma Xueyue and the others not only did not panic, but showed a glow of heat on their pretty faces, and they all jumped out with each other.

Volley kick.

"Boom boom!"

Four Chinese-clothed men were kicked in the chest by them, and flew out with a snort.

In the next second, Li Fenghua and Tai Fei swept quickly again, and the two opponents were hit in the calf and fell to the ground with a bang.

Then Shen Tianmei and Ma Xueyue pressed the shoulders of the two girlfriends, their slender bodies flew out and hit the shoulders of the other two opponents.

There were two loud noises, and the two opponents were directly smashed to the ground, and two teeth fell out of the floor...

Li Fenghua and Ma Xueyue teamed up against the enemy, not only pleasing to the eye, but also neat and tidy, which made Ye Tianlong's eyes flash with approval.

The four women have such a tacit understanding, there is no doubt that they must have fought a lot of group fights before.

"A group of people looking for death!"

Seeing a group of companions being beaten by Shen Tianmei and the others, Bao Jinyi could no longer hold back, let out a roar, and his whole body suddenly sank forward.

His feet instantly exerted force, like a javelin shot at the four women.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes, moved his feet, and stood in front of the four women.


Bao Jinyi is not simply dull, he can see his strength from crushing the white ball. When he moves, he appears in front of Ye Tianlong the next moment.

He pierced **** directly.

Howling wind!

King Kong finger!

Although Bao Jinyi's style is disgusting, his skill is not bad. With **** pierced out, he has an invincible momentum.

Shen Tianmei's four women subconsciously shouted: "Be careful."

They could see that Bao Jinyi's finger was definitely practiced, and it must have been two **** holes pierced by it.

Ye Tianlong didn't dodge, but with his left hand claws, he directly had a head-on with Bao Jinyi.

Fast as lightning!

Ma Xueyue's three females changed their pretty faces and cried out Ye Tianlong's carelessness to underestimate the enemy. This time, if the palms were not pierced through two blood holes, the muscles would also break.


The palms of the fingers touched quickly, a muffled sound exploded, Ye Tianlong's wind was light, but Bao Jinyi's expression suddenly changed.

Bao Jinyi only felt that he had **** pierced on the stone, and the bones in the fingers were extremely painful.

He turned his head to look, angered, Ye Tianlong's palm had a billiard ball, his fingers were not stabbed in his palm, but a hard billiard ball.

Although his fingers are hard enough to poke the meat on the wooden board easily, he still suffers from hard hitting the table tennis.


Bao Jinyi's finger made a sound of fracture, and a trace of blood flowed from the fingertip.

Before he could buffer, Ye Tianlong kicked his abdomen.


Bao Jinyi was bounced out by a brutal force, and withdrew seven or eight steps, his face was as pale as a mushroom head.

His **** are still poking the table tennis, and the cracked nails on the fingertips make people feel painful when they see it.

Ten fingers connected to the heart.

The girl with sunglasses has quick eyes and quick hands, holding on to the painful Bao Jinyi: "Bao Bao, are you okay?"

"Broken knuckle..."

Bao Jinyi squeezed out a response, then stretched out his left hand to hold the table tennis, and with a click, he squeezed the table tennis into pieces.

The billiard ball fell to the ground, and Bao Jinyi's **** came out again, twisted and deformed, as if they had been hit by a hammer.

It was painful, but Bao Jinyi held back it abruptly, letting Ma Xueyue and the others know him a little bit more.

The girl with sunglasses pulled a strip of cloth and bandaged Bao Jinyi's fingers so that it would not really waste.

Bao Jinyi endured the pain of his fingers, staring at Ye Tianlong with a bitter face: "Despicable, shameless..."

A group of companions with blue noses and swollen faces also gathered around him, glaring at Ye Tianlong angrily, all wishing to skin him and tear him apart.

The beautiful female companions around him even had a pretty face, feeling that Ye Tianlong had offended them.

The girl in sunglasses also looked at him coldly, seemingly dissatisfied with Ye Tianlong's opportunistic tricks.

"Don't talk such nonsense."

Shen Tianmei yelled: "If you don't know what is good or what is wrong, and you are self-righteous, how can you end up like this?"

Concubine Tai also ridiculed: "I blindly poked the wrong one, but I blamed Tianlong for fighting back."

"Bao Shao, Xue Shao, Mo sister, someone bullied us?"

At this moment, more than a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women poured into the door, and there were seven or eight bodyguards behind them.

They rushed to Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Tou in a swarm, and when they saw all their companions were injured, they became angry and looked at the culprit, Ye Tianlong.

"It's you?"

Suantou Nose saw Ye Tianlong for a moment, then yelled, "Boy, I finally found you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "What? Thank me for teaching you how to be a man?"

Suspiciously complained to Bao Jinyi and the others against Ye Tianlong: "Xue Shao, Bao Shao, it was this kid who hit my car."

Bao Jinyi's eyes were even sharper, and they obviously knew about Ye Tianlong's crash.

Then, Garlic Nose stared at Ye Tianlong fiercely and shouted, "Boy, not only hit my car and hit me, but also dare to hurt Bao Shao."

"I tell you, you are over today."

Garlic nose rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "Brothers, let's go together and beat up this bastard, let him know that our Haojiang guy is not easy to provoke."

A dozen or so crowds are raging, and seven or eight bodyguards also exude fierce killing intent.


The girl with sunglasses suddenly remembered something, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and she shouted at them:

"Stop it all!"

The girl in sunglasses presides over the overall situation: "Bao Shao and Xue Shao are in serious condition. Send them to treatment first, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Listen to me! Go!"

Bao Jinyi and Mushroom Head wanted to say something, but they were suppressed by the eyes of the girl with sunglasses. They could only grit their teeth without making a sound, but their eyes were endlessly fierce.

The girl in sunglasses became fierce: "Go!"

Garlic nose moved the corners of their mouths, and then they could only unwillingly help the mushroom head to leave.

When he was leaving the house, Bao Jinyi glanced at Ye Tianlong sideways, and his eyes were as shameless as he was.

This little-known man can't say how dangerous he forced him, but today is indeed his most embarrassing day.

The girl in sunglasses who fell at the back looked at Ye Tianlong coldly:

"We will definitely meet again."

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