Talented Genius

Chapter 1734: Golden pill

Shen Tianmei leaned against Ye Tianlong's arms and spoke as if she had sworn sovereignty: "Tianlong, do you oppose her joining us?"

Lin Chenxue and Qin Ziyi regarded Shen Tianmei as a confession, and Shen Tianmei looked at Lin Chenxue as unpleasant, so the meeting must be **** for tat.

Hearing Shen Tianmei's question, Ye Tianlong was speechless for a while, uncle, can you answer this question?

"Oh, it turns out to be our admirer of Xiaolonglong."

Tai Fei's sisters for many years naturally came to a wave of divine assists: "Call Lin always? I am the concubine of Tianlong, come here so early and have fun together?"

Lin Chenxue exhaled a long breath, resisting a sense of loss in her heart, and did not entangle with Shen Tianmei, but directly looked at Ye Tianlong with piercing eyes:

"Ye Tianlong, you promised me to give me one day."

She directly put out the promise that the two had made: "I want you to go with me now and this day."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong nodded, just about to explain to Shen Tianmei, but when she saw Shen Tianmei snorted, she fell to the ground softly, looking weak.

Li Fenghua and Ma Xueyue held their hands quickly, and at the same time they looked at each other and shouted:

"Ye Tianlong, Tian Mei fainted, help her to the room quickly."

Tai Fei also panicked and echoed: "It must have been too much alcohol last night, and she swam to lose weight this morning, and fainted due to the cold."

"This disease can be big or small."

Concubine Tai was anxious: "Tianlong, hurry up and take her to your room. Let's see the doctor."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Lin Chenxue: "You wait."

After that, he picked up Shen Tianmei and rushed to the room, worried that Shen Tianmei would faint in the cold.


When Ye Tianlong rushed into the room holding Shen Tianmei, Concubine Tai waved to Lin Chenxue, and then closed the steel door with a bang.

She didn't know who Lin Chenxue was, but she knew that if she wanted to steal a man from her girlfriend, she had to suppress it mercilessly.

Lin Chenxue stood at the door, looking at the thick steel door, her eyes were unspeakably sad, but she didn't say anything, just turned and left.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong came out of the room and found that Lin Chenxue was nowhere to be seen, so he picked up the phone to call, but no one connected.

Ye Tianlong frowned, knowing that Lin Chenxue deliberately didn't answer his call, wondering why this woman had left suddenly, was she angry?

He was a little puzzled in his eyes, but without thinking about it, he sent a text message to Lin Chenxue, telling him that he was at the door and asking where she was?


Five minutes after sending the text message, Lin Chenxue still did not respond. When Ye Tianlong shook his head and was about to turn back, a nanny car drove over.

When the car door opened, it was not Lin Chenxue, but the black widow and guardian in black. The black widow smiled faintly: "Tianlong."


Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the black widow would appear here, and she also accurately found her position: "Why are you here?"

"I'll come to Beijing to deal with something."

The black widow waved Ye Tianlong into the car: "It just happened to have something to tell you, so I came here to see you."

Ye Tianlong got into the nanny's car: "Godmother, what's the big deal? Tianmen?"

He knew in his heart that if it weren't important things, black widows would generally not meet with him, and occasionally Ning Hongzhuang would have something to say about important matters.

And when the Tianmen Conference is about to be held, the black widow and Lantian should be focused on the Tianmen.

Finding it at this moment will not be a trivial matter.

"It's not a matter of heaven."

The black widow took out a thermos, poured a cup of health tea for Ye Tianlong herself, and then asked Weipo to bring her handbag:

"Tianlong, show you something."

After Ye Tianlong took a sip of tea, the black widow opened her handbag, took out a delicate box, opened it, and two golden pills appeared in front of him.

A scent of fragrance filled the entire car in an instant, making Wei Po unable to stop sniffing twice: "What kind of pill is this, it's too fragrance."

Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly, and there was no sound. He knew what it was when he smelled it. He reached out and picked up the pill and directly crushed it to examine it.

Black Widow looked at Ye Tianlong with playful eyes: "Tianlong, are you familiar with it?"

When Wei Po turned her head curiously, Ye Tianlong nodded: "If I didn't guess wrong, this is the antidote to the Tiandu plague."

"However, compared to the pills of the Tiandu Plague, it has added some insignificant tonics, and it has been mechanized to make it more detailed."

Ye Tianlong touched the powder with his fingers: "Godmother, where did this come from?"

"This is the latest production of the Rong family, Tiandu Wanneng Wan."

The black widow tapped her finger on the table: "Its trail advertisement claims not only to strengthen the body, but also to deal with the plague of Heaven."

"Even if you don't use it now, it's good to keep it in your hand. If there is a plague, you don't have to be disappointed and passive."

"It's selling crazy now. It entered the Tiandu market the day before yesterday. It has sold one million boxes, one thousand yuan per box, and is completely out of stock."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Those more than 300 people who survived in the manor bought ten boxes, fifty boxes, and one hundred boxes."

Ye Tianlong looked surprised: "Rong's production?"

Then, he thought of the formula and data in Lin Chen Ye Tianlong's hand, and he took a big sip of the tea to relieve the depression in his heart.

"Yes, the Rong family produced at least 3 billion in this single business."

The black widow looked at Ye Tianlong calmly: "Tianlong, only you, Miao Tiannu and Lin Chenxue know the antidote ingredients."

"When you came back from Tiandu, Hongzhuang told you that you can make a fortune from the aftermath of the plague and produce medicines."

"You thought it was not good at the time. After all, the plague has been eliminated, and selling it out again will make the victim's family psychologically painful."

"After all, the plague that claimed the lives of countless people at that time can now be resolved by 1,800, and it will make many victims' families bleed."

"Even if you want to sell, wait two or three years before you sell."

The black widow sighed softly, "I also agree with what you said, so Wangzhe Pharmaceutical didn't think about it."

"But now, it has appeared in the Tiandu market, and the Rong family not only made a lot of money, but also severely squeezed the market of Wangzhe Pharmaceutical."

"I'm not asking you about Xingshi, I just want to remind you that Hongzhuang is very angry."

She said softly: "She thinks that you don't let her give birth because you want to leave the opportunity to Lin Chenxue."

Ye Tianlong was silent for a long time, and then picked up the pill: "Godmother, don't worry, I will give Hongzhuang an explanation."

After speaking, he pulled the car door and got out.

The black widow waved her hand, and then she had the car driven away.

Ye Tianlong looked at that golden pill, his eyes dimmer than before...

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