Talented Genius

Chapter 1735: Cut off the world

Showing Lin Chenxue's pretty face, she wore a pair of sunglasses and could not see the movement of her eyes, but her expression was even colder than half an hour ago.

"Mr. Lin, why did you run away suddenly?"

Ye Tianlong sat down at the gate of the yard, staring at the golden pill in his hand in a daze.

Tiandu Wanneng Pill is definitely related to Lin Chenxue, whether it was intentional or unintentional, Ye Tianlong was put together.

Ning Hongzhuang immediately noticed the business opportunities and opportunities of detoxification pills. How could Ning Hongzhuang ignore the market of 5 billion a year?

It's a pity to be suppressed by Ye Tianlong.

If the formula never leaks out, or even if it leaks out and the producer is not the Rong family, Ning Hongzhuang may feel better in his heart.

But now, Ye Tianlong is on the cusp of the storm.


At this moment, a voice came over, and Lin Chenxue sent a WeChat message: "Ten minutes, the medical vehicle at the entrance of the clubhouse will not wait for overtime."

The words were not only cold, but also reflected Lin Chenxue's anger.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth moved, and the hostility in his heart rose inexplicably. He entered the small courtyard and took the car key, and then drove the BMW out.


An anger surged from the bottom of his heart, the accelerator slammed under his feet, and he quickly crossed the main road of the clubhouse before driving to the gate.

In the field of vision, a medical vehicle the size of a medium-sized bus was parked in an open space with the door closed, but the air conditioner was on.

Ye Tianlong parked the car, and then walked over with the box. He knocked on the car door three times, wearing a rush.


When the car door opened, Lin Chenxue's pretty face appeared coldly. She had put on a white coat and sat on a sofa watching Ye Tianlong jokingly:

"I thought that you don't cherish your body anymore, you just want to have fun and dream of life and death."

Lin Chenxue snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you to be afraid of death, why? Your four golden flowers are willing to let you out?"

She obviously cares about the scene in the small courtyard.

"I didn't come here to explain to you, nor was I worried about physical problems, but I wanted to ask you, why did you violate Tiandu's promise?"

Ye Tianlong's face was a little bit colder: "We promised together that the plague formula will never leak out."

"However, the Rong family has mass-produced pills now."

Ye Tianlong snapped the box in front of Lin Chenxue: "Mr. Lin, you should give me an explanation."

Lin Chenxue was startled first, then picked up the box to open it, and saw that the golden pill's pretty face changed slightly, and then picked up the crushed powder and smelled it.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Why check it? Do you want to say, the first time you saw it?"

"The Rong family has sold a million boxes in the sky in the past two days, one thousand yuan a box, and the money it makes has to be pulled by trucks. You, the owner of the formula, don't know?"

He hid the needle in the cotton: "Mr. Lin, everyone is so familiar, there is no need to pretend to be crazy."

Lin Chenxue moved the corner of her mouth, and then replied loudly: "Ye Tianlong, the pill is very similar to the antidote to the plague of Heaven, but I really didn't leak the secret."

"It's not you, is it Miao Tiannu?"

Ye Tianlong joked: "Or me?"

Lin Chenxue yelled: "Ye Tianlong, I don't know about this. I can only say it again. I didn't leak this formula."

"It's not you who leaked..."

Ye Tianlong took the topic: "That's what I leaked. It was my kind heart. I didn't let King Pharmaceuticals produce it, but produced it for the Rong family."

Miao Tiannu was doing his best to deal with the Shiwan Dashan matter, and he had no time to get any pills, and he didn't need the formula to get the money.

As long as he needs, just say anything, Ye Tianlong will do his best to satisfy him.

Lin Chenxue's face was cold when she heard Ye Tianlong's words: "Ye Tianlong, can you speak well?"

"speak nicely?"

Ye Tianlong stared at Lin Chenxue: "How can you tell me to speak well?"

"A formula that only three people know about is now being mass-produced by the Rong family. You still say it has nothing to do with you. How do you let me talk?"

He was inexplicably angry: "Change to the mass production of Wangzhe Pharmaceutical, I tell you, everything has nothing to do with me, will you believe it?"

Lin Chenxue's pretty face turned gloomy: "Then you just don't believe me?"

She looked at Ye Tianlong, who was covered in thorns, and felt a little sad. Before, Ye Tianlong opened the thorns to protect her Lin Chenxue, but now she is piercing her.

At the same time, Lin Chenxue found that Ye Tianlong was more violent than before.

"I want to believe you too."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong coughed gently: "But how do you make me believe you?"

"Only the three of us know the formula. To be precise, it is two and a half. I didn't participate in the whole process, so I can only count as half the insider."

"If there are a lot of pills in the market today, they are produced by the Rong family who is closely related to you."

He stared sharply at Lin Chenxue: "How do you make me believe you?"

"I don't know what's going on."

Lin Chenxue's pretty face was cold and cold: "I don't even know that the Rong family produces pills. I am closely related to the Rong family, but I don't know everything."

"It's also the first time I saw this pill today..."

Lin Chenxue wanted to explain, but seeing Ye Tianlong's noncommittal expression, she took the topic sadly again, with a lonely tone:

"From what you look like, you think I have leaked."

Lin Chenxue smiled bitterly: "You don't believe me anymore, it's useless to explain it."

She wanted to take out the phone and ask Elder Rong face to face, but seeing Ye Tianlong's disapproving attitude, she knew it was unnecessary.

"It's not that the explanation is useless, but that the explanation is incomprehensible."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I won't believe the explanation you gave me, nor will Hong Zhuang believe it. I'm afraid you won't believe it either."

"Red makeup?"

A sad smile crossed Lin Chenxue's face: "God is really fooling people. In the past, you asked Ning Hongzhuang to retaliate and ask me for justice."

"Now, you ask me Xingshi to inquire, and ask Ning Hongzhuang for an explanation."

She sighed softly: "It seems that everything really can't go back."

A sad expression appeared on Lin Chenxue's face.

"Ye Tianlong, I'm wrong about this, I'm wrong, I've leaked the formula, and I'm worried that you will ask your guilty questions and refuse to admit it."

"You want to fight or kill, or huge compensation, I don't care."

Lin Chenxue's excited pretty face returned to calm: "As long as you can calm Ning Hongzhuang's anger, you can do whatever you ask me to do."

Ye Tianlong didn't believe her, and she didn't want to argue anymore.

"I came to find you. I never thought of hitting you and killing you. I just checked with you and told you at the same time that you have failed my trust."

Ye Tianlong turned and walked towards the BMW, without looking back, he threw a word: "We will not have the opportunity to cooperate in the future...Lin always take care."

Lin Chenxue did not speak any more, just closed the car door indifferently, as if to isolate each other's world...


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