Talented Genius

Chapter 1736: He's okay, I'm okay (four more)

At eleven in the morning, Lin Chenxue drove his Porsche into the Rongjia Garden.

There are faint tears on her face, it is obvious that she has cried, but at the moment she has returned to calm, as cold as ever.

She got out of the Porsche and took the box to find Lao Rong, but she just walked to the study, but saw Rong Yina kneeling on the blue brick at the door.

Sweat dripped from her hair, dyeing the blue bricks and clothes wet, and she could be seen kneeling for a while.

There are two red fingerprints on Rong Yina's pretty face, blood on the corners of her mouth, and a box of golden pills beside her.

"what happened?"

Lin Chenxue frowned slightly: "Yina, what are you doing on your knees?"

Hearing Lin Chenxue's voice, Rong Yina raised her head and shouted: "Chenxue, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"Sorry, is it useful?"

Before Lin Chenxue asked about the matter, a low voice came from the study: "What you did has seriously damaged Chenxue's reputation."

"How can I tolerate you?"

Then, the door of the old room opened, and the upright old man Rong came out, carrying his hands on his back, with a sad expression on his face:

"People say that girls need to be rich and spoiled, so as long as you don't do too much, I generally won't teach you."

"But you are too ridiculous this time. You disappointed me too much. I won't let you suffer any more. You are afraid you will do something more extraordinary."

Mr. Rong is not angry and prestigious: "I tell you, kneel down, you can't leave this blue brick without my order."

Rong Yina lowered her head and sobbed: "Grandpa, I'm sorry..."

Lin Chenxue was confused and looked at Rong Yina and asked: "Old Rong, what is going on? Why is it so serious that Yina kneels?"

Although Mr. Rong usually looks serious, Lin Chenxue knows that he is very fond of Rong Yina, almost responsive to her requests, and smooths out many things for her.

So seeing her being so miserable at the moment, Lin Chenxue had doubts in her heart.

"What's the matter? You ask her, what's the matter?"

Old Rong's anger is clearly visible: "She secretly took a memo of your Tiandu and copied your plague antidote formula."

"That's not counting, under the guise of me, she took the formula to a small pharmaceutical factory under the Rong family for mass production, and made more than five million pills."

He snorted: "She didn't even say hello. She took it to Tiandu for sale the day before yesterday and sold more than one million boxes."

"I don't care if there is any problem with this medicine. The important thing is that she put you on stage and made you a dishonest person."

Old Rong was angry again, and shouted at Rong Yina: "Chenxue is my pride, do you know that you will ruin her by doing this?"

what? The recipe was copied by Rong Yina? Could it be that she did it when she ran over to sleep on the bed?

Lin Chenxue seemed to have been struck by lightning, and Qiaolian was shocked: In other words, the formula really leaked from her own hands!

Ye Tianlong's blame, as well as the grievances from the bottom of his heart, turned into a touch of apology at this moment.

"You are sorry, you shouldn't tell me, you should tell Chenxue."

Lao Rong hates that iron can't make steel: "It's her that you're sorry. I'll tell you, it's light to kneel down, and I will drive you out of Rong's house!"

Rong Yina hurriedly crawled to Lin Chenxue's side, holding her calf and crying: "Chenxue, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I just happened to flip to your recipe... I have always been called a vase by everyone, and I just want to do something."

"So when I saw the formula, I was fascinated by it, and secretly copied it and sold it in medicine."

"I thought that by making a lot of money, you could reverse everyone's perception of me, so that Grandpa could also be proud of me."

She looked remorseful: "I really didn't know that it would harm you."

"Chen Xue, I'm sorry, I admit how you punish me, I just hope you help me plead, and let Grandpa not drive me out of Rong's house."

Lin Chenxue's trousers quickly wetted halfway, all of Rong Yina's sweat, tears, and blood.

The corners of her mouth were moved, and she was very annoyed by Rong Yina's actions, but she understood her thoughts somewhat and felt that Rong Yina was not intentional.

Rong Yina is just eager to perform, eager for quick success.

Lin Chenxue moved her compassion, so she leaned over and pulled Rong Yina up from the ground: "It's okay, Elder Rong won't drive you out of the Rong family."

"I didn't blame you either. Although you did something wrong, I understand your thoughts."

She sighed faintly: "This matter is over."

Then she looked at Rong Lao and said, "Rong Lao, don't punish Yina. She is just anxious for success. There is nothing malicious."

"But she hurt you!"

Boss Rong was awe-inspiring: "You said at the beginning that you had an appointment with Ye Tianlong and they were not allowed to announce the formula, let alone mass production and sales."

"Now Rong Yina has sold more than one million boxes, you are distrustful in Ye Tianlong's eyes."

"How can I look at you because this girl has become an unbelief?"

"I'm going to break her legs and drive out of Rong's house."

Elder Rong screamed: "Let Ye Tianlong and the others know that she is the culprit, and you have been wronged."

"Old Rong!"

When Rong Yina trembled, Lin Chenxue stopped the old man again:

"It has already happened, and Ye Tianlong also believes that it is me. I will carry it by myself. There is no need to let Rong Yina go into the water."

"And even if you drive Yina out of the house, Ye Tianlong won't believe that she did it, and will only think that I am the one who is responsible for it."

Lin Chenxue smiled sadly: "Rather than being humiliated again, it's better to just carry it like this."

Rong Yina cried bitterly: "Thank you Chenxue."

The old man's voice was soft: "Didn't you have always had a good impression of Ye Tianlong?"

"If you carry this black pot, he will irritate you, stay away from you, and get farther and farther."

He sighed softly, "Chen Xue, it's not worth it."

Lin Chenxue sighed softly: "I and him are originally people on different roads..."

After speaking, she helped Rong Yina to go back to the room to treat the wound, and the box that was supposed to be inquired was also thrown on the ground...

"The old man is really a good method."

After Lin Chenxue and Rong Yina disappeared, the door of the originally silent study room opened again, and a middle-aged man in white appeared.


He burst into a smile: "A formula leaves a gap between the two."

Hearing what Bai Shikang said, Mr. Rong slowly turned his head and said faintly, "What did you say?"

Feeling the old man's deep and majestic gaze, Bai Shikang jumped, knowing he was talking too much, so he changed the topic with a smile:

"I mean, things under the sky are nothing in the hands of the old man."

There was a touch of respect on Bai Shikang's face: "Which is like me, the Haojiang regiment, who has been invited so hard, was smashed by Ye Tianlong.

"Ye Tianlong is okay, I'm okay..."

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