Talented Genius

Chapter 1741: Not enough forty

After Ye Tianlong dropped Mi Bingbing, he drove back to Ditianju, and Shen Tianmei's four daughters went for beauty treatment, so he went back to eat.

By the way, confess Shikang's case.

When the BMW car passed the last controlled road, the red light was on, and Ye Tianlong stopped in front of the traffic light again, opening the windows to breathe fresh air.

At this moment, his gaze stopped at a hurried figure not far away. The last time the scavenger grandma was picking up bottles and jars scattered on the ground.

She stuffed bottles and cans into the bag while watching anxiously at the green light for 60 seconds, as if to cross the road before the red light turned on.

It's just that although she is anxious, her speed is not fast, because her hands and feet are not very sensitive, and one of her left middle fingers is missing.


Ye Tianlong glanced at the front, then turned the steering wheel and came to Grandma's side. He parked the car next to him and got out of the car door to help the old man pick up things.

"Grandma, I will help you."

Ye Tianlong swiftly helped grandma pick up bottles.

Grandma gratefully said: "Young man, thank you, thank you."

"you are welcome."

Ye Tianlong quickly picked up all the bottles and cans, then tied the snakeskin bag and threw it into the back seat of the car, and invited the scavenger grandma to sit in:

"Grandma, I think you are in a hurry, I happen to be free, I will take you home."

Ye Tianlong pulled the car door.

"Not allowed, not allowed."

The scavenger grandma was flattered and waved her hands again and again: "I will get your car dirty, I can walk back by myself, young man, thank you."

"Grandma, it's okay, I'll send you off."

Ye Tianlong sincerely invited her to get in the car: "So you don't have to work too hard."

Grandma still refused. At this moment, the old cell phone in her arms rang, and she picked it up for a while, her expression a little solemn.

"Grandma, is something wrong?"

Ye Tianlong hurriedly shouted: "Get in the car if you have something to do, don't delay."

There is a gratitude on the grandma's face: "Young man, thank you then."

Ye Tianlong smiled lightly and waved to invite grandma to get into the car. Grandma took out a pack of tissues, took out a few of them and put them on the seat, and then got into the car and sat down.

Ye Tianlong ran back to the driver's seat: "Grandma, where to go?"

Grandma carefully squeezed out a word: "Go to Minxin Primary School."


Ye Tianlong navigated to the destination, then started the car and left...

Five minutes later, the car stopped at a private elementary school. It was when school was over, people came and went, there was noisy surroundings, and the faces were extremely happy.

Looking at the smiles of these children, Ye Tianlong felt warm in his heart and felt that these children were really happy.

"Young man, thank you, thank you."

Grandma got out of the car and thanked Ye Tianlong for her great gratitude. She also insisted on remembering Ye Tianlong's number, saying that she would have the opportunity to invite Ye Tianlong to dinner.

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Grandma, you're polite, please do it." Then he tilted his head slightly: "You go pick up the child first."

"Ok, yes."

The grandma smiled and nodded, reached out her hand for the snakeskin bag but hesitated, but finally took it out, and then smiled and walked to the door.

Ye Tianlong started the car, and the moment he left school, he saw an eight or nine-year-old boy rushing out with a few bottles in his hand.

He threw into his grandma's arms innocently...

Ye Tianlong smiled and looked at it a few more times, then turned the steering wheel to leave the school. Thirty minutes later, the BMW stopped in front of Ditianju.

After Ye Tianlong got out of the car, he went straight to the backyard. Before he got close to the kitchen, he smelled a scent.

"Big brother, what is delicious?"

Ye Tianlong saw Zhao Ditian's busy figure in the kitchen, and immediately jumped over like a rabbit, glanced at the prepared dishes and shouted:

"Wow, shredded pork with Beijing sauce, beaulieu, Fushou elbow, there are so many hard dishes, and they are all delicious and delicious."

Ye Tianlong buttoned a high hat: "Big Brother is really a wizard in the world, so talented in cooking."

He stretched out his hand to get the bean curd, ready to make a Beijing sauce pork shreds to taste, but Zhao Di Tianlong stretched out his hand and knocked him off the bean curd:

"Catch vegetables without washing your hands?"

Zhao Ditian looked at Ye Tianlong with a fond look: "Quickly, go wash your hands and clean up, I will cook another soup and eat."

"Okay, okay, I wash my hands."

Ye Tianlong ran to the side to wash his hands, and then asked: "Where is the brothel sister?"

"She has something to go out, and she won't be back for dinner tonight."

Zhao Ditian smiled and brought the dishes to the table, and then asked Ye Tianlong to bring the food out: "Why are you back? I thought you were reluctant to miss Shu."

"Didn't you have fun with Shen girl?"

Zhao Ditian took out the chopsticks and spoon again: "I am willing to come back and accompany my old bone."

Ye Tianlong smiled and sat down: "I really had a good time, but I got into trouble again."

Zhao Ditian didn't have the slightest surprise on his face: "I broke Xue Mingli's arms and used Bao Jinyi's finger?"

"Brother wise."

Ye Tianlong was full of surprise: "The door doesn't come out, everything is known, but I can't blame it. This is a bet, and they are the first to do it."

"I also left room for the Bao family, but didn't let Bao Jinyi climb out of the hall."

He flattered Zhao Ditian: "I have always listened to what my elder brother said, and I have to forgive others."

"Don't tag me."

Zhao Ditian smiled and leaned back on the chair, and then said leisurely: "Hao Jiang Tuan finds you unlucky?"

Ye Tianlong brought out the soup again: "No, they are very quiet, but they are also very sinister. They pressure Bai Shikang to attack me."

"Bai Shikang played a fairy dance for me at noon. Fortunately, my eyes are sharp, otherwise I will be ashamed of you now."

Thinking of being stripped naked and throwing away the city, Ye Tianlong felt chilly behind him.

He fanned the flames: "Brother, you have to suppress Bai Shikang, he is so arrogant, he simply doesn't give you face."

"I've helped you take the pressure from the government, and Bai Shikang's suppression, you can handle this little thing yourself."

Zhao Ditian is clever not to enter the pit: "I also believe that you today have enough strength to deal with.

Ye Tianlong looked at the old man helplessly: "Brother, you can't do this. Compared to Bai Shikang, I'm just an egg, not enough to be abused by others."

"Think about it, he is the head of a state-owned enterprise worth hundreds of billions of dollars. What about me? A small lecturer at the Beijing Medical College."

Ye Tianlong said miserably: "The difference in strength is too great. Without your support, he could pinch me to death at any time."

"Aren't you living well now?"

Zhao Ditian still hasn't entered the pit, he certainly has the ability to settle these things, but he will not interfere, because this is an opportunity for tempering.

A good knife also needs a good whetstone, and Shiraishi Kang is the good whetstone.

Afterwards, Zhao Ditian's conversation turned: "By the way, it's rare to have a meal alone tonight. Let's talk about business."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously, "What business?"

Zhao Ditian smiled softly: "What do you think of Ling Shuang?"

"Ling Shuang? Good girl, has she returned from a mission?"

Ye Tianlong slapped his thigh: "Say early, if I knew she was back, I will go to the Wu family for dinner tonight."

"I'm coming back soon."

Zhao Di Tianyouyou said: "You said she is very good, then if you let you marry her, would you like it?"

Ye Tianlong shook his wrist when he heard that he was about to put the bowl on Zhao Ditian's head when he was about to serve his meal: "Brother, are you really going to propose a marriage for me?"

Zhao Ditian went straight to the core: "Do you like her?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I like it!"

Zhao Ditian continued to ask: "Then would you like to marry her?"

"Of course I do."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "However, now is not the time to marry her."

Zhao Ditian was slightly taken aback: "Why?"

"Because there are not enough forty..."

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