Talented Genius

Chapter 1742: The woman who fell to death (five watch)

After dinner, Ye Tianlong cleans up the dishes, but he refuses to discuss marriage proposal with Zhao Ditian.

Although he didn't know why Zhao Ditian let him get married, Ye Tianlong still didn't want to make a hasty decision about the marriage. After all, he still had a lot of things to do.

After washing the dishes, Ye Tianlong went back to his room to rest, and after sending text messages to coax Ning Hongzhuang, he also took a bath to sleep.

I slept very peacefully, and opened my eyes almost seven o'clock.


At this moment, the phone vibrated slightly, and Ye Tianlong got up from the bed, putting on earplugs and going to the bathroom to wash.

A familiar voice soon came from my ear: "Tianlong, have you gotten up?"

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "I just woke up, your call is a coincidence."

Yao Feiyan is as soft as ever: "Really? It seems that we have a good heart. I heard that you are in the capital, and I have come to the capital."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised: "Aren't you busy with the Baishizhou project? Why are you free to come to the capital?"

"I am really busy with the Baishizhou project, but I received a call from Bai's secretary last night, and the Bai's group is willing to cooperate with us."

Yao Feiyan smiled and told Ye Tianlong: "The conditions have also been relaxed a lot, from 19 to 37. Of course, this is still not what we want."

"However, the Bai Group's willingness to make concessions means that it is also afraid of being kicked out by us. There is still a possibility of cooperation between the two sides."

She said softly: "They asked me to go to the Bai's Mansion to negotiate at 3 o'clock this afternoon."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "Do we have to cooperate with Bai's?"

Yao Feiyan chuckled: "It's not indispensable, just cooperating with Bai's, we can reduce a lot of trouble."

"One, the project would go smoothly without Bai's stumbling, and they have rich experience in renovation."

"Second, the fat in Baishizhou is too fat, and many people are really staring at it."

"All levels and levels want to scrape some oil and water. These management costs at least 20% of the profit. The introduction of the Baishi Group can suppress these people."

She expressed her own voice: "Rather than offending the Quartet and swallowing this piece of fat all by one, it is better to split it in half and everyone is happy."

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, and finally nodded: "What you say makes sense, do it, you are in charge of these things, but you must be careful in everything."

"I have a quarrel with Shiraishi Kang, it is hard to guarantee that he will not deal with you because of me."

Ye Tianlong advised Yao Feiyan to keep an eye on it: "And I hope this is your last contact with Bai's."

"If it refuses to agree to your cooperation terms, then you will immediately return to Mingjiang to start the project, and don't sneer at Bai's."

He gave a reassurance: "If the Bai family really suppresses you, I will do my best to hold it on."

"Thank you Tianlong."

Yao Feiyan's laughter is very pleasant: "I have a sense of measure... When I finish the negotiation in the afternoon, I will go to you for dinner. Tonight, I will be yours."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up.

With Yao Feiyan's call, Ye Tianlong was full of energy all morning. After reading a few medical books, he gave Zhao Ditian some medicine.

Finally, they talked with Shen Tianmei on the phone and confirmed that Bai Shikang did not attack them.

When it was approaching three o'clock, Ye Tianlong got into the car after a good night's sleep and drove to the Baishi Building in a BMW.

In addition to his desire to be closer to Yao Feiyan, he also hopes to pick up Yao Feiyan as soon as possible.

He has too much hope for this night.

At 3:20, Ye Tianlong drove into the parking lot of Baishi Building. This is a 30-story building with a prime location and luxurious decoration.

The first to eighth floors are shopping malls and restaurants, the ninth to twentieth floors are the offices of other companies, and the twenty-first to thirty-six floors are the headquarters of the Baishi Group.

After Ye Tianlong parked his car, he chose a cafe on the eighth floor to sit down. The cafe was stylishly designed and exquisite, with an open-air area.

When Ye Tianlong walked into the cafe, there were a dozen people talking and laughing in the lobby, and seven or eight girls sitting in chairs or hanging baskets in the open-air area.

The whole cafe gives people a sense of harmony and undisciplinedness, which makes people very comfortable.

Although there is still a place on the terrace, Ye Tianlong prefers air conditioning, so he chose a sofa near the floor-to-ceiling windows to sit down, and then ordered a pot of coffee.

Then Ye Tianlong went to the bar to ask for a Black Forest cake.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the Black Forest cake is sold out."

When Ye Tianlong was holding coffee and asking for Black Forest cake, the waiter said to him apologetically: "The last one was bought by this lady."

Ye Tianlong turned his head and looked over, secretly calling that the other party had better luck than himself, but he laughed quickly, the girl was not someone else, it was Mo Yuge.

Mo Yuge was still wearing black sunglasses, she happened to look over, and she smiled coldly when she saw Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Hi, beautiful lady, meet again."

"Do you like black forest cake too?"

Mo Yuge took a bite of the cake, then handed it over and smiled: "If you really like it, I don't mind giving you a bite."

"Thank you."

Seeing Mo Yuge's provocation, Ye Tianlong did not get mad, but took the cake in her hand and took a bite on the other side.

Anyway, he united Liangzi with Haojiang, Ye Tianlong didn’t care about this cold girl, and then he returned the cake to Mo Yuge.


Ye Tianlong licked his lips: "Miss Mo, thank you for the cake."

Mo Yuge opened his mouth wide to look at the bitten cake, crying without tears: "Are you really biting? Aren't you afraid that I'm sick?"

"You said you gave me a bite, is it just a fake polite?"

Ye Tianlong joked, "As for what's wrong with you, it doesn't matter, I am a hepatitis B virus carrier."

He even took a cup of coffee and took a sip, then handed it to Mo Yuge and said, "You invite me to have a cake. How about I invite you to have a coffee?"

Mo Yuge glared at Ye Tianlong without saying a word, threw the cake into the trash can, and then bought another cake.

Seeing Mo Yuge's angry figure, a smile flashed across Ye Tianlong's face: "Small, fight with me, it's still a little tender."

Then, Ye Tianlong bought a tiramisu, and then slowly walked back to the position while eating the cake.

Mo Yuge walked ahead and walked to the terrace.

Just as Mo Yuge was about to walk out of the glass door, Ye Tianlong's expression changed with a move of his ears.


Ye Tianlong threw away the things in his hand, like a hungry tiger, threw Mo Yuge to the ground, and rolled back two meters inside.


When Mo Yuge was furious, only hearing a loud noise in front of him, a young woman fell straight from the sky onto the terrace entrance.

The blood splashed all over, sprayed onto the glass, screamed the crowd, stunned Mo Yuge, and also stiffened Ye Tianlong's expression.

He recognized at a glance who the woman who fell to death was.

Mi Bingbing!

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