Talented Genius

Chapter 1743: Contest (six more)


The customers screamed and ran around to avoid, but Ye Tianlong knelt and stood still, even forgetting to put down Mo Yuge in his arms.

If a stranger fell to death in front of Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong might not have much reaction, but the deceased in front of him was someone he knew.

The fragility of that kind of life has a strong impact.

Although Mi Bingbing and Ye Tianlong had only one side bond, the two sides were still in a hostile relationship. It could be seen that Ye Tianlong was still in a daze when she died like this.

"Thank you."

At this moment, a voice poured into Ye Tianlong's ears. He looked down and saw Mo Yuge's red lips lightly open, his pretty face was still cold, but his speech was gentle.

There is no doubt that she has already judged that Ye Tianlong saved her life, otherwise she would not die now and would be seriously injured by Mi Bingbing.

"You're welcome."

Ye Tianlong realized at this moment that he was still holding Mo Yuge tightly, with his left hand placed on top of her roundness, and immediately loosened his hands and stood up.

Before Mo Yuge could say anything, Ye Tianlong had already jumped out of the crowd and rushed to the terrace entrance to check Mi Bingbing's situation.

In the panic voices of the guests around, Ye Tianlong completely judged that Mi Bingbing was dead, there was no sound, breath, and pulse.


When Mo Yuge watched Ye Tianlong's actions curiously, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, put on headphones to answer, and Yao Feiyan's voice soon came:

"Tianlong, Tianlong, it's not good, Secretary Mi fell."

Yao Feiyan said with a touch of despair: "They said I killed it..."

Ye Tianlong's heart sank instantly, then turned around and left the coffee shop, and made three calls in one breath.

Mo Yuge shouted from behind: "Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong..."

She felt that Ye Tianlong had something to do and wanted to help in return, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye, and she could only shook her head helplessly.

At six o'clock in the evening, at the teahouse opposite the Beijing Police Station, Ye Tianlong was sitting in a wing watching TV while waiting for Shen Tianmei and their messages.

When Ye Tianlong walked from the cafe to the scene of the accident, Yao Feiyan had been taken away by the police, and no other people were allowed to approach.

Ye Tianlong can only wait for news.

Today’s news is being broadcast on TV. The broadcaster informed the Bai’s Mansion that a life case had occurred and a senior white-collar worker with an annual salary of one million fell to his death.

The suspect, Yang Xiaoqiang's ex-wife, and Yao Feiyan, a remodeler for the Baishizhou project, was taken away by the police.

Perhaps it was Ye Tianlong's intervention, and the news was fairly normal, not too biased or provocative.

It's just that Ye Tianlong looked at several pictures on the screen, especially Yao Feiyan being taken away from the Baishi Building, he felt a touch of discomfort.

When he was about to turn off the TV, Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed into light, and he saw a familiar figure among a bunch of employees of the Bai Group.

Scavenger grandma.

The scavenger grandma seems to be cleaning up trash on that floor. Amidst the people coming and going, she also hurriedly cleaned up and left, but her expression was a bit tangled...

"Du Du Du!"

When Ye Tianlong's thoughts turned, the door was knocked open, and Shen Tianmei, dressed in black, walked in, kicked off her high heels and landed barefoot.

She picked up Ye Tianlong's tea and sipped it, and she threw out the news she had received: "The three lawyers have entered."

"Yao Feiyan will not be treated by any illegal means."

"The Zhan Qinglou also warned the police and the detainees, but whenever there is any inappropriate behavior, she will pick up one by one."

Shen Tianmei put down the tea cup in her hand: "Feng Group has also sent personnel into the detention center for protection, so Yao Feiyan will not be in any danger."

Ye Tianlong slowly opened his eyes: "What happened to Mi Bingbing's death?"

"The lawyer has read the statement and questioned Yao Feiyan."

Shen Tianmei said everything he knew: "Yao Feiyan said that Secretary Mi asked her to negotiate three points."

"The two met in the conference room on the 22nd floor, and Secretary Mi had the full authority to negotiate on behalf of the Bai Group."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Mi Bingbing's plenipotentiary representative?"

Although he knew that Mi Bingbing was Bai Shikang's right-hand man, it was still a bit of a trifling matter for Bai Shikang to negotiate a ten billion business.


Shen Tianmei nodded: "This is what Yao Feiyan said, and it has also been confirmed by Bai's."

"The two sides had a bit of a difficult talk, and there was still a bit of quarrel, so Secretary Mi opened the French window and let Yao Feiyan take a look at the world, with the world in mind."

She exhaled a long breath: "As long as the Baishizhou project cooperation is happy, the two sides will have more in-depth cooperation in the future."

"The floor-to-ceiling window of the conference room is a whole glass hole. Standing next to it is like standing on a cliff."

While Ye Tianlong pricked his ears to listen, Shen Tianmei took another sip of water from his teacup:

"Yao Feiyan wanted to step forward to advise her not to stand too far, but as soon as she got behind her, Secretary Mi called out, help, Yao Feiyan kills!"

"Without waiting for Yao Feiyan to react, Secretary Mi leaned forward and jumped off the building. Yao Feiyan subconsciously pulled her, but only caught a few hairs."

"Then, the door of the conference room was knocked open, and many Bai employees rushed in and determined that Yao Feiyan had pushed Secretary Mi down."

Shen Tianmei's pretty face was helpless: "And the voice recorder used by the two of them also happened to record Mi Bingbing's screams. This sentence is very fatal."

"There are motives, personal evidence, and material evidence, so Yao Feiyan is a little troublesome now."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "It's not a bit troublesome, but very troublesome. Mi Bingbing's swan song has become a killer for killing Feiyan."

"Except we believe in Feiyan's innocence, no one else will believe that Mi Bingbing committed suicide with his life in order to lay blame on Feiyan."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, he underestimated Bai Shikang, this method, this courage, worthy of the Bai family leader.


Shen Tianmei also gave a wry smile: "It's very troublesome. The police have already said that they cannot be released on bail and cannot see outsiders."

"Because this case involves the Bai family, so many eyes are fixed. We can't put pressure on others, and we can't act favorably instead."

Shen Tianmei rubbed his head: "You can only fight with Bai's honesty."

Ye Tianlong asked: "How is Feiyan's mental condition?"

"She is in pretty good condition. Not only can she describe the process in detail, she also ate a box of lunch in the evening and asked the lawyer to bring you a sentence."

Shen Tianmei looked at Ye Tianlong: "She can hold it! And no matter whether she has anything to do in the end, you don't want to do anything stupid."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Let the lawyer tell her that just as this incident is a holiday, let her relax and stay, she will definitely come out soon."

"You and Taifei should also be careful."

He urged Shen Tianmei: "Don't be calculated by Bai Shikang quietly."

"Don't worry, we live in a simple way, and we will pay more attention to everything, so that Bai Shikang will not be easy to calculate."

Shen Tianmei comforted Ye Tianlong softly: "But in this round, Bai Shikang is coming fiercely, how are you going to break it?"

"Sapo rolled, kneeling down and begging for mercy."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "By the way, please invite Bai Shikang to have a meal."

Shen Tianmei looked puzzled and didn't know what Ye Tianlong meant...

Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and called Confucius directly...

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