Talented Genius

Chapter 1744: negotiation

The next morning, Beijing Golf Course.

Ye Tianlong put the car in the parking lot, and then walked to the No. 8 area. Soon, he saw the shadow of Confucius in the crowd.

Although there were many people in his field of vision and a few handsome men and women, Ye Tianlong locked Confucius at first glance.

This is a guy who is always full of fighting spirit and energetic. The young and old Confucian under the sun shows the demeanor of a superior in every gesture.

Compared with the introverted masters of Bai Shikang and Jin Xuejun, Confucius is more unabashedly rough, and his joy and anger are directly reflected on his face.

This is what makes many people think that he is difficult to become a powerful weapon, and subconsciously ignore his competitiveness in the future.

It's just that Ye Tianlong knew that it was the image of a Wufu deliberately created by Confucius, whose purpose was to reduce the enemy's calculations.


As Ye Tianlong's thoughts turned, Confucius had already locked Ye Tianlong at a glance, and walked through the crowd with a laugh, "Long time no see."

Ye Tianlong also smiled and opened his arms: "It's really been a long time since I saw you."

"I haven't seen you for months, I thought you had a baby."

Confucius gave a hug, and then patted Ye Tianlong's back and shouted, "So are you, just wander around and don't take me."

"You don't know, I have been cultivating my body and nature in the past few months.

He laughed heartily: "I have been in Xiangshan for a month, and it feels like a year has passed."

After getting tens of billions from the Park Group, Confucius worked hard for three to five years, so he gave himself a holiday.

"You don't know the blessing in the blessing."

Ye Tianlong smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "No, it's a shame. It's uncomfortable not to do something every day. I really want to change the day with you."

Ye Tianlong really wanted to take a good rest for three to five months, but it was a pity that he could never go back to the past. The higher the position, the more things bound.

"Hahaha, it's really cheap, but I'm used to working, and I'm so nervous when I'm idle."

Confucius put his arms around Ye Tianlong's shoulders and walked forward: "Well, let's not talk about my bird matter, let's talk about your grievances with Bai Shikang."

"How could you provoke that bastard?"

"Although this guy wears the guise of a red Confucian businessman, he is actually a wolf who eats people without spitting out bones."

"Before I was as fearless as I was, and a brick would dare to challenge the four or nine cities."

Confucius smiled: "His early motto was: murder and set fire to a gold belt."

Ye Tianlong didn't question these words. Bai Shikang was able to let Mi Bingbing use his life to set the game, which shows that he became cruel and ignored the flood.

"I didn't deliberately challenge him, I can only say that it was God's will."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath, then told about the affairs of Xiao Quanlin and Hao Jiang Tuan, and then pointed out the huge conflict of interest in Baishizhou:

"Actually, I kept showing good things to him, but he couldn't swallow that grievance, so I finally got the situation today."

He chuckled, "I asked you to be a peacemaker, not that I was afraid of him, but I just don't want to smash, making it difficult for the people behind each other."

Ye Tianlong doesn't care about fighting against Baishi Kang, but now he has to take into account the reputation of Zhao Ditian and the Wu family, so he tries to resolve the matter peacefully.

"That's it!"

Confucius suddenly realized: "I thought you slept with his woman, so he used all means to deal with you. It turned out to be some waste."

"Bai Shikang is also true, the more he lives, the more he goes back, the next three abuse methods are used, the previous vigor is really fed to the dog."

Then Confucius turned his words: "Tianlong, don't worry, I will help you rescue Yao Feiyan."

"Later, Bai Shikang will come over, and I will directly force him to express his position. He backs down, and we back down. He doesn't back down and we die."

Confucius expressed his attitude: "I always stand by your side."

This is the voice of Confucius. The reason why the iron heart and Ye Tianlong are moving forward and retreating together is that in addition to the previous friendship, there is also the Emperor Tianju behind him.

Confucius feels that he can invest emotionally for someone who can admire both Zhao Ditian and the old lady.

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "Thank Shao Kong."

"Thank you, who are we with whom? We are life and death brothers, brothers who have drunk and murdered together."

Confucius smiled coldly: "If it wasn't for Bai Shikang to be no better than Cai Jinyin and Song Dongzhong, let's just do him here."

If he could find a chance to kill Bai Shikang and retreat completely, Confucius would not hesitate to start.

The nephew of the five families, one less outstanding person, one more chance for yourself in the future.

Ye Tianlong's eyelids jumped, and then smiled and waved his hand: "Kong Shao, don't be impulsive, things are far from the step of doing it..."

"Sao Kong, good morning."

At this moment, another group of people appeared at the entrance of the stadium. A dozen men and women in Chinese clothes came over here, and it was Bai Shikang who was walking in front.

Bai Shikang wears white sportswear and white cloth shoes on his feet. He looks elegant and young, and looks extraordinary.

Confucius laughed loudly: "Lao Bai, good morning, I haven't seen you for a few days, and his tail is even more warped."

"The tail is better than a dog mouth that can't spit out ivory."

Bai Shikang unceremoniously turned to Confucius, and then looked at Ye Tianlong: "Ah, Ye Shao is here too? It's really early."

"It's just that Ye Shao has dark circles under her eyes. It seems that she didn't sleep well last night."

Shiraishi Kangpi smiled and said, "I don't know what caused Ye Shao to lose sleep? If you don't mind, say it to make everyone happy."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Yeah, I have insomnia, and I can't sleep with excitement when I think that people with short eyes will be unlucky."

"That person is definitely not me."

Baishikang faintly said, "Because I won't be unlucky."

"Old Bai, don't talk about the useless ones."

Confucius didn't talk nonsense: "Ye Tianlong is my brother, you count his women, you count me, and I know your grievances."

"How can you resolve Yao Feiyan's matter?"

Confucius took the cue and slammed: "Open your conditions."

When he spoke, the companions and bodyguards around him instinctively dispersed, tacitly presenting a fan-shaped surrounding Bai Shi Kang.

Bai Shikang squinted his eyes and looked at Confucius. He was surprised that he had such a deep friendship with Ye Tianlong, and then he smiled noncommittal:

"About Yao Feiyan? Oh, you mean she killed Mi Bingbing on purpose?"

Baishikang pushed his glasses: "Kong Shao, this is a criminal case that has attracted much attention. How can I solve it as a businessman?"

"Furthermore, Mi Bingbing is my secretary. She was killed by Yao Feiyan. I am ignorant of my conscience by not coming out to seek justice for her."

"If you excuse the murderer who killed her, wouldn't it be better to be a beast? Bingbing will not let me be a ghost."

Shiraishi Kang Mianli hides the needle: "If it is you, Confucius, will you excuse the person who stabbed your brother?"

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