Talented Genius

Chapter 1745: kneel

Sow discord!

Both Ye Tianlong and Confucius had to say that Bai Shikang was insidious, not only pulling the grudges between Ye Kong and Kong, but also punching the Kong family in the face.

After all, everyone knows that Ye Tianlong stabbed Kongpolang three times.

Ye Tianlong flashed a smile, this Baishi Kang was more difficult than imagined.

Confucius laughed loudly and replied calmly: "Of course I won't excuse me, but I also know how to take a step back."

"If Young Master Bai has to walk all the way to black, I'm afraid you will arrive at the end of the road."

He lifted the club a little Shiraishiyasu: "Either make a condition or start a full battle."

"It's just that I want to remind you that I will fully support Ye Tianlong!"

As soon as the voice fell, Confucius hit the sky with a club, and more than 20 companions immediately shouted: "Support Ye Tianlong, support Ye Tianlong."

Bai Shikang's face changed slightly, although he returned to a level of calmness, it was a little surprised that Confucius sheltered Ye Tianlong like this.

It's just that he still didn't take it to heart: "A full-scale war? Confucius, where do you have the courage to say this? Can you fully represent the Confucian family?"

"Or do you think the Bai family is weak to be deceived?"

"I tell you, there are no conditions and no concessions. This time, I will act with integrity. I will go to death and you will be saved."

Bai Shikang's tone was aggressive: "Whether Yao Feiyan is free or in jail is up to her good luck."

Did not wait for Confucius to respond. Ye Tianlong stepped forward and looked at him and said, "Young Master Bai, everything is fine, don't deceive people too much."

Bai Shikang laughed: "Too much bullying?"

"Ye Tianlong, are you embarrassed to say this? Why didn't you want to deceive people too much when you drove over the senior third gold medalist?"

"When you interrupted Xue Mingli's arms and Bao Jinyi's fingers, why didn't you want to deceive people too much?"

There was a touch of joking on his face: "When you took away the Baishizhou 100 billion project, why didn't you want to deceive people too much?"

Ye Tianlong's words fell cold: "Young Master Bai is going to settle accounts? Okay, you like to settle accounts, I'll do the calculations with you."

"Baishizhou's project is indeed negotiated by Bai's, but you are too black-hearted. The profit share of the 100 billion project is 19%."

"The Baishizhou Village Committee gets 10%, and the Bai Group gets 90%. Anyone who has a bit of a brain will not cooperate with your Bai family."

In the uproar of the Kong clan's companions, Ye Tianlong said coldly: "You are forcibly grabbing."

Confucius also yelled out: "Lao Bai, you are too cruel, you are divided into nineteen, let people drink northwest wind."

In Bai Shikang's noncommittal, Ye Tianlong continued to speak: "The matter of senior third gold is that he hurts people first, and I teach him later."

"If it wasn't for me to make sense, would Ditianju shelter me?"

"Xue Mingli is even more ridiculous. My four girls and I are happily playing pool, but Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli insist on breaking in and making trouble."

"If you can't strike up a conversation, it's difficult for someone to bet on the game. As a result, he is inferior and loses and shamelessly. I interrupted his hands to be merciful."

Ye Tianlong had a look of contempt on his face: "Change to Kong Shao or you are in my position, I'm afraid that a shot will blow their heads early."

"In order not to make Young Master Bai too embarrassed, I also left room for Bao Jinyi and didn't let him crawl out of the hall according to the stakes."

"All things, I have reason."

Ye Tianlong landed and said: "Young Master Bai can say that I hit you and Hao Jiang Tuan in the face, but I cannot say that I deceived people too much."

Bai Shikang sneered: "Ye Tianlong, your tongue is like a tongue, so you are right?"

"I am not wrong, Bai Shao knows in his heart."

Ye Tianlong is neither overbearing nor overbearing: "But I came here today, not against you, I'm here to solve the problem."

"I hope that the two sides will settle this grievance, Bai Shao, you let Yao Feiyan come out, and the Baishizhou project will be divided into thirty to six."

He turned his head to look at Confucius: "There is still 10%, thank Kong Shao for being the middleman."

"I have a share too?"

Confucius was taken aback for a moment, and then his smile turned bright: "Brother, you are too polite, but this gift is too generous, I can't accept it."

"I just made a phone call and did nothing. I'm so sorry for your friendship."

At the same time, Confucius exclaimed in his ambition, Ye Tianlong was as generous as ever, such a friend is worth making.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Young Master Kong, make money together..."

Confucius still waved his hand: "No, I can't take it."

"Why don't you give this percentage to Young Master Bai, and you will be divided into three to seven, and we all get along happily?"

Confucius turned his gaze to Bai Shikang again: "Lao Bai, you take this success. It is my respect to you and I hope you will give me face."

"Let Yao Feiyan go."

He raised his head and threw a sentence: "The enemy should be resolved but not settled."

Seeing Confucius surrendering himself in such a way, Bai Shikang's mouth was joking: "Confucius, you are such a **** weird flower."

"For a boy who doesn't know how to live or die, regardless of the friendship between the two families, should I say that you are kind and righteous, or that your mind is flooded?"

He shook his watch and took a step forward: "Okay, I will give you a chance today, and I will also give Ye Tianlong a chance."

"You, Confucius, kneel down for me, and I will immediately remove the testimony so that Yao Feiyan has insufficient evidence."

"Confucius, aren't you very righteous?"

Bai Shikang stared at Confucius provocatively: "Come on, for Ye Tianlong, kneel down and see."

"Kneel one, change Yao Feiyan, worth it."

He directly put Confucius on the cusp of the storm.

Kneeling, lost the face of the magnate of the Kong family, didn't kneel, and slapped himself in the face with affection and justice.

Bai Shikang didn't believe that he was killed, Confucius would kneel to himself.

As soon as these words came out, Confucius's companions were filled with righteous indignation, shouting and wanting to fight.

Confucius did not panic: "Bai Shi Kang, what are you saying seriously?"

Shiraishi Kang snorted, "Nonsense! Although Shiraishi Kang is not a good person, I still have a promise."

"You kneel one for me, I will let Yao Feiyan out tomorrow, and Baishizhou's project is not needed."


Before Ye Tianlong and Bai Shikang could react, Confucius suddenly dropped his club and knelt down...

Very crisp sound, very captivating action, very shocking behavior.

The air, at this moment, seems to die silently...

Whether it was Ye Tianlong or Bai Shikang, they all looked at Confucius fixedly, with an unbelievable expression on their faces.

No one thought that Confucius really knelt down, and the kneeling was still so simple, so happy, so direct.

"Shao Kong!"

Ye Tianlong's eyelids jumped, and he strode forward, holding Confucius' arm and shouting: "Get up! Don't kneel on him! I'll settle it!"

"Tianlong, it's okay, one kneel for Yao Feiyan, it's worth it."

Confucius pressed Ye Tianlong's palm to prevent him from getting up from the ground, then watched Bai Shikang calmly say:

"Bai Shikang, a promise, I'm already kneeling, dissatisfied?"

The corner of Bai Shikang's mouth moved, although there was no emotional ups and downs on his face, there was shock in his heart.

He would never have thought that Confucius, who had always been rebellious and self-respecting, would kneel to himself because of Ye Tianlong.

He suddenly felt that Ye Tianlong was a bit tricky.

He thought that this guy from a non-five family would never make it to the stage, but he didn't expect him to have such a deep friendship with Confucius.

He also knew that by kneeling Confucius, he had already pushed himself to the forefront of the storm, and the entire Kong family must hate himself for this.


Bai Shikang wanted to say something, but finally stopped all the topics, his face sank and turned away.

Although Confucius Kneeled down and slapped Confucius and Ye Tianlong in the face, for him, this was not the victory he wanted...

Ye Tianlong pulled up Confucius with a grateful voice: "Kong Shao, thank you."

He did not expect that Confucius would do this.

"It's nothing."

Confucius didn't care: "I kneel on my knees to kneel to my parents, but I also kneel to send...dead people..."

When he said the last two words, his eyes shined with light.

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