Talented Genius

Chapter 1747: Something is going to happen (four more)

Ye Tianlong and Confucius spent almost a day on the golf course. They had lunch and afternoon tea, and they separated.

Despite Confucius' rejection, Ye Tianlong gave him 200% of the Shizhou project and tied Confucius to his warship.

When the two separated, the time pointed to four o'clock, and Ye Tianlong put the unfinished food and fifty or so cans in the passenger seat.

Later, he drove off the court.

Ye Tianlong didn't go back to Ditianju directly, but took a detour to Minxin Primary School.

Maybe it was because of the two contacts with the scavenger grandma that made Ye Tianlong feel that it was not easy for her, so he filled all the beverage cans for dinner today.

More than fifty cans can't sell for much, but Ye Tianlong believes that she can make the scavenger grandma happy.


BMW did not stop directly to the school gate. Ye Tianlong was worried that too many people would block the traffic, so he parked the car on the side of the road outside the playground.

Getting out of the car door, Ye Tianlong stretched out, and at a glance, he saw people coming and going on the playground, cheering constantly, and many children were running happily.

Obviously enjoying the relaxation of physical education class.

Ye Tianlong put his hands on the railing and watched the children play and wait for the end of get out of class. In his vision, a child was carrying a football, passing four people like a whirlwind.

He is thin and small, but he is extremely fast and has a decent footwork that almost no one can block his ball.

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and took a few glances, and recognized that he was the child of his grandma's scavenger. A small white dysentery on his forehead was an obvious feature.

He couldn't help but cried out, this kid is not only sensible, but also talented in playing football.


Seeing that he was about to attack the penalty area, the two students taller than him looked at each other, slid across the grass, and attacked.

One is facing his calf and the other is facing his thigh. The two are no longer tackles, but malicious tackles.


When Ye Tianlong was worried that the white dysentery would be overturned, he saw him pick a football, the football flew up, and he turned around and jumped over the two of them.

He just pounced on the grass, his feet circled, the football falling in the air was just stabilized, and then he got up and slid to the soles of his feet spiritually.

The white dysentery did not stop, his body stretched, and he rushed forward again. After passing the two quickly, he came directly to an upside down golden hook.


With a sharp bang, the football wiped the goalkeeper into the net, a group of children behind cheered, and the face of the kid who was breached looked ugly.

One of the little fat guys clenched his fists and was full of anger.


With the sound of the physical education teacher’s whistle, the physical education class ended five minutes earlier, and the children in the playground were happily leaving, cheering.

White dysentery also wiped the sweat to leave.

But before he took two steps, the little fat man took his four companions to stop the white diarrhea: "Hua Jun, stop!"

The white dysentery swept away the prestige, stopped timidly, and took a few steps back.


The little fat man slapped and slapped him: "I told you to stop and dare to go?"

Hua Jun covered his face and bit his lip, did not cry, and did not retreat.

Seeing this scene, many boys and girls all around curiously watched.


Seeing someone watching the show, the little fat man stepped forward again and kicked the Hua Jun to the ground: "Fool, I'm annoyed when I see you, what's the limelight?"

The Hua Jun fell to the ground and did not move. He pitifully bowed his head, was beaten and kicked, still like a kid who made mistakes.


The arrogant little fat man didn't stop there, and snarled fiercely at his companions, and the five people fisted and kicked.

Hua Jun guarded his face, motionless, letting him kick.

The child is not very energetic, even if it is kicked hard, it is difficult to cause harm.

But being kicked in full view, the young children of ordinary children can't bear it, because this is a humiliation and a serious injury to self-esteem.

"Hey, you can't do this."

Ye Tianlong can't stand it anymore. If it weren't for Little Fatty, they were too young, he would have thrown the five people out: "You can't beat people."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's yelling, the five of them did not show a trace of tension or anxiety. The little fat man even despised Ye Tianlong with provocative eyes.

Then he kicked the Hua Jun again: "I warned you for the last time, if you dare to play again next time, we will break your leg."

"Don't tell the teacher, or I will beat you every day."

The little fat man was very arrogant: "Even your old and immortal grandma was beaten together."

After speaking, he took his four companions and left.

Hua Jun wiped the wounds on his body, wiped the tears from his face, gritted his teeth and got up slowly.

Ye Tianlong turned over directly from the surrounding wall and came to Hua Jun to help him: "Are you all right?"

Hua Jun shook his head slightly: "Thank you Uncle, I'm fine."

"Go, I'll take you to tell the teacher."

Ye Tianlong exhaled: "You can't let them bully you like this."

"Thank you uncle, I'm fine, don't need to tell the teacher, I can do it."

Hua Jun shook his head and rejected Ye Tianlong, with a touch of anxiety in his eyes: "I can't let grandma know, otherwise she will be unhappy..."


Seeing him like this, Ye Tianlong sighed lightly: "In fact, you play so well, it means you are not weak, you can fight back."

"The fight is not good."

Hua Jun replied in a low voice: "Grandma will be sad. Last time I pushed a person, grandma lost a lot of money and cried all night."

"Uncle, I'm leaving, school is over, and grandma is coming to pick me up."

Hua Jun looked at the empty playground, and rushed to the door after hitting a joke.

"I will go out with you."

Ye Tianlong held his hand: "I know your grandma, I still have something for her."

Hua Jun looked worried: "Huh? Do you know grandma? Uncle, can you tell grandma what happened?"

"Well, I promise you not to tell her."

Ye Tianlong smiled lightly, and then led him to the door...

"By the way, your skills are good, who taught you?"

"I learned from TV myself, and practiced with a bottle..."

As soon as the two arrived at the school gate, the scavenger lady greeted him with a bag: "Little army!"

Many students pointed to the scavenger grandma, and the laughter was very crisp, but the Huajun's face did not have too many waves, and it seemed that he was used to ridicule.


When the Huajun promised, the grandmother saw Ye Tianlong and smiled slightly: "Little brother, it's such a coincidence, are you here to pick someone up?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "Grandma, I didn't come to pick up people, I passed by here."

"Thinking that you are here to pick up the kids from school, I stopped, and I took something for you."

Afterwards, he took the two to the car and took out a big bag of cans to grandma: "Grandma, I have a party at noon and drank a lot of drinks."

"This is a jar, I brought it to you easily."

Upon seeing this, Hua Jun subconsciously shouted: "Uncle, you are such a good person."

The scavenger grandmother also looked grateful, holding the big bag and said: "Young man, you are so caring, thank you, thank you really."

"Grandma, you have a lot of stuff today, I'll take you home."

Ye Tianlong saw that grandma had big bags in both hands, and the weight was not small, so he insisted on sending them home.

The grandmother pushed her to no avail, so she got into the car gratefully.

Hua Jun also sat in obediently: "Uncle, thank you."

Ye Tianlong laughed, then stepped on the gas pedal: "You're welcome."

Granny and the others lived not far away, about two kilometers away. It was a community to be demolished in the 1970s, and there were almost no people living.

It is precisely because of the lack of popularity that the house where Grandma and the others live is quite large, with three bedrooms and one living room, one for each person, and the other for piles of debris.

Ye Tianlong also found a football made of a bottle, which looked a little weird, but it was obvious that the Huajun liked it.

Ye Tianlong put the things in an open space at the door, and then gave the packaged food to the two grandma.

He was going to leave, but his grandmother pulled him to stay for some tea, thanking him for his help these few times.

"Uncle, I'll get you Coke."

While helping to put the food, Hua Jun turned on the black and white TV to show Ye Tianlong, and smiled and brought him a bottle of Coke.

It seems to be the inventory of Huajun.

Ye Tianlong did not refuse, smiled and drank the coke, chatting a few words about saying goodbye to grandma and the others, but he heard a piece of news on the TV:

"In the case of Baishi Building, two witnesses reported to the media that they were threatened and forced to overturn their confessions. The authorities have intervened in the investigation..."

"How could this be?"

Ye Tianlong stood up, staring at the news in disbelief. This was a fatal blow. Did Bai Shikang break his promise?

Something big!

He turned and left the house.

Hua Jun subconsciously shouted: "Uncle, uncle..."

He wondered why Ye Tianlong suddenly left. He was about to ask his grandmother, but when he saw his grandmother staring at the TV, his face was a little pale...

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