Talented Genius

Chapter 1748: Smash

Yao Feiyan's incident can be large or small, and deal with it in a low-key manner. She can be released for lack of evidence. If it causes public opinion, the matter will become complicated.

Two witnesses were forced to withdraw their confessions when they reported that they fell into the ears of the people, and it was collusion between officials and businessmen.

In this way, the Yao Feiyan case will be in public view. If the evidence of innocence is not true, the public will inevitably be turbulent.

If it was said that the suspected crime was never released, then he must now prove his innocence.

Things are tricky.


At this moment, the phone vibrated, Shen Tianmei's call, obviously she also saw the news.

Ye Tianlong turned the steering wheel while answering Shen Tianmei's phone. A woman's voice soon rang in her ear: "Tianlong, have you watched the news?"

"I saw it, the witness reported it, and the media made it public for the first time."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "What is going on?"

In the case of Yao Feiyan, Ye Tianlong did not personally deal with the official, and it was all operated by Shen Tianmei and a lawyer, so Shen Tianmei had first-hand information.

"I don't know which link went wrong."

Shen Tianmei's voice also contained a touch of confusion: "After I received your message this morning, I will negotiate with the police and the prosecutor for bail."

"In the afternoon, dozens of Bai employees appeared one after another, overturning the confession they recorded yesterday, telling that it was only the supervisor who speculated that Yao Feiyan was murdering."

She told Ye Tianlong: "They didn't see Yao Feiyan pushing Mi Bingbing down."

"The police have begun to let go and gave me five minutes to see Yao Feiyan, but because of recording problems, Yao Feiyan needs to be detained for 48 hours."

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I heard the media announce the report of two witnesses."

"Moreover, the news was first sent out from the media in Australia, then spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and finally flooded into the media in other provinces and cities."

Shen Tianmei sighed quietly: "The news is forwarded too fast, we can't suppress it even if we want to."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Where are the two witnesses?"

Shen Tianmei shook her head slightly: "No one knows their whereabouts. Macau is showing a recorded video for 15 minutes."

"They repeatedly stressed that they were threatened with their lives, and asked them to change their tune on Yao Feiyan's case, otherwise someone would kill their family."

"The rest of my colleagues bowed their heads to compromise in order to survive. They also overturned the first confession to the police, but their conscience kept condemning them."

She gave a wry smile: "They finally decided to tell the truth to the public."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "This trick is really invisible to murder."

"Tianlong, we were calculated by Baishi Kang again."

Shen Tianmei made a judgment: "Confucius kneels down and puts him under a lot of pressure, and he has to work hard."

"So let Bai's employees overturn the confession, and then pick two diehard loyalists to the Australian City."

"You injured Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli, and the news of Australia City is not regulated, so Australia City is bound to publicize the matter."

She sighed softly, "Bai Shikang is really doing it every step of the way."

Ye Tianlong thought of Bai Shikang, and his eyes flashed: "Although Bai Shikang is not a good person, I don't think he will play this trick."

"After all, this is equivalent to a rhythm with Confucius."

There is a hint of reservation in his tone: "Bai Shikang has been immersed in officialdom and shopping malls for many years, and he should be able to distinguish the importance of the matter."

Shen Tianmei took the topic: "The common sense is like this. It may be the master of life, what can't you do?"


Ye Tianlong nodded: "In any case, the two witnesses are from Bai Shikang, and the matter cannot be separated from him."

"I will go to the Baishi Mansion now to explore Baishikang's style."

No matter if Bai Shi Kang did it or not, Ye Tianlong wanted to see him. That was the person closest to the truth.

Shen Tianmei said softly: "You be careful."

"it is good."

Ye Tianlong agreed, then hung up, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the Baishi Building.

It was almost off work at the moment, and the traffic flow was a bit blocked. Ye Tianlong looked at the time and came directly with two overtaking vehicles and quickly passed through the congested section.

Thirty minutes later, the red BMW was in front of the Bai's Building, where Ye Tianlong had coffee yesterday.

Ye Tianlong had just parked the car, and before he got out of the car door, he saw five Greyhound buses rushing into the guard box like a rainbow, surrounding the entrance and exit of the building.

The car door opened, and more than two hundred people got out of the car, all in black with masks and a baseball bat in their hands.

They didn't say a word, nor did they look at the screaming crowd, swarms of bees rushed in from various entrances, as if they were about to fight.

Before Ye Tianlong could react, he saw an RV approaching and pulled the door across the hall.

First came out Old Ghost Li and the two followers, and then Confucius, they strode into the building with a meteor, and then disappeared from Ye Tianlong's vision.

"not good!"

Seeing Confucius appeared, and thinking about the two hundred people just now, Ye Tianlong quickly reacted, pushing the car door to chase Confucius and shouting:

"Shao Kong! Shao Kong!"

Although Ye Tianlong was fast enough, when he rushed to the lobby, the elevator had risen slowly, with a clear goal on the 28th floor.

Baishi headquarters, Baishikang office.


Ye Tianlong took out the phone to call Confucius, but found that he couldn't get through for the time being. He bit his teeth, pushed open the fire escape and ran up.

He couldn't wait for the elevator at all, and there were at least a hundred people in black waiting at the entrance, one by one fierce.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

When Ye Tianlong climbed up to the 28th floor desperately, the Bai Group was pouring into more than 30 men in black, carrying a baseball bat and hitting it.

The glass shattered with a bang.

The fish tank landed with a bang.

Office desks, computers, photocopiers, paper shredders, water dispensers, and even the employees’ cups were broken one by one in the smashing of sticks.

The documents on the table were also swept to the ground, and countless footprints stepped on them, a mess.

After the hall was smashed into a mess, people in black rushed into the executive's office, and it was ‘boom-boom-boom’ again, and they jumped.

These people in black are not only agile, but also extremely powerful, which makes their scalp numb when they look at them. Fortunately, they did not attack the Bai employees.

More than fifty brightly dressed Bai employees were shocked at first, then quickly left the place of right and wrong, and all stood by the wall.

They silently watched the man in black smash the company.

Some people wanted to shoot with their mobile phones, but they were stopped by the executives of Bai's without hesitation. It was obvious who they were.


The three men in black came to the chairman's office and kicked the door open without looking at the sign.

The door opened, and a blast of air rushed out, not only the coolness of the air conditioner, but also a sharp chill.


Before the three black-clothed men could react, Yijizhitongjian appeared in front of them, but with a bump, the bodies of the three black-clothed men were shocked.

The three fell and flew like kites, vomiting blood from the sky, and could no longer move after falling to the ground.

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