Talented Genius

Chapter 1749: Eternal Jiangshan

"Not bad."

At this time, Confucius showed up with a big laugh, and slowly walked in from the door: "Bai Shikang, I was surprised at first, why did you have the courage to turn back?"

"It turns out that you invited a master to come and press the battle."

Confucius took a baseball bat and turned his head to his men: "You continue to smash it, smash it carefully, you must turn the company into a rough."

"From the 22nd floor to the 30th floor, each floor must be smashed well, not even the toilet can be let go."

Confucius smiled and approached the chairman's office: "Young Master Bai is so rich, he will be unhappy if he doesn't smash it a bit."

Dozens of people in black responded in unison: "Yes."

They dispersed quickly and started to smash again...

Confucius took old ghost Li and the three to follow, wandering into the large and luxurious office.

In my vision, the office is full of bookshelves, and the bookshelves are all books, and on the back of the sofa sits an old woman with a hunchback.

I can't see the face, I can't see the look, and I don't have any momentum on the body, but sitting there empty-handed is still not to be ignored.

Several Baishi followed in the office, and Bai Shikang was also sitting in the boss chair.

"Confucius, isn't your brain flooded?"

At this moment, Bai Shikang, who was sitting behind the desk, stood up, with a gloomy expression: "Immediately let your people stop beating me."

"Otherwise I will call the police, so you can't eat and walk around."

Shiraishi Kang's eyes were sharp: "Stop your criminal behavior immediately."

"Call the police, I won't stop you."

Confucius looked away from the old woman, then looked at Bai Shikang with a sneer: "It's just the reason why I beat it, you sure don't know?"

"I did not instigate the witness to retract the confession."

The corner of Bai Shikang's mouth moved twice, and then he stared at Confucius strongly: "I don't know why they did this."

"They are your loyal lackeys, or your pawns that framed Yao Feiyan."

Confucius laughed loudly: "Now you say you don't know why they denounced, do you think I will believe it?"

Baishi Kang walked slowly to Confucius: "Believe it or not, this is the truth."

"I kept my promise and asked them to go to the police station to remove the confession. You should also find out. They really went to the police station this afternoon."

He landed and said: "As for the two repentance, it really exceeded my expectations. In other words, I lost control of them."


Confucius slammed a stick on the table, there was a loud noise, the table was missing a corner, and then he coldly snorted: "Young Master Bai, do you want to quibble?"

"You can only deceive the three children. Everyone knows who you are. That's a wolf that eats people without spitting out bones."

"The two little sheep are beyond your control, would you believe this nonsense?"

"Moreover, their recorded video is not exposed in Beijing, but delivered directly to the media in Australia."

He stared at Bai Shikang: "If it weren't for you to link the Haojiang dignitaries, would Australia City expose the things of the two little people?"

Bai Shikang sighed: "This is the fact. If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

"If you want me to believe it, you can hand over the two witnesses."

Confucius joked: "I'll interrogate them to see if they are just or instigated by your old man."

"Can't hand it over."

Baishi Kang exhaled a long breath: "I just heard the news that the two of them have been secretly protected by the police, and the Disciplinary Department has also intervened."

"They will randomly assign police to form a task force to investigate this matter thoroughly."

"In other words, no one can approach the two of them except the members of the task force, and Yao Feiyan will be guarded strictly from today."

Shiraishi Kang rubbed his head: "So I can't give you someone, and I also lose the ability to control them."

"In fact, I want to get them out more than you, and ask why I want to play this one."

There is a tangled twist in his words: "It's just that I can't meet them either."

Confucius smiled faintly: "In other words, I kneel for nothing?"

Bai Shikang yelled: "I said, it wasn't me who did it, you don't have to get in the way, take your people and get out."

"That's your incompetence!"

Confucius screamed, and the cold light flashed, slamming into Bai Shikang like a sharp sword.

Upon seeing a big change in Bai's face, a Bai's master shifted his footsteps to stop him.


In the dull and loud noise, Bai's master was hit by Confucius, and he flew out like a kite with a broken line.


The body of Bai's master slammed into a bookshelf, causing the bookshelf to vibrate, dropping more than a dozen books, and he also spouted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

The other two masters of the Bai family wanted to do it, but they were easily blocked by Old Ghost Li.

"Bai Shikang, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will give you an explanation."

Confucius said in a loud voice: "Sorry me first, I smashed the entire Bai family, and the Bai family can't say a word."


When Confucius gave a sneer, a note came from the void, and at the same time, a whistling sound came.

An iron plate shot Confucius face-to-face with the momentum of breaking through the air, just breaking the route of Confucius attacking Baishi Kang again.

Seeing this chain of iron plaques flying in, Confucius' ambition was horrified, and he did not dare to directly compete.

He bent his feet and straightened instantly, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string.

The iron medal flew dangerously and dangerously from under Confucius, and then flew back, as if he had a spiritual maneuver.


Confucius moved his body, once again dodged the attack of the iron plate, his body still turned around in the void.

It was just that the iron plate circled an arc, and whizzed to Confucius' waist again.


When Kong Zixiong's face changed slightly, another white light flashed by the door, as fast as a meteor hitting the iron plate.


A crisp sound, the white light shattered, and the iron plate remained undamaged, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Confucius and the others lowered their heads and saw that the white light was a paper cutter, but it had been shattered at the moment, turning into countless pieces and falling on the ground.

You can see the power on the iron plate.

Tiepai says four words: Eternal Jiangshan.

"Young Master Kong, Young Master Bai, good afternoon."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong had already walked in from the entrance, playing with another paper cutter in his hand: "I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

Bai Shikang looked at Ye Tianlong, his eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Confucius laughed loudly: "I can't do anything, Young Master Bai is so hospitable."

"Young Master Bai is indeed hospitable, not only invited the two of us, but also invited a Grade 9 master."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, then raised his eyes to look at the corner sofa, and saw that the old lady of Heisha had already turned around.

I saw that the old woman was as pale as winter snow, with a childlike face, wearing a black gauze, and the iron medal returned to her hand.

Old ghost Li looked at the old woman in front of him, her pupils suddenly contracted, and shouted in a cold voice:


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