Talented Genius

Chapter 1750: Grandma

Hearing the yelling of Old Ghost Li, Kong Zixiong's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously asked: "Leader of the martial arts, grandma?"

"The leader of the martial arts is a joking name for friends from the rivers and lakes, but the grandmother who is old and not dead is my original name."

The humpbacked old woman was still sitting on the sofa, with an indescribable smile on her face: "It's not worth mentioning compared to the names of everyone here."

Ye Tianlong looked at the hunchbacked old woman and thought of what Feng Jiutian had told him.

The bodyguard Zhao Sibao killed by Tianmo came from the Sun family. The Sun family is a family of martial arts and national martial arts champions. Seven out of ten have the surname Sun.

The Sun family accounted for 30% of Huaxia's sixth- and seventh-rank masters. If one million people produced a seventh-rank master, the Sun family had five hundred masters.

At that time, Feng Jiutian reminded him to be careful of the Sun family's revenge. Ye Tianlong was also on guard against the Sun family, but he didn't expect to see his ancestor today.

The grandmother in front of her had already passed the ninth rank. Ye Tianlong couldn't tell where she was.

But Ye Tianlong was not afraid of her attacking him. Grandma grandmother hadn't entered the tenth rank. As long as she didn't reach the peak, a little red would have a high probability of killing her.

When the thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong stretched his arms into his arms.

As if feeling Ye Tianlong's movements, Grandma granddaughter glanced.

Just a glance, a murderous aura was released.

The power and coercion that seemed to control all the breath between heaven and earth suddenly made Ye Tianlong a feeling of being in a stormy sea.

This is the world where grandmother grandson rules the power of life and death, and Ye Tianlong is just an ant in this world.

There was a touch of shock in his heart, but at the same time, an unprecedented excitement burst out from the bottom of Ye Tianlong's heart and filled his whole body.

His fingers touched a little red, and the indescribable fighting spirit spread throughout his body.

A pair of peaceful eyes were a little brighter, and a frightening aura swept over him. Not only was Ye Tianlong not afraid, on the contrary, he was like a javelin and faced it brazenly.

The grandmother nodded slightly, showing a trace of approval, and then her eyelids drooped, and all the aura that enveloped Ye Tianlong quietly retreated.

No one knows, the two have competed for a round.

"Bai Shikang, kind of wise."

At this moment, Confucius laughed loudly and gave Bai Shikang a thumbs up: "I have invited grandma to sit down, no wonder you dare to turn back."

"Confucius, I'll say it again, the two witnesses didn't instigate me to inform me, I can use my reputation to guarantee my life."

Bai Shikang hummed with his hands on his back, "And grandma grandmother is not my invitation to sit here, she is a guest of the Bai family and one of my mentors."

"She came to the capital for a stroll. Of course, I want to entertain. Besides, grandma, is she the one who sits casually?"

Although I still don't believe what Baishikang said, the last sentence is more or less true. Grandma Sun is not a figure of thugs.

"Everyone, I shouldn't have been involved in your grievances, but I met today. I have a little fate with Xiaobai."

Grandmother grandmother suddenly burst into a smile, her voice was not hurried, but with a wave of no anger and prestige: "I'll just say a few words objectively."

"First, Xiaobai was right. I didn't come to Beijing to sit for him, I came for Ye Tianlong."

When Confucius and Bai Shikang were stunned, her gaze fell on Ye Tianlong's face: "Ye Tianlong once killed a Sun family member."

"Even though he was driven out of the house by me, his death was so miserable. He was killed when he was killed, and he was chopped up and cut off."

"I came to Beijing to seek justice."

The grandmother sighed softly: "Ye Tianlong, shouldn't you forget the old grandson who is the bodyguard next to Zhao Sibao?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I didn't forget, he was killed by me, but I corrected it a little, I killed him, but didn't cut it into pieces."

"The truth of the matter, I will find out."

The grandmother's eyes were peaceful: "If you didn't do it, the matter will be cancelled. If you do, I won't let you go."

"I said my purpose is not to seek revenge with you now, but to tell you and Kong Shao, my true intention in coming to the capital."

She turned to Confucius and smiled: "Kong Shao, now believe that I am not in charge of Xiaobai?"

Confucius did not expect Ye Tianlong to have this grudge with the Sun family, and the grandmother grandmother was too convincing, so he nodded and said, "I believe it."

Baishikang hummed: "Why do you use grandma to deal with you."

Confucius lifted the baseball bat and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense! You must be the one who caused the two witnesses."

"Three, don't get angry, impulsiveness can't solve the problem, it will only make it more complicated."

When Ye Tianlong looked at grandma with approval, grandma's clear voice came slowly:

"Secondly, Xiaobai's style of behavior. Although I can't get used to it, he still has good credit. He never regrets what he promised."

The grandmother smiled: "So about the two witnesses, I think Xiaobai may be innocent. Someone put the three of you behind."

"There are two kinds of situations now, one, Xiaobai has calculated you back, and two, someone stabbed you in the back and provoked you to die."

Upon hearing the next sentence, Ye Tianlong, Confucius, and Bai Shikang all had their eyes jumped, and they obviously smelled a sign of conspiracy.

"In my opinion, I tend to be in the latter case, because it was Xiao Bai who turned back, and the benefits he received are not as good as the disadvantages."

Grandma's grandmother eased the emotions of the three: "He broke his faith and you at most put Yao Feiyan in jail, and he will face the thunder of you two."

"I believe that your revenge is cruel, and it also means that Bai will suffer heavy losses, or his life will be in danger."

"The Bai family is now in a period of rapid development, and Xiao Bai's luck is soaring, and your obstacles will cost him tens of billions."

The grandmother's voice is very friendly: "You said, is he worthy of ruining Bai's good future for a woman?"

Confucius' expression was mostly relaxed. I have to say that Grandma's analysis makes sense and Bai Shikang has never been an impulsive person.

"What the mother-in-law wants to say is what I want to say."

Bai Shikang looked up at Ye Tianlong: "I'm sorry about Ye Tianlong and Yao Feiyan, but it wasn't the knife I stabbed."

"Of course, in any case, they are all members of my Bai family. Now that this situation occurs, I still need to be responsible."

"In this way, I will cooperate with you, go all out to figure this out, and even spare resources to rescue Yao Feiyan."

Shiraishi Kang took up his responsibility: "What do you think?"

Confucius sneered: "Isn't this something you should have done? If it weren't for your witnesses, Yao Feiyan would have come out now."

"I apologize to you three billion."

Bai Shikang knew that Confucius was also a wolf, and it was impossible to stop without cutting some meat: "It's my compensation for this mistake."

"In addition, I will use another 10 billion. If Yao Feiyan does not have enough evidence, I will withdraw the 10 billion."

Bai Shikang showed his due courage: "If Yao Feiyan really wants to go to jail, Ye Tianlong will take 10 billion away and I will make up for Yao Feiyan."

"So satisfied or not?"

Grandma grandma laughed and said, "I am willing to give Xiaobai a guarantee."

"If he breaks his promise, you will settle the account with me."

"And before Yao Feiyan comes out, I won't do anything to Ye Tianlong."

"If I break my promise, I will end in the future and be such a stick."

With a flick of her finger, the iron plate flew out instantly and cut into the baseball bat in Confucius's hand.


The stick broke into two pieces.

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