Talented Genius

Chapter 1752: No future (five shifts)

At ten o'clock the next morning, there is a European-style garden in Beijing.

The garden occupies a large area and is still located in the third ring area. There are people coming and going at the door, but the garden is very quiet, only Bao Jinyi and a group get together to chat.

They moved from the hospital to this Baojia villa yesterday. Compared with the hospital's various rules, this villa is more free and restrained.

At this moment, Bao Jinyi was leaning on the stone stool in the pavilion, pointing his finger at the laptop and laughing: "Have you seen? The crowd is raging?"

"Any piece of news has hundreds of thousands of messages, all of which are accountable to the police whether they are doing favoritism."

Bao Jinyi was very happy: "In this way, Yao Feiyan will peel off if he is not dead."

"Bao Shao's public opinion plays well. It bypasses the mainland's control and launches it in all channels in Macau City, and then joins Hong Kong City and Taiwan City to create momentum."

Xue Mingli laughed and laughed: "I think Yao Feiyan will be sorry for everyone's enthusiasm if he does not go to jail for three to five years."

Senior senior gold is also very excited: "We can't blame us, only that Yao Feiyan has a bad life, and has a leg with Ye Tianlong."

"I can't move Ye Tianlong for the time being, and it's quite comfortable to move his woman."

Senior third Jin exhaled a long breath: "Next, I should find a few people around him to start. The four girls played billiards that day, very good..."

"Don't overplay it."

At this moment, Mo Yuge walked in with a cold face: "Just take a breath, don't fan the flames anymore, the water inside is too deep."

Bao Jinyi raised his head and replied: "Yu Ge, but you said that you killed someone with a knife, why are you stopping us now?"

"And we all listen to you. We didn't step on the Tianlong personally. What we did was safe enough. You can't cool down our enthusiasm."

Mo Yuge pushed his sunglasses lightly and kept his pretty face cold and said: "I am not cooling down your enthusiasm, but worried that you will be calculated."

"Your current behavior has not only severely injured Ye Tianlong, but also gave Bai Shikang a knife. Once the Bai family gets angry, we will be very troublesome."

She has her own caution.

Bao Jinyi snorted disapprovingly: "What can be the trouble?"

"It's Bai Shikang's incompetence who can't preside fairness, and has to bow his head to compromise with Ye Tianlong. I have no alternative but to let Australia City broadcast this."

"I didn't frame the person, nor did I catch it. I just spread the matter, and the content of the spread is all true."

He smiled proudly: "Neither Ye Tianlong nor Bai Shikang can suppress me with this incident."

Mo Yuge shook his head lightly: "Things won't be as simple as you think..."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a bang from the entrance, and then a red BMW drove over and stopped by more than ten bodyguards.

"come out!"

"Come out!"

A group of Haojiang bodyguards were murderous and shouted into the car: "Get off the car now."

"Sorry, the brakes don't work well. Give me a price for the crashed item, and I will double the compensation."

Ye Tianlong kicked the car door and got out of the car. Then he pushed away the bodyguard and walked slowly to Bao Jinyi and the others: "Everyone, good morning."

Mo Yuge and the others were taken aback for a moment, it seemed that Ye Tianlong didn't expect to appear.

Bao Jinyi also twitched his eyelids, and then shouted: "Ye Tianlong, do you dare to come here?"

As he shouted, more than a dozen bodyguards and companions surrounded him with a clatter, and the crowds were raging, and they seemed to be ready to fight.

"Everyone, I am here today, not to fight."

Ye Tianlong smiled very calmly: "I'm just here to say a few words to you."

Xue Mingli furiously opened his eyes: "Speaking of your uncle, what can we tell you?"

The hatred of broken arms can't be suppressed.

Senior third Jin also rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "That's right, there's nothing to say, brothers, come on, kill this kid."

Everyone yelled to come forward, Mo Yuge yelled: "Stop!"

Ye Tianlong saved her life, and with outstanding skill, Mo Yuge didn't want the two sides to conflict:

"Listen to what he said."

Bao Jinyi and the others stopped and pressed their anger in their hearts, but they still looked very fiercely at Ye Tianlong.

"I am here today, what I want to say is very simple."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward slowly and looked at Bao Jinyi with a faint smile: "I think you all know that Yao Feiyan has a close relationship with me."

"She was framed for murder and was put in jail. It could have been resolved in a low-key manner, but because of your help, she had to continue to be detained."

Xue Mingli yelled: "She was not caught by us. We are not detained or not, we are the birds."

Mo Yuge also nodded: "Ye Tianlong, the matter has nothing to do with us, I can guarantee this."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "I know you didn't catch it, but the Australian city media distorted the report so much that it has nothing to do with you."

"If my intelligence is correct, the first three media outlets to exaggerate and publish witness videos are companies under the Bao family."

He chuckled and asked, "I don't know, right?"

When Mo Yuge frowned, Bao Jinyi raised the corners of his mouth: "Yes, it's our Baojia company, so what?"

"When did the media become a judge? It just states the facts."

Bao Jinyi snorted, "As long as Yao Feiyan is not guilty, 100 media outlets are useless."

Senior three Jin also hummed: "That is, it is the duty of each of us to eliminate violence and safety."

Ye Tianlong tit-for-tat: "The media is not a judge, but it can create public opinion. In fact, you do discredit Yao Feiyan."

"What tofu dregs project, whoever does the best, what tax evasion and tax evasion, support terrorists."

"Aren't these things made up by you to discredit her?"

"Do you want to use this to influence the views of the people, make the uninformed people hate Yao Feiyan, and then affect the worries of the judges?"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "This kind of trick is too low-level, there are not enough packages, so it's enough. Remove this topic."

Bao Jinyi laughed loudly: "I don't know if the low-level is not low-level, I only know that the Australian City Media will not withdraw this topic."

"We will follow through until Yao Feiyan sits down in prison."

Bao Jinyi added: "Ye Tianlong, I am very happy to see your distressed and helpless look, hahaha."

"You have the ability to go to the Australian city to control the media and block all of them. Then, the topic will be gone."

Xue Mingli and senior high school Jin also laughed: "Yes, you went to block the Aocheng media, see if you have this ability?"

"Before five o'clock in the afternoon, you'd better remove the topic, otherwise you won't be happy by then."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Besides, let me tell you one more thing. There is no future in following Jin Xuejun."

Bao Jinyi's face changed: "I don't understand what you said."

"Remember to tell Young Master Jin, I already know that he is behind the scenes."

Ye Tianlong turned and walked towards BMW, waving his hand on the way: "Let him take care of yourself."

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