Talented Genius

Chapter 1753: Still a stick

"Bao Shao, your news is not from the paparazzi, but from Jin Xuejun?"

When Ye Tianlong and BMW completely disappeared from the field of vision, Mo Yuge waved his hand to disperse the bodyguard and a group of companions, leaving only the ugly clothes.

She did not make false claims, and went straight to the subject: "You answer me honestly, don't you?"

Bao Jinyi's eyelids twitched: "I know Jin Xuejun, but I don't know him. How can I receive news from him?"

"I have told you three times. This is a message from an Australian city paparazzi who specifically collects official negative news from the mainland."

He picked up the tea in front of him and drank it in one sip: "He sold me the Yao Feiyan case, and I gave him a 500,000 informant fee."

Mo Yuge's voice was still cold: "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"What is there to lie to you?"

Bao Jinyi smiled forcefully: "If you don't believe me, I can show you the transfer records."

"Furthermore, as long as things are true, even if it is the information given by Jin Xuejun, how is it different from paparazzi?"

He dropped the tea cup in his hand: "Just because he is Jin Xuejun and he is a paparazzi, things are different?"


Mo Yu Ge Jiao shouted: "Bao Jinyi, don't pretend to be crazy with me, you should know the difference between the two in your heart."

"If the paparazzi sold it to you, this incident can be considered purely that you retaliate against Ye Tianlong, and the worst result is only compensation and apology."

"But if it was given to you by the Jin Xuejun, then you are likely to be involved in the struggle of the five great families, and you are like a member of the Jin family camp."

"Once the five masters have this judgment, you will be crushed as a chess piece at any time, and even the Bao family will be in danger."

"You don't understand the seriousness, just call your dad and see what he says."

Mo Yuge landed and said: "I advise you for the last time, if it really has something to do with Jin Xuejun, it will be enough right away, and I will fly back to Australia tonight."

She did not expect that a clash in the billiard room would involve Hao Jiang Tuan in a dispute between the five big players, which would bring a great crisis to the six big gambling kings.

Then Mo Yuge remembered that Bao Jinyi secretly left the hospital in the middle of the night the night before. He must have gone to see Jin Xuejun at that time, but unfortunately he didn't pay attention.

"Okay, okay, Yu Ge."

There was a touch of irritability on Bao Jinyi's face, and interrupted Mo Yuge's words and said, "The matter is not as serious as you thought, and it is not as complicated."

"Although the five of you are arrogant, they haven't crushed me. Bao Jia is not talented, but he is also one of the six big gamblers."

"Furthermore, there are so many nephews and nephews of the five families. If it is not the first heir, the other dogs and cats cannot be compared with my Bao Jinyi."

He stopped Mo Yuge from speaking: "I'll take care of this. Don't worry, you don't need to worry about it anymore, whether it's Jin Xuejun or the paparazzi."

"Bao Shao, I know you don't like being advised."

Mo Yuge's voice was as cold as frost: "But things are beyond your control. If you don't stop, it will be very troublesome."

"If it weren't for the six big gambling kings to advance and retreat together, our two families have a good relationship, and I won't bother to talk to you about this."

She reminded Bao Jinyi: "You have something wrong, something happened to the Bao family, and I'm still happy that it's too late. The resources of the six families are divided into five families, why not do it?"

"Okay, okay, I see."

Bao Jinyi pulled off a button and shouted, "I will take care of it. If I can't handle it, I will take it alone. Can you not involve you?"


After speaking, Bao Jinyi opened the white fan with a crisp sound, and left the pavilion with a gloomy expression, leaving Mo Yuge standing alone.

Mo Yuge had a worrisome in her eyes. She knew Bao Jinyi's character too well. This appearance was not to calm down, but to squat to the end.

She didn't know what Ye Tianlong used, but she knew very well that Ye Tianlong would either not make a move. Once he made a move, he would just take seven inches...

When Mo Yuge was thinking about Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong was leaving the villa area in his BMW. Ten minutes later, he drove the BMW into a supermarket.

After another ten minutes, Ye Tianlong put on a hat, changed his clothes, and came out of the supermarket with two bottles of Coke and a few bags of melon seeds.

Instead of returning to the red BMW, he got into a Buick, then left the parking lot in a low-key manner and drove back to the villa area where Bao Jinyi was.

Bao Jinyi's villa was on the 13th, and Ye Tianlong's car finally stopped on the 17th, diagonally opposite Bao Jinyi and theirs.

After Ye Tianlong entered Villa No. 17, he got out of the car with two bottles of Coke and a few bags of melon seeds, and entered the hall lightly.

The hall is almost 300 square meters. In addition to the sofa and the coffee table, there are two long and narrow tables on which 20 men and women sit.

They have a computer in front of them, and two monitor headphones, which precisely lock the nearby communication channels.

"The Coke is good, just a bit thirsty."

When Ye Tianlong walked into the hall, Confucius, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up, smiled and grabbed a bottle of Coke and twisted it away.

"The bunch of **** didn't do it, right?"

Then, he smiled to himself: "I'm just worrying too much. How could they possibly have done you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and sat down: "I just beat them, and I didn't open the fight on purpose, not to mention the sensible Mo Yuge suppressing the scene."

Thinking of the cold girl and the scene in the cafe, Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a touch of playfulness, the girl was more interesting than he thought.

"I'm also worried that they will lose their minds and beat you. After all, the hatred you have accumulated with them is not small, and I didn't expect it to come out unscathed."

Confucius poured in another sip of Coke: "It seems that Mo Yuge is a character. A woman can hold Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli down."

"By the way, do they doubt you?"

He also glanced at the door: "Is anyone following you?"


Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "I appeared suddenly, and the direction was clear, they would not think of my deep motives."

"It's even more impossible to follow me. I went to the supermarket and changed my clothes."

Ye Tianlong is confident: "There will be no tails of hands."

"That's good."

Confucius laughed loudly: "In this way, your plan to "kill the grass and startle the snake" is very likely to succeed."

"You expose Bao Jinyi to collude with Jin Xuejun in public, and Bao Jinyi will definitely feel uneasy."

"Once he loses his confidence, he will definitely contact Jin Xuejun."

"As long as they contact, all words or emails will be intercepted by us, so that there will be evidence of Jin Xuejun's face."

Confucius looked at more than twenty monitors: "Even if we don't retaliate against Jin Xuejun, Bai Shikang will teach him how to be a man."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Bao Jinyi will definitely contact Jin Xuejun, but he won't act immediately."

"He is still a stick..."

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