Talented Genius

Chapter 1754: wrong number

Chapter 1754 You Are Wrong

"Shocked at home and abroad! Bao Jinyi faked his academic qualifications, and a certificate of 20 dollars a copy?"

"Unprecedented! A large number of pornographic photos flowed out. Eighteen young models jointly sued Bao Jinyi. They were subjected to Bao Jinyi fans and blackmailed?"

"A masterful puzzle! The humble son of the gambling king, the scumbag veteran in the flower, which one is the real Baojinyi?"

"Beasts are inferior! Bao Jinyi harms beautiful stepmother and plays the role of father and son sharing a female?"

"People and gods are angry! The daily chemicals under Bao Jinyi contain carcinogens? Spread rumors? Black business?"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when Bao Jinyi was about to urge the media to continue to question Yao Feiyan's case, the Gangcheng Gossip Weekly published a piece of explosive news.

Falsified academic qualifications, a large number of pornographic photos, harmful to beautiful mothers, and carcinogenic goods, all eye-catching words have tuned out the interest of the people.

The news not only has technical analysis of true and false academic qualifications, but also more than a dozen pornographic photos with mosaics, and a text description of his harm to the glamorous stepmother.

These things instantly gave people a sense of conviction, plus Bao Jinyi's usual bad reviews, so the news quickly forwarded more than 30,000.

If people are a bit tolerant of Bao Jinyi's private affairs, reports of carcinogenicity of daily-use products have made people curse Bao Jinyi for not having a good life.

Many people watched the news while cleaning up Bao's daily necessities, and then put everything related to Bao's family into the trash.

After this wave of fire ignited, the various black materials of Bao Jinyi's past were also taken to the bottom.

For example, large-scale parties at parties, such as beating the police when drunk, such as seven girlfriends having abortions, such as he has a dark disease...

In short, the son of the gambling king, who had not been noticed by the public, was suddenly known to countless people, and suffered countless accusations and curses.

Even the Bao family was also hit, the casino crowd dropped by 30%, and the glass of the venue was thrown into stone...

After the news broke out in Hong Kong City, Macau City, and Taicheng City, it was quickly collected and disseminated by the people in the Mainland with the word "Eighteen Nun Yan Zhao".

In less than an hour, the name Bao Jinyi was known.

Under the cover of Bao Jinyi's hot search, the popularity of Yao Feiyan's case began to recede, and everyone's attention began to seek seeds everywhere.


At seven o'clock in the evening, Bao Jinyi was flipping through the phone, his face was very annoyed: "All framed! All smeared! All exaggeration!"

"The U.S. University that Lao Tzu studied at the time was blown to ruins by the hurricane, and even the stamps of the data strips were buried in the ground."

"I got a certificate as it is, why is it fake?"

When Xue Mingli and his group looked at him, Bao Jinyi shouted hysterically: "I have been studying for four years."

"The tender model took the initiative to pounce on me. It won't work if I don't go up. I will take pictures with me after the show. I am satisfied with them. How can I become blackmail?"

"My high school class flower became my dad's little wife, what kind of relationship does it have with me?"

Bao Jinyi was indignant: "It is even more absurd that the daily necessities of the Bao family contain cancerous substances. In that year, the business of several hundred million yuan was worth my cutting corners?

"Come on, sue him, sue Gossip Weekly, sue all the media, and ask them to stop publishing and forwarding immediately."

Bao Jinyi kicked over a chair: "At the same time, I'm sorry, or I will let them sit in prison."

Xue Mingli glanced around at his surrounding companions, coughed and replied: "Less package, too much multimedia to follow suit, I can't tell."

"The Gossip Weekly in Hong Kong City has freedom of the press. We can't stop them from reporting."

He whispered: "And their titles all use question marks, which means that they are only suspicion, and it is difficult to bring them down."

"Then let people smash the Gossip Weekly, dare to discredit me and the Bao family like this, I will never let them go."

Bao Jinyi was murderous: "I don't care what relationship you use, I must settle this matter for me."

"Otherwise, not only will I be ruined, but also the house casino business will be frustrated."

He shouted to more than 20 companions: "Settle them immediately."

Xue Mingli tilted his head slightly, and they quickly took out the phone, looking for the revelation that the relationship suppressed this time.

Bao Jinyi's eyes burst into anger: "Damn! When I go back, I must kill Gossip Weekly."

"You can't kill it."

At this time, Mo Yuge walked in from the door, with a cold voice: "The real behind-the-scenes boss of Bagua Weekly is Dong Xiaohua."

"What did you use to kill it?"

When they heard the three words Dong Xiaohua, Xue Mingli and senior senior Jin were taken aback, Bao Jinyi also narrowed his eyes: "Behind it is Dong Xiaohua?"

"There are more than 60 magazines in Hong Kong City, and they are arguing every day. In fact, the same owner Ouyang Chun Holdings is behind them."

Mo Yuge explained in a flat tone: "And this Ouyang Chun was Dong Xiaohua's first special assistant at the time, and his most trusted person."

"You said, how did you kill him?"

The audience was slightly silent. Everyone knew who Dong Xiaohua was. The first big boss and respected character. Although the Bao family was prominent, their status was quite short.

Bao Jinyi yelled, "I have no grudges with Dong Xiaohua, why did he **** me like this?"

"Where does Dong Xiaohua have time to deal with a small role like us?"

Mo Yuge said coldly, "Bao Shao, you still don't know yet, who is fighting you?"

"Ye Tianlong?"

Bao Jinyi reacted with a gleam in his eyes: "Is he capable of letting Dong Xiaohua save face?"

"Maybe Ye Tianlong, maybe Bai Shikang, or Confucius..."

Mo Yuge said softly, "It's not clear which one, but it must be one of them."

"I have already told you that the matter may have involved the five major families, so it is normal for Dong Xiaohua to intervene to deal with you."

"I don't know what the five people hope to seek from the Yao Feiyan case, but I know that the Kong family and the Bai family don't like to see you get involved."

"Look at their energy, just move a finger and you can ask Dong Xiaohua to help, you know how powerful this vortex is."

She looked at Bao Jinyi sincerely: "If you don't stop, it is estimated that you will soon become the cannon fodder in their competition, and no one will be able to save you."

Bao Jinyi snorted, "Is it so mysterious?"

Mo Yuge sighed faintly: "It's not mysterious, you slowly realize it."

"As a friend, I would like to advise you one last sentence, and immediately let the Australian City media remove the topic of Yao Feiyan."

She whispered: "Otherwise, I'm worried, there will be more discrediting about Bao's family later, and I will return to Australia City tomorrow morning..."

After speaking, Mo Yuge walked to the stairs and went back to his room to rest...

Bao Jinyi didn't speak, but took out a cigar, lit it, and walked to the top of the building to think alone.

After thinking about it for about fifteen minutes, he took out his phone and flipped through it again. The popularity of the news was still rising, and Bao Jinyi and Bao's family were almost stripped.

Even photos of him wearing women's shorts were dug up online.

Bao Jinyi bit her lip fiercely, with a hideous expression. He wanted to call the media in Australia, but he was a little bit aggrieved and unwilling.

Bowing to Ye Tianlong, Bao Jinyi felt sorry for her finger.

"Oh shit!"

After thinking for a while, Bao Jinyi made a series of familiar phone calls. The call was quickly connected. Bao Jinyi exhaled and shouted in a low voice:

"Jin Shao, things are not good, Ye Tianlong retaliated against me, he also knows that I and you are in the same group..."

Before he could finish speaking, the other end of the phone said indifferently: "Sorry, you made a wrong number." zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Immediately, dealing with the phone hanging up, leaving only the silly Bao Jinyi...

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