Talented Genius

Chapter 1755: A good show

Chapter 1755

After being hung up, Bao Jinyi was stunned, and then he reacted again, wondering if he made a mistake.

After confirming that there was no error, he quickly dialed the number, but this time he felt even more shocked. The other party's phone was turned off.

"What the hell?"

Bao Jinyi's eyelids twitched, and then opened the email again and sent an inquiry email, but the other party still did not respond.

Bao Jinyi frowned, what exactly is Jin Xuejun playing? Cross the river and demolish the bridge?

He thought to no avail and was about to go downstairs. He wanted to drive to Jin Xuejun to ask about it, but just after two steps, his phone rang.

An unfamiliar number.

Bao Jinyi was taken aback for a moment, but still picked up the phone to answer: "Hello, who?"

A woman's voice sounded: "You have been calculated by someone. If you want to be okay, don't call any more, don't find anyone."

Bao Jinyi frowned, "Who are you? Are you from Jin Shao?"

"I don't know what kind of gold is less than gold."

The woman still replied unhurriedly: "I just want to remind you, keep your mouth well, and also, return to Australia City early."

Bao Jinyi was angry: "Who the **** are you? What qualifications do you have to ask me to do?"

"Good for yourself."

The other party left the last sentence: "This is the only way for you to retreat."

"Hey Hey hey!"

When the other party hung up the phone, Bao Jinyi's face was very ugly. He even shouted a few words but didn't move. Then he called back and shut down.

"Damn! What's the matter?"

Bao Jinyi was very angry, and then he was about to go downstairs. He asked Jin Xuejun to ask him in person.

At this moment, he felt a dangerous breath, Bao Jinyi held his breath and turned his head slightly. The danger came from under the wall at the entrance of the roof.

But what surprised Bao Jinyi was that there was nothing but no one there.

"what 's wrong?"

Although Bao Jinyi is a dude, but he is a martial artist. After smelling the danger, he cheered up and stepped forward to pull the iron gate of the roof.

Although he moved, his nerves were tense and he kept staring at the corner of the entrance.


Just as Bao Jinyi's hand was about to hit the iron gate, a whistle broke through the air.

In the next second, a long and narrow black shadow shot at Bao Jinyi like a sharp arrow, extremely fast and extremely fierce.

If this is replaced by ordinary people, we will definitely encounter misfortune.

But Bao Jinyi is different, not only Jingang pointed out supernatural, but also wary.

So when the long and narrow shadow flew over, he swished out with one finger, and all points were on the shadow's body.


As these three fingers fell, the long and narrow black figure halted and fell to the ground with a bang, making a screaming scream.

Bao Jinyi looked around, but took a breath.

It was a poisonous snake, the length of a chopstick, the head was triangular, the fangs were sharp, and the whole body was jet black, almost overlapping the darkness.

Although Bao Jinyi's three fingers did not poke its seven inches, they also pierced its body through three blood holes, so that it could no longer attack.

Snake blood stained the ground, looking shocking.

"Yuge, fame and fortune, three golds!"

Bao Jinyi shuddered while watching the poisonous snake, and then shouted at the downstairs: "Jin Xuejun wants to kill me, Jin Xuejun wants to kill me."

Without a doubt, he counted this poisonous snake on Jin Xuejun's head.

Bao Jinyi was fortunate that he didn't go to Jin Xuejun, otherwise he would be killed, and then he became angry with Jin Xuejun endlessly.

He originally thought that the two sides had friendships, but he didn't expect that, as Mo Yuge said, he was a cannon fodder who could sacrifice at any time.

"What happened?"

At this time, noisy footsteps sounded at the entrance, more than a dozen people rushed out, and several bodyguards also pulled out their guns, one by one, like a big enemy.

Bao Jinyi pointed to the poisonous snake on the ground and shouted to Mo Yuge: "Jin Xuejun wants to kill me!"

Mo Yuge and the others froze together, seemingly unable to react for a while...

Mo Yuge stepped forward, trampled to death the poisonous snake with its teeth and claws, and then shouted to Bao Jinyi: "What is going on?"

Bao Jinyi was very angry: "Jin Xuejun **** cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

"I cooperated with him to deal with Ye Tianlong. The situation is like today. I want to call him and discuss how to resolve it."

"But that **** not only didn't answer my phone, but also got a snake to bite me. If I didn't react fast enough, I would have been bitten to death."

He took a tissue to wipe his fingers, and shouted hysterically, "Damn! Jin Xuejun, I won't let him go."

"I'm going to explode the matter and let him tell me everything, so I won't take the blame for him again."

"I won't play this game anymore."

Bao Jinyi shouted to Mo Yuge: "Help me contact the Macau media and immediately withdraw the topic of Yao Feiyan..."

When the rooftops were in chaos, a drone was slowly retreating, flying out of the villa, out of the grass, and then stopped on the top of the 17th building.

At the same time, Confucius put down the tablet, picked up the coke and smiled at Ye Tianlong: "It's a success to kill the snake, but it's a pity that the snake is so spiritual."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's okay, there are many more such snakes."

The snake transported by Miao Tiannu is naturally like an arm.

Confucius smiled and changed the conversation: "Although Jin Xuejun is wary of calling the wrong call, it is a pity that his number is in his name. This cannot be solved by turning off his phone."

"Besides, Bao Jinyi has misunderstood that Jin Xuejun is going to kill him, and I believe he will explode everything."

He drank a sip of Coke: "At least I can instigate Bao Jinyi to break the news to the media."

Speaking of this, Confucius' eyes still had a glimmer of coldness. He didn't expect that it was really Jin Xuejun stabbing a knife in the back.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Jin Xuejun still has a lot of room to argue."

Confucius burst into a smile: "Of course I know that he can argue, and with his personality, he can still do a good job."

Obviously he knew enough about Jin Xuejun and knew what kind of thoughts and methods were behind that polite smile.

"But we are not taking evidence to court. We don't need any physical evidence, as long as we confirm that he is behind the scenes."

Confucius smiled gloomily: "If you recognize him, everyone can start fighting."

"While his old man went abroad before he came back, let's beat him up and let him know why the flowers are so red."

He expressed his attitude: "You can do whatever you want, and I will support you. Anyway, the truth is on our side."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "No, there is no need to start the fight, let's hand the evidence to Bai Shikang first..."

Confucius was taken aback for a moment, then after thinking about it, he gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good chess."

"Jin Xuejun wants us to die with Bai Shikang. We are now revealing his intentions, and Bai Shikang will definitely not go around him."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "If it weren't for him, how could Bai Shikang bleed 3 billion, and how could he spend manpower and material resources to save Yao Feiyan?"

"In this battle, let Baishi Kang fight the first battle."

Confucius raised his cup and laughed loudly: "Okay, let Lao Bai go ahead first, let's watch the play next to us, and occasionally kick his feet."

Ye Tianlong touched him, then smiled and finished his glass of Coke. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

He expected that there would be a good show tomorrow.

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