Talented Genius

Chapter 1756: Bidding

Chapter 1756

On the morning after Bao Jinyi removed Yao Feiyan's topic, more than 30 men and women in Chinese clothes were sitting in the multifunctional hall of the Beijing Land and Resources Bureau.

If you take a closer look at these men and women in Chinese clothes, they are almost all familiar faces on TV or magazines, and there are people with faces in China.

At this moment, they were holding signs one by one, watching the land on the screen successively holding up signs.

Today is the day of bidding for land in the capital city. A total of 13 lots are auctioned. This is also the last bid for the next three years.

Today, with an inch of land and an inch of gold and housing prices surging 100,000 yuan, this auction naturally attracted many people and the scene was very lively.

A piece of land located in the Fragrant Mountain Cultural Tourism Zone of Beijing is laid out, where a global theme park and resort will be built.

The reserve price is 3 billion.

Everyone present was very excited. The increase of 100 million and 300 million will eventually send out a high price of 8.7 billion.

Then, three more pieces of land were put out, and more than a dozen real estate companies continued to bid, and the number of auctions was astonishing, which made the organizers very happy.

After four consecutive plots of land were auctioned off, the gate of the venue was pushed open again, six men and women in Chinese clothes walked in, and the Jin Xuejun walked in the front in an elegant manner.

After Jin Xuejun nodded to dozens of dignitaries, and then led people to the first row to take a seat, he picked up a sign in his hand and looked very casual.

No one accused him of being late, but greeted him with a smile.

Even the organizers stopped talking slightly, and bowed to Jin Xuejun and the others subconsciously, with a smirk on their faces.

But Jin Xuejun didn't look at them, just picked up a bottle of clean water and took two sips.

Then he waved his finger coldly to signal that the auction would continue. The undisguised haze made people feel jealous and silenced the warm atmosphere a lot.

The auctioneer restored his bright smile and stood on the stage to turn on the screen: "Next, we will launch the fifth piece of land, numbered 49."

"This is the first land in the third ring road that Beijing has sold in five years, and it is also the last residential land in the inner ring."

"It is not only a large plot, but also a superior location. The plot is about two kilometers away from the high-speed rail station and the Forbidden City."

"There are four seventy-seven-storey buildings around it, Jinshi Food City, Jinshi Finance, Jinshi Leisure, and Jinshi Hotel."

"Taking this 3 million square meters of land is equivalent to enjoying all the conveniences of the Jin Group for free."

The auctioneer's voice was dull and frustrated: "The starting price is 4.6 billion yuan."

This land is very attractive and a piece of visible fat, but no group dared to hold a placard.

Many people know that this is what Jin Xuejun wants.

There are Jin's industries all around, and once this residential land is taken, the entire area can be connected together, and the Jin's empire will be completely three-dimensional.

The entire area belongs to the Jin family, and Jin Xuejun can then create a private site, set up checkpoints, set up access control, and circle the five buildings.

In this way, all public facilities and municipal roads belong to the Jin family.

Moreover, the auctioneer just pointed out that the surrounding area is full of Jin's Buildings, implying that everyone should not grab this piece of land with Jin Xuejun, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, no matter how much other powerful people like it, they can only give up. There is no need to offend the Jin family for a piece of land.

The fact is also true. When dozens of people were subconsciously silent, Jin Xuejun gently pushed his glasses and raised a smile to speak:

"five billion."

When the auctioneer heard this number, he immediately jumped up happily, waving his hammer and shouting:

"Five billion for the first time..."

"Five billion second time..."

Dozens of Chinese-clothed men and women looked boring, and they all watched the auctioneer yell in silence, hoping that he would finish the call and start the sixth piece of land auction.

Although the auctioneer shouted with great eloquence, his heart was dull. Without the smell of gunpowder that you are fighting with, there is also less passion.

"Five billionth..."

When the auctioneer was about to shout for the third time, the ornate wooden door of the multifunctional hall opened, and a voice came in from the door:

"Six billion."

Ye Tianlong walked in with his hands in his pockets: "If six billion is not enough, then seven billion."

Facing Ye Tianlong, Cheng Yaojin, the audience was silent.

In addition to being surprised that Ye Tianlong's face was unfamiliar, dozens of people also shouted prices as if they were drinking water, and billions and 2 billion were like playing.

Of course, what shocked them most was that Ye Tianlong made it clear that he wanted to challenge Jin Xuejun.

Isn’t this just looking for abuse when working against the Jin family? Is this kid ignorant or arrogant?

When Jin Xuejun saw Ye Tianlong, he was also taken aback for a while, and then he recovered his calm again. There was a banter at the corner of his mouth, but there was no sound.

He didn't say hello either.

"Sir, this is a land bidding occasion. There is no bidding qualification. Please don't make trouble, or we will call the police to catch you."

When the on-site staff approached Ye Tianlong to ask about the investment grid, he threw out a pile of information for the organizer to check, and his smile was as bright as ever:

"Look well, I am not only eligible to bid, I have also paid a deposit of 2 billion."

Ye Tianlong reached out and took a number four sign: "So the seven billion bid I just made is valid."

The organizer didn't believe it at first, but immediately changed his face after checking it out, and then struggled to squeeze out: "Mr. Ye has a competitive investment qualification."

The data is from the Bai Group, and Ye Tianlong is the full representative of the Bai family. How could the organizer veto this behemoth?

You know, Baishi Group is the hardest official partner.

It's just that the organizers are a bit at a loss. The Jin family and Bai have always staggered or been courteous. Why did Mars hit the earth so hard today?

Hearing that Ye Tianlong had a competitive investment position, the audience was in an uproar, but he didn't expect this kid to be really capable.

"Eight billion."

When the auctioneer was in a dilemma as to whether to hit the seven billion first hammer, Jin Xuejun raised the sign and threw an astronomical figure.

The audience was in an uproar, and the number was about to double.

Jin Xuejun didn't feel the slightest pain, and the indifferent expression on his face seemed to completely ignore Ye Tianlong's arrival.

"Ten billion!"

Ye Tianlong stepped forward with the playing sign, all of which did not surprise him.


Dozens of Chinese men and women stared at Ye Tianlong and sneered. The price has far exceeded the value of the land, and the price of 100,000 can only be paid back.

Even if Ye Tianlong finally grabs this piece of land, what then?

After offending Jin Xuejun, what did Ye Tianlong use to carry out the project? The Jin family made a few small moves at random, and Ye Tianlong was afraid of being burnt.

However, Ye Tianlong's making trouble like this is really annoying. A Jins girl stood up and shouted: "What are you doing? Are you going to die?"

"Who smashed with you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Bid bidding, bidding, the highest bidder gets, 10 billion is big money for you, and toilet paper for me."

"I'll spend some toilet paper on a piece of land, can't I?"

"By the way, I will tell you by the way. After I have taken the land, I am going to build 20 houses, and then rent them all to the homeless."

Ye Tianlong laughed heartily: "I want it to be a home for the homeless, so that those beggars and homeless people will have houses to live in."

"Don't worry about me burning money, I have money."

Home of the Wanderers?

Everyone's complexion changed all at once, that is to become a slum? This not only wastes the value of that piece of land, but also involves the surrounding housing prices.

At that time, the four Kings Buildings are afraid of shrinking significantly. After all, no one wants to deal with thousands of homeless people.

Ye Tianlong was hurting one thousand, and he wanted to kill 800 enemies. Dozens of people smelled the strong smell of gunpowder.

Everyone looked at Jin Xuejun, waiting for him to deal with it further.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Jin Xuejun stood up at this time, graceful, gentle, with an uncomfortable utter disregard, which was the high-level ignorance of the humble.

He smiled faintly at Ye Tianlong, as if this was just a trivial game, and the mere ten billion is not worth his move:

"If you want to play, have a good time."

Jin Xuejun raised the sign: "15 billion."

Crushing price.

When Jin Xuejun sneered at Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong held up the sign: zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

"Twenty billion!"

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