Talented Genius

Chapter 1757: Not my money

Chapter 1757 is not my money

20 billion?

Hearing this number, many people's hearts beat.

Everyone is rich and powerful, and naturally has a net worth of 20 billion yuan, but it is still frightening to understate it like Ye Tianlong.

Many people subconsciously looked at the organizer and asked whether the unknown boy had this ability. A girl next to Jin Xuejun asked loudly:

"Organizer, does this person have enough financial resources? Can they spend 20 billion?"

She was stern: "Don't let this auction become a joke, it also affects everyone's interests."

The organizer kept a smile, and said softly: "Mr. Ye is in full compliance with the procedures, and he has sufficient strength to bid."

This is already the best answer.

If Ye Tianlong did not have enough financial resources, the organizers would have thrown him out long ago, and the organizer's neutral attitude judged that Ye Tianlong had an extraordinary background.

Otherwise, the organizer would have favored Jin Xuejun.

The blonde girl had an ugly face and wanted to ask Jin Xuejun, but because the master's face was gloomy, she didn't dare to speak out, so she could only step back and look at Ye Tianlong bitterly.

Several high-ranking executives of the Kim family were also very angry. They thought that today was just a walk away, five billion yuan easily won the residence, and then opened champagne to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong burst out in the air, and all the good things were broken, five billion and twenty billion, a full four times the gap.

"Shao Jin, 20 billion, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Jin Xuejun, who had finally changed his face, with a warm smile as always: "If you feel that it is not big enough, then you add another 10 billion?"

Jin Xuejun pushed the gold-framed glasses and stared at Ye Tianlong like a snake. The price of 20 billion yuan, the house price is at least 200,000 yuan per square meter.

Not to mention Ye Tianlong, who is alone, but Jin's, with four mature buildings, is afraid that it will be difficult to protect the capital even if the price of 20 billion is sold.

"Ye Tianlong, isn't your brain flooded?"

Jin Xuejun glared at Ye Tianlong: "I warn you, don't make me angry."

After that, he made one move and shouted: "22 billion."

Before everyone was in an uproar, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "30 billion."

30 billion?

Many men and women fell down in the audience, and even the organizers had their legs weakened. The premium was as high as 600%, far beyond everyone's imagination.

It's just that this number that many people can't even think of, Ye Tianlong seems to be as simple as throwing out 50 cents.

There is not much so-called excitement or deliberate coldness on his face, just a very indifferent and lazy play.

This playfulness suppressed Jin Xuejun's loftiness and pride.


"30 billion... the first time."

The audience was quiet, only the trembling voice of the auctioneer sounded throughout the conference room.

He looked at Jin Xuejun, who had a gloomy expression, delaying time as much as possible, struggling and shouting:

"The 30 billion second time! Has anyone offered a higher price? Anyone? If not, the 30 billion second time!"

Many people were struggling with complex expressions, and then they were deeply relieved. They knew that this auction had nothing to do with them.

Ye Tianlong seems to have made up his mind to smash with Jin Xuejun's family, his best way to deal with things is not to get involved.

Although I don't know where Ye Tianlong came from.

"The second time for 30 billion! The second time for 30 billion!"

Time was slowly running out, and the auctioneer used all his strength and dragged it for three minutes. He couldn't drag it any longer, so he repeated the call.

Then slowly raised the gavel in his hand, his face was smiling, but it was distorted and ugly.

The auctioneer didn't want to fall the hammer, but he wanted the land to be sold in his hands. The price of 30 billion was enough for him to blow for ten years.

"Ye Tianlong, you really know how to live or die?"

Jin Xuejun couldn't hold back anymore, kicked a chair and said, "Are you determined to fight the Jin family?"

The price of 30 billion yuan makes this land a tasteless one. If you win it, you will lose a lot of money. If you don't win it, it will become a home for the wanderers.

Jin Xuejun had never been forced to be so useless, so the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

The blonde girls are also turbulent, and they can't wait to take Ye Tianlong off.

"I never thought of opposing the Jin family, but Young Master Jin, you often stabbed a knife in the back."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile and calmly faced Jin Xuejun's sullen gaze: "Yao Feiyan's stab, Jin Shao's stabbing is really perfect."

Jin Xuejun sneered: "Ye Tianlong, if your woman did something wrong, don't buckle me. It doesn't mean anything at all."

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly: "I hope it wasn't you, too, but Bao Jinyi said that it was Jin Shao that you instigated him to inform the media."

"So the changes of the two witnesses must have something to do with Jin Shao."

Jin Xuejun was not at all flustered, his eyes were filled with unpredictable calm: "You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

"Ye Tianlong, if you think I did something wrong or violated the law, just go and sue me."

Jin Xuejun remained strong: "If you can't be convicted, don't say that there are none."

"Jin Shao, you can appear confident, I know there is no full evidence of what you did, but it really doesn't matter."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and looked at Jin Xuejun with a smile: "As long as I confirm that you did it, your life will not be better."

"Will my life be better? I celebrate the New Year every day."

Jin Xuejun faced each other tit-for-tat: "It was you who did what happened today, not only causing trouble for yourself, but also making Yao Feiyan's situation worse.

"I will definitely let the Jin family and the Song family pay attention to this case."

He smiled but didn't smile: "I want to see, how can you save Yao Feiyan without a chip in your hand."

Jin Xuejun had decided in his heart that Yao Feiyan must sit and wear it.

Ye Tianlong replied calmly: "Don't worry, no matter whether Feiyan can come out safely, I will never forget you."

"Today's things that are blocking you will definitely happen every other time."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "This is just the beginning..."

"Something blocked?"

Jin Xuejun joked: "If I tell you now, I won't bid, you will take away 30 billion yuan of this land."

"Will you regret it?"

Jin Xuejun's eyes were very cold: "I don't believe it, you will spend 30 billion yuan."

The auctioneer's hands were raised to the highest point, and the atmosphere of the audience reached a peak. Several people even opened their mouths several times, but they endured it in the end.

Their eyes kept glancing at the gavel in the hands of the auctioneer, but they dared not move because Jin Xuejun hadn't stated his position.


Ye Tianlong laughed: "It's not my money, why should I regret it?"

Jin Xuejun's face changed: "It's not your money? Whose money is that?"

Ye Tianlong suddenly shouted: "30 billion, the third time."

The auctioneer shook his body and knocked subconsciously with his right hand.

"When!" zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==


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