Talented Genius

Chapter 1758: Mr. Han

Chapter 1758 Mr. Han

The final word!

Ye Tianlong won 30 billion land forty-nine, and when he signed the contract, the auction of this land was completely settled.

Many people were stupefied by this number and doubted Ye Tianlong's strength, but when the organizers announced that the Bai Group had obtained this piece of land, they were all relieved.

It turns out that behind Ye Tianlong is the Bai Family Group, the representative of China's infrastructure madness, naturally has the strength and financial resources to get 30 billion land.

It's just that many people are also surprised. How can the Bai clan with Jin Xuejun like this?

You know, the five people are very polite.

They couldn't guess the factor of Ye Tianlong, and they wouldn't think of the case of Yao Feiyan. Ye Tianlong didn't say much, waved and left.

When Jin Xuejun saw that the screen was changing the auction target, he angrily stepped on the chair, Ye Tianlong lost his money, and the Jin family did not take advantage.

If Land No. 49 is not taken, the value of the four buildings will be greatly reduced, and the expected benefits will no longer be realized.

At this year's Jin Family Caucus, it was also difficult for him to explain to his father and them.

However, the trouble that caused Jin Xuejun's heart was not over yet. When he came out of the meeting place, several of Jin's cronies hurriedly approached:

"Jin Shao, there is news from Tongzhou Ecological Amusement Park that the project was filled with water maliciously and suffered a landslide and could not be completed on time."

"Jin Shao, we tyed up the wealth management products sold by banks and were accused by the China Banking Regulatory Commission of malicious misleading customers."

"Jin Shao, Jin's No. 1 health pill, the world's best-selling health pill, was tested by the Swiss National Medical College for banned ingredients, and the 13 EU countries proposed compensation.

"Bai's, Kong's, Aocheng, and Gangcheng have announced the termination of cooperation with Jin's, and dozens of projects worth tens of billions of dollars are temporarily stranded..."

The news that was not too serious but made Jin Xuejun's flesh painful, spread from time to time, making Jin Xuejun's expression more serious.

"Ye Tianlong!"

There is no need to investigate, Jin Xuejun also knows that it is related to Ye Tianlong, and there is an indescribable deep hatred on that gentle face.

Jin Xuejun never thought that Ye Tianlong, who was not in his eyes in the past, could now embarrass Jin Xuejun with his strength.

He didn't want to admit that Ye Tianlong was powerful, but he didn't want to think that he was incompetent, but the facts repeatedly added obstacles to him and took away his beloved woman.

Jin Xuejun clenched his fists, but quickly let go: "Where is Baishi Kangren?"

The blonde girl whispered: "Bai's Mansion was smashed by Confucius. Young Master Bai hasn't been there for two days. No one knows where it is."

Jin Xuejun yelled: "Then find it for me, you must find Bai Shikang."

He knew very well in his heart that the key person in the incident was Kang Baishikang. If Kang Baishikang stood on the opposite side of him, the Jin family would be struggling as never before.

"Okay, I'll let someone find it right away."

The blonde quickly made a call and asked her to find out Shiraishi Kang's whereabouts at any cost, and then she whispered:

"Jin Shao, Ye Tianlong is messing with us like this, do you want me to move him?"

She breathed out a long breath: "If you don't teach him a lesson, he won't look at Jinshi."

"Find someone to deal with him?"

Jin Xuejun sneered: "Is Ye Tianlong so easy to deal with? He is so fragile, he will not survive today."

"And now the pressure does not come from Ye Tianlong, he is not qualified to make me burn out."

He could see the essence of the matter: "We are facing Confucius, Bai Shikang, and the two people's stumbling block to Jin."

A small Ye Tianlong, compared to the Jin family's power and size in China, is not worth mentioning, but the Kong Bai family teamed up, and the Jin family would be afraid.

The blonde nodded slightly: "Understood."

"Bao Jinyi's rubbish, I value him so much in vain. I thought he was a little docile. Who knew he was a martial artist."

Jin Xuejun gritted his teeth: "Not only did he expose himself, he also stabbed me. When this happens, I have to abolish him."

Before yesterday, he still admired Bao Jinyi, not only the core of the Australian city circle, but also martial arts, and the cultivation ability to tolerate severed fingers.

Unexpectedly, after being frightened by Ye Tianlong a few times, he showed his feet, and finally in the setting of Ye Tianlong, he invisibly betrayed Jin Xuejun.

Jin Xuejun really wanted to blow Bao Jinyi's pig teammate with a shot.

"Really waste."

The blonde girl whispered: "The information I have, he not only withdrew Yao Feiyan's topic for the first time, but also flew back to Australia overnight to avoid the limelight."

"But I asked him secretly. He did not confess to Ye Tianlong. Bao Jinyi was still jealous of the Jin family."

"So Ye Tianlong's current judgment is 90% of his own speculation. Although it is infinitely close to the facts, there is no substantial evidence."

The blonde comforted Jin Xuejun: "Ye Tianlong will not nail us."

Jin Xuejun snorted: "I don't care about the rubbish, I will take care of him sooner or later."

The blonde girl hesitated for a while, and finally squeezed out:

"I also heard that under the influence of Mo Yuge, Bao Jinyi and the group have withdrawn their pressure on Bai Shikang and will not pursue Ye Tianlong for the time being."

She added softly: "They endured the humiliation suffered by the capital, and jumped out of the whirlpool in front of them."

"It's this Mo Yuge again!"

Hearing the words Mo Yuge, Jin Xuejun's face sank: "First he refused my request to join forces, and then he broke my good deeds."

"If it weren't for her, I would have dragged Bao Jinyi and them all into the whirlpool long ago and let them become cannon fodder against Ye Tianlong one by one."

"The more violent the death between the two parties, the deeper the grievances, and the more unlucky Ye Tianlong, but Mo Yuge jumped out of the whirlpool with Bao Jinyi."

Jin Xuejun was full of anger at Mo Yuge, thinking that he must find a chance to teach her.


At this moment, the blonde girl's mobile phone vibrated, and she put on the earphones to answer. After a while, her face changed drastically, and she reported to Jin Xuejun with her head sideways:

"Jin Shao, some people have made an operation on the Jin's stock. The market opened with a daily limit, and then directly came to the limit, which caused a large number of investors to panic."

The blonde girl added: "In the panic, someone was quietly scanning the goods, but the origin of the other party could not be found."

"Someone scans the goods?"

Jin Xuejun's expression also changed: "What do they want to do?"

The blonde shook her head: "The purpose is temporarily unknown. The only thing I know is that the other party is wealthy, how much he has to scan, and the funds come from abroad.

"Analysts have judged that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is estimated that they will still fall, and Jin's fear is that he needs to protect the market."

She has a dignified face: "If you fall again and again, many negotiated items will be affected."

"Overseas funds? I'll let someone check it."

Jin Xuejun hesitated for a while, then picked up the phone and dialed a number. After five rings, the call was answered. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Jin Xuejun raised a smile: "Mr. Han, hello, this is Jin Xuejun..."

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