Talented Genius

Chapter 1759: Three Cups of Self Punishment

Chapter 1759: Three Cups of Self Punishment

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Beijing Gun Club, Ye Tianlong and Confucius were competing, and Bai Shikang walked in as soon as he had shot more than 30 bullets.

"Ye Tianlong, your uncle."

Bai Shikang's expression was a little ugly, he reached out and picked up a short gun, and shot at the front. Six bullets passed by Ye Tianlong.

It is dangerous.

Ye Tianlong didn't care, he didn't even move, and stood there with a bright smile: "Young Master Bai, what's the matter? You don't seem to be in a good mood."


Bai Shikang expressed his compliment to Ye Tianlong's calmness, and then threw the gun back on the coffee table, stepping forward and watching Ye Tianlong speak:

"Ten billion land, you win 30 billion, you shouted and shouted happily, do you know the pain of paying for me?"

"Do you know the concept of 30 billion land acquisition?"

He shouted with his hands on his hips: "That's the built residential land. If it sells less than 300,000 square meters, the Bai Group will lose money."

"Lao Bai, what are you talking about?"

Confucius laughed loudly: "Isn't it only 300,000? There are so many rich people in the capital, and there are 300,000 families with a net worth of more than 50 million."

"Digest your little mansion, it's a matter of minutes."

Confucius was serious: "Moreover, housing prices in the capital will rise again in the future. Housing prices outside the third ring road are almost 100,000. 300,000 is really not a dream."

Bai Shikang glared at Confucius: "I'll sell it to you? You Niucha, I will transfer this piece of land to you, 10% off."

Confucius immediately turned around: "Ahem, don't talk about it, I will practice guns first."

Ye Tianlong took Bai Shikang and sat on the sofa: "Young Master Bai, don't be angry. Although 30 billion is a bit more, it is not impossible to recover the cost."

"Collect an egg, you won't be able to collect it even if you have completed it in a palace."

Bai Shikang stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "Ye Tianlong, we have said that this auction is just a mouthful for Jin Xuejun."

"We joined hands to raise the price of that piece of land to 20 billion, so that the Jin Group will increase it by 15 billion. Just let Jin Xuejun take pains."

"I never said that I won No. 49 at any cost."

He hummed loudly: "It's good for you, raise the price and raise yourself as a buyer, still at the price of 30 billion."

"Do you know that for us, 15 billion is already a red line for that piece of land, and there is no profit after this line."

"For the King's Group, the sharing effect of their four buildings, 20 billion is almost a red line."

Bai Shikang regarded Ye Tianlong as a prodigal son: "Your land price of 30 billion yuan is completely burned with money."

Ye Tianlong picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of red wine for Bai Shikang and smiled: "Shao Bai is in pain?"


Baishi Kang sat up straight: "You take 10 billion out and burn it, and see if it hurts?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I originally just wanted to raise the price, but after knowing that the land was of great significance to the Jin family, I decided to take it in my hand."

"In any case, don't give the Jin family a chance to build a private empire."

He looked at Shiraishi Kang Youyou and said, "So 30 billion, I really don't hurt."

Bai Shikang's voice sank: "Of course you won't hurt, that's the money of the Bai Group——"

"This is 30 billion."

Before Bai Shikang could finish speaking, Ye Tianlong opened the menu on the coffee table, and then slowly pushed it to Bai Shikang with a contract on it.

"This is the contract for the Baishizhou Reconstruction Project. You and I all know that this is a piece of fat, and that after deducting the village committee's share, the profit will be 50 billion."

"For these 50 billion, I gave Kong Shao 10 billion, and 40 billion. I gave you 30 billion, and I kept 10 billion."

"The premise has sent me a hundred experienced personnel to help with the transformation, rest assured, their salaries and bonuses will all be paid by me, Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong said calmly: "At the same time, I took the 49th land."

Bai Shikang was taken aback for a moment, looking at Ye Tianlong in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to make up for his loss.

You should know that before coming here to start the teacher, he had already prepared himself to bear huge losses. After all, Ye Tianlong was a rascal.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong compensated Baishizhou's profits to the Bai Group.

"Baishizhou has a total profit of 50 billion. After giving me and Kong Shao, and then paying the Bai's salary and bonus, you will have no profit."

Bai Shikang looked at Ye Tianlong and asked, "Yao's infrastructure is equivalent to making hard money, and it has nothing to do with fat."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the Baishizhou project can be successfully completed, as long as a nail can be nailed in the heart of King's heart, money is something outside the body."

Ye Tianlong is very free and easy, tapping his finger on the contract: "The most important point is that I will bidding my own way, and I should be responsible for the loss."

"Although you and I have a lot of grievances, I can't violate the agreement and stab you, so I will carry the 30 billion mess by myself."

He smiled faintly: "Young Master Bai, sign it. After signing this contract, you don't have to worry about 30 billion."

Bai Shikang didn't sign the contract right away. On the contrary, the guilt was also gone. He picked up the wine glass and looked at Ye Tianlong, his eyes a little complicated:

"Ye Tianlong, I suddenly found out that I underestimated you."

I have to say that the contract of Ye Tianlong gave Bai Shikang a big impact.

This not only allowed Bai to participate in the reconstruction of Baishizhou again, but also recovered Bai's 30 billion yuan in the auction, and the original depression disappeared instantly.

Bai Shikang also gave birth to a touch of guilt. After all, it was Jin Xuejun who was with the Bai family. It should be him to ask for justice, but now it is Ye Tianlong who stands in front.

"Of course you underestimated Tianlong."

Confucius walked back with a big smile, his hands resting on Bai Shikang's shoulders: "Is Confucius who can make me a brother, can there be no difference?"

"I'll tell you another good news."

Confucius added the last sentence: "The six big gambling kings will no longer put pressure on the Bai family, and the grievances between Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli have come to an end."

"And Bai's project in Australia City can be launched again tomorrow. It is estimated that there will be an official letter in your hands this afternoon.

He whispered to Bai Shikang: "All these are the masterpieces of Tianlong."


Hearing these words, Bai Shikang sat upright and looked at Ye Tianlong incredulously: "What Kong Shao said is true?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "A little effort."

This was his negotiation condition with Mo Yuge. He let Bao Jinyi go, and Mo Yuge calmed down the grievances of the Haojiang regiment, and at the same time removed the accountability of Bai Shikang.

Bai Shikang took out his cell phone and made a few calls to check the truth or not of what Confucius said. The result was no water, and the troubles of the Hao Jiang regiment disappeared.


Bai Shikang threw away the phone, picked up the wine bottle, and poured three full glasses of red wine.

Afterwards, he drank three cups in one breath, and put the last cup on the coffee table. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Three cups of self-punishment.

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