Talented Genius

Chapter 1761: Save people (four more)

When Bai Shikang broke with Jin Xuejun, Ye Tianlong was playing football with Hua Jun at home.

After parting with Bai Shikang in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong asked Canshou to drive to Minxin Elementary School, texted the scavenger mother-in-law, and sent the Huajun back.

Back home, my grandmother left a note saying that she was going out to buy groceries and let Hua Jun do his homework.

Ye Tianlong watched Hua Jun finish his homework and completed a manual task, and then he bought a football to play at the door.

Hua Jun likes to play ball, and Ye Tianlong wants to release, so the two have a great time.

In the case of Yao Feiyan, although Ye Tianlong took advantage of Jin Xuejun's knife to reverse Bai Shikang's position, he also let public opinion transfer to Bao Jinyi.

But it didn't have much effect on the case, and there was still no substantial evidence to prove Yao Feiyan's innocence.

If there is no evidence, the police will not release people. Although they can go on slowly and release them when the limelight is low, it is a torture to Yao Feiyan.

The most important thing is that she can easily be mistaken for her sin.

Ye Tianlong wondered how to break through the gap.


As the thoughts turned, a ball flew over.

Ye Tianlong hit a sharp spirit, shot his body, caught the football with his chest, then fell, shot, and hit the goal set by the Chinese army.

"Uncle, you seem to have something on your mind."

Hua Jun returned to the football with a kick, then his legs turned upside down, very flexible: "I don't know if I can listen to your thoughts."

Ye Tianlong raised a faint smile: "You are just a primary school student, so what do you do with gossip?"

"I'm not gossip, I want to make you feel better."

Hua Jun kicked the ball to Ye Tianlong and shouted empathetically: "I heard that you will be more comfortable with your heart."

"Grandma is so happy every day, just keep nagging to me, tell me all the big and small things."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, and then he smiled: "Hua Jun is really a good boy, but my uncle is fine. What I just thought about was work."

"I have figured it out now."

Hua Jun was happy: "Really? Just figure it out, don't hold it back in your heart."

"Uncle, I will tell you a secret secretly."

He looked around and said, "Grandma has something on her mind recently. She frowns by herself from time to time, and she goes to sleep at night."

"She also quit the cleaning job of the Baishi Building."

"I asked her what happened, and she said it was okay. Resigning was just because the Baishi Building was too far away. Find a closer job."

Hua Jun confided to Ye Tianlong: "It's convenient to take care of me."

"But she used to like working in Baishi Building. Not only did she say that the benefits were good, the salary was also high, and the quality of the staff was better, which made her work easy."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and then asked: "Grandma works in Bai's Building?"

Hua Jun nodded his head: "Yes, that's her main business, so she just picks up scraps and sells her side business."

"She does cleaning in the Baishi Building. She has a salary of 3,000 yuan a month, but she has quit now."

He was very distressed: "Hey, I told her that she doesn't have to pick me up every day, I can go home alone, but she is always worried that I will be lost."

Ye Tianlong remembered the shadow of her grandmother that she had seen on the news. At that time, she was surprised how she was in the Baishi Building, because she was doing cleaning there.

"Grandma is also for your good."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Now there are so many bad people, you were arrested by you if you didn't pay attention, how sad grandma should be?"

"For grandma, no matter how good the job is, it can't match you."

He comforted the young and mature Hua Jun: "And don't worry, I will help grandma find a job."


Hua Jun was startled first, then cheered: "Thank you uncle, thank you uncle."

Then he took out twenty yuan and exclaimed happily: "Uncle, go, I will ask you to eat chicken drumsticks."

"no need."

Ye Tianlong stopped the football, then stepped forward and patted Hua Jun on the head: "This is the breakfast money that grandma gave you. You can keep it for yourself."

At this time, grandma came back from shopping for food, a little haggard, but her smile was still very kind. She already knew Ye Tianlong's name, she said happily:

"Tianlong, thank you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Grandma is polite, please help me."

"Grandma, uncle just said that he is looking for a job for you."

Hua Jun rushed over with the football, and then pulled his grandmother's sleeves and shouted: "In this way, you don't have to worry about being unemployed and having money to feed me."

Grandma was slightly surprised, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and said: "Tianlong, this is not suitable, please trouble you enough."

"Grandma, it's okay, I have many friends."

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Tomorrow I will ask them if there is a suitable job nearby, there should be no problem."

"How embarrassing is this?"

Grandma looked grateful: "Tianlong, thank you, but don't be too reluctant. I know in my heart that no one will want it at my age."

Ye Tianlong chuckled: "I won't force it, grandma is so diligent, there must be many people rushing to invite you."

Hua Jun pulled her grandma and shouted: "Grandma, don't worry, my uncle is very powerful, he will definitely find him."

"You can have a good night's sleep and don't toss about it at night."

He sensibly encouraged the elderly: "I can't find a job, and I will eat less in the future."

Hearing tossing over and over at night, my grandma's smile froze for a while, her brows frowned inadvertently, and it took a long time to squeeze a smile:

"Tianlong, I bought half a chicken. Let's stay here for dinner tonight."

Hua Jun also happily said: "Uncle, let's eat together, grandma's fried chicken is delicious."

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Thank you grandma, I have an appointment today, and I will rush to eat later, I will come back to eat your meal next day."

Half a chicken is not enough for him to stuff his teeth. Ye Tianlong was worried that his grandmother and Hua Jun would eat, so he found an excuse to refuse.

Ye Tianlong chatted for a few more words, then waved away.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's disappearing back, Hua Jun tilted his head and said, "Grandma, Uncle is really a good person..."

"Good guy?"

There was a daze in my grandma's eyes: "A good person should be rewarded..."

When Ye Tianlong walked to the corner of the community and was about to let the handicapped drive home, when he was about to get in the car, Ye Tianlong suddenly saw an iron door knocked open.

The iron door of the empty building fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a woman lying on the iron door with a trance and pain.

Then, three men in black rushed out of the stairs again, holding a military thorn in their hands, with sharp eyes.

The blood-covered woman felt the danger, resisted the pain and got up, then staggered to Ye Tianlong and fell down:

"Save me, save me..."

Ye Tianlong looked down and looked surprised: "Feng Jiutian?"

The woman in front of her was Feng Jiutian, the capital hall master of the 13th League, but her pretty face was not as old as before, and it was more of a struggle and pain.

Ye Tianlong could see that she was poisoned and seriously injured. He was very surprised at her current condition.

Feng Jiutian raised his head, after recognizing Ye Tianlong, he was horrified, then fell to the ground, gasping for breath...

She knew that she was saved.

Ye Tianlong whispered again: "Feng Jiutian!"

Hearing Ye Tianlong yelling out the woman's name, the expressions of the three men in black costume changed dramatically, and their eyes became more fierce.

The three of them rushed forward without saying a word, their division of labor was orderly, like a wolf like a tiger, and one person dealt with Ye Tianlong.

The two went straight to Feng Jiutian, the army stabs were sharp and the technique was fierce, making it clear that they would take the three in an instant.

Feng Jiutian's body shook, his eyes widened as he watched the thorns coming, and he didn't have the strength to stop or evade.

At this moment, the silent hand, suddenly raised his left hand.


The knife light flashed and paused.

All sounds and all movements stopped.

The three men in black charged in an unstoppable manner, and he stopped with a single tap of the blade.

The expressions of the three men in black changed. In the next second, their right hand shook, and three army stabs shot out, stab Ye Tianlong, Canshou and Feng Jiutian.

Ye Tianlong was not surprised, but his hand moved again.


The light of the knife flashed, and the army stab fell off, and the three murderous army stabs were cut to the ground with a single knife.

Canshou waved again.


The faces of the three backing black-clad men changed dramatically, and they felt that Canshou was so powerful that they retreated with all their strength, but they were still not as fast as Canshou's blades.


There was a crisp sound, and blood splashed in the throats of the three.

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