Talented Genius

Chapter 1762: White-hot (five shifts)

Ye Tianlong took Feng Jiutian away from the place, and then sent a text message to Wu Ningbing asking her to deal with the three corpses.

Ye Tianlong arranged Feng Jiutian in a safe apartment, and then asked the disabled hand to buy medicine and gauze for treatment.

After the disabled hand bought something, Ye Tianlong used a scalpel to cut Feng Jiutian's clothes open, wanting to see how serious her injuries were.

"not good!"

But when Ye Tianlong cut Feng Jiutian's clothes, he not only saw three **** knife wounds, but also found two red rashes like plum blossoms.

At the same time, Feng Jiutian's body was hot.

Ye Tianlong took the thermometer to measure it, thirty-nine degrees, and Feng Jiutian's lips became pale.

This is a symptom similar to the Tiandu Plague. The only difference is that the Tiandu Plague has many red spots, while Feng Jiutian has only one plum blossom!

Ye Tianlong's heart sighed slightly. Although it was impossible to immediately determine that the poison in her was related to the Tiandu Plague, the symptoms were already similar.

"Canshou, get me a basin of water."

Ye Tianlong took out his phone and took a few photos, and then issued an instruction to Canshou: "Then you go outside and buy two boxes of universal pills."

Canshou nodded, swiftly calling a bottle of water, and then went out to buy a universal pill.

After the remnant hand left, Ye Tianlong moved quickly, first healed Feng Jiutian's three wounds, and then took out acupuncture and moxibustion to treat her internal injuries.

Time passed by drips, Ye Tianlong nervously performed his medical skills, while looking forward to the unconscious Feng Jiutian.

After another half an hour, Feng Jiutian's trauma stopped bleeding, and his internal injuries were alleviated, but the plum blossom became bigger again.

Her body temperature is also close to forty.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a mouthful, prepared a bottle of potion and poured it into Feng Jiutian, and then wiped her with clean water so that her body temperature would not rise too quickly.

After another cup of tea, Feng Jiutian still did not get better, Ye Tianlong frowned, and then took out a Holy Cicada Pill.

At this moment, Canshou came back from the outside, holding four boxes of universal pills in his hand:

"Brother Long, I bought the pills. It is too difficult to buy. The regular pharmacies are all out of stock. I was a shopping guide and found it in a small clinic."

Can hand wiped the sweat from his forehead: "One box costs 10,000 yuan. I didn't feel right, so I just bought the remaining four boxes."

"bring here."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly retrieved the holy cicada pill, and then took the universal pill and crushed it. After detecting the ingredients of the last universal pill, he put it in a bowl of warm water and stirred.

Then, he fed Feng Jiutian.


The omnipotent pill was poured in, only to hear Feng Jiutian's stomach gurgling, and then a mouthful of black blood came out from one side of his body.

Ye Tianlong was surprised at first, but then he was happy again. It seemed that this universal pill was really effective, and he then poured the remaining potion into it.

Feng Jiutian then vomited two more mouthfuls of black blood, looking shocked, but Feng Jiutian's complexion improved, and the plum blossom rash on his body gradually disappeared.


Ye Tianlong measured Feng Jiutian's body temperature, which was 38 degrees Celsius, and it dropped quickly. He covered the woman with a quilt, and then took a bottle of glucose and hung it on.

Canshou whispered: "Brother Long, what kind of poison is this?"

"I don't know for the time being, but it has something to do with the plague of Heaven."

Ye Tianlong exhaled, then took out another pill to the disabled hand: "I don't know if it will be contagious, you take it to avoid infection."

Can Shou didn't talk nonsense, he took the pills neatly, and then curiously asked: "How can Feng Jiutian be poisoned by the Zhongtiandu plague?"

"Yes, the plague has been killed, and all the infections have been resolved by drugs, how can this toxin come out?"

Ye Tianlong also had a sense of confusion in his eyes: "And still appearing in the capital?"


At this moment, Feng Jiutian snorted and opened her eyes with difficulty. After slowing down, she temporarily woke up, and she was grateful when she saw Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao...thank you for saving me!"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently: "Don't say this, my own person, by the way, how could you be tricked? And you were poisoned?"

"What? I was poisoned?"

There was a touch of surprise on Feng Jiutian's face, and then he suddenly realized: "I just said, how can my body be so bad this week."

"I thought I was infected with the wind and cold, so I felt weak and the high fever did not go away. It turned out that I was poisoned by someone..."

Feng Jiutian gritted his teeth: "It must be Zhao Siwen...I won't let him go..."

Ye Tianlong shook Feng Jiutian's hand: "Don't get excited, this is not conducive to the wound. Tell us about today's situation, why would you go to that community?"

"How can anyone kill you?"

Feng Jiutian exhaled a long breath, and then squeezed out: "It's like this. A week ago, I was unwell and the high fever did not go away."

"I have taken a lot of medicine, and many injections were useless. On the contrary, my whole body is getting weaker and weaker. I can't do things well. It will be cold in the middle of the night."

"My body still has a red rash. A doctor from the Jin family suggested that I might be infected by a dark disease. An old military doctor he knew has done a lot of research on this line."

She told Ye Tianlong of the story: "He gave me an address and told me that if he wanted a radical cure, he would go to that address to find the old military doctor."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "The doctor of the Jin family? Who?"

Feng Jiutian replied aloud: "He is the chief physician of Beijing Bo'ai Hospital, Jin Liushun, a returnee. I also heard that he has something to do with the five families."

"Although it is a collateral collateral, but he can also go to the Jin family to have a meal during the festival, so his status in the hospital is very detached and respected."

She added: "Moreover, his medical skills are really good, and he loves the Jinjia brand, so he still has weight."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Do you believe what he said?"


Feng Jiutian shook his head: "I didn't take it seriously at first. Although he speaks with weight, how could I get a dark disease? My life is so regular and simple."

"It's just that my body is getting more and more depleted, and I'm about to collapse because of the high fever. I'm really in a state of death."

Ye Tianlong didn't feel that she was fragile. It was indeed better to die than to live with a high fever for a week.

"I'm a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so I looked for the old military doctor at that address. Because a dark illness was involved, I went out secretly."

Feng Jiutian sighed faintly, "I saw the old military doctor there, a woman in her fifties who was very peaceful and kind."

"She pointed out my physical condition and said that this is a rare syphilis. It may not be promiscuous, and it may be transmitted by drinking water."

"I saw that she was right about her symptoms, and I believed most of her, so I felt relieved to get her pulse."

She gave a wry smile: "Who knows that when the pulse was halfway through, she suddenly attacked me and stabbed me directly."

"Although I reacted in time to avoid the critical point, she was still stabbed by her. After I took the knife and killed her, three men in black appeared."

"I can't resist, I can only escape. They didn't expect me to be so tough, so they gave me a chance to break through the iron gate and come out."

Feng Jiutian leaned back on the pillow, feeling really good to escape from death: "You all know the rest..."

"This killing is really a step-by-step operation."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "It seems that the position of the Hall Master in Beijing has also become white-hot, right, where is Ling Xiao?"

Feng Jiutian coughed: "He should be at the entrance."

"With his protection, I have escaped three assassinations. It is estimated that the enemy found that he was beside me and couldn't start, so this round was set."

There was a soft touch in her eyes: "After all, I came to see this disease, it is impossible to take him with him."

"Call Ling Xiao and let him come and protect you."

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction to Feng Jiutian: "From now on, he will follow you every step of the way."

He didn't want Feng Jiutian to have another accident, so as not to affect Longmen's plan to embezzle the 13th League.

Feng Jiutian nodded: "Understood."

Ye Tianlong looked at the hand again: "Summon Mai to enter Beijing."

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