Talented Genius

Chapter 1765: Like a knife

When Zhao Siwen and Ling Xiangsi had their own ghosts, Ye Tianlong was returning to Ditianju to sleep.

In his sleep, Ye Tianlong fell into the dream of a desert island again, but this time there was no murder and arson at the beginning, and there was no dry well, only cold experimenters.

In a frost-white laboratory, more than a dozen men and women in white coats were sitting. In front of them was a podium with a one-eyed old man standing on it.

There is a recliner beside the old man. On the chair is a sleeping little boy. The boy's hands and feet are bound, and a dozen instrument ports are glued to his head.

Amid the cries of the air conditioner, the old man turned on a large screen, which showed an enlarged brain with a series of data beside it.

The one-eyed old man picked up the laser pointer and clicked on the screen: "The body of No. 81 tends to be stable, and various indexes have also reached ideal values."

"His physical potential and brain are highly developed. In addition to his muscles and veins different from ordinary people, he also has super learning ability."

"In other words, not only can he become a powerful fighter, he is also an all-round genius."

"But it needs to be pointed out that only the eighty-one of the three hundred experimenters succeeded. In addition to the effects of our drugs, his genes are also critical."

The one-eyed old man's voice is very majestic: "It can be said that the genes he carries are very powerful and excellent."

"Even without our drugs, as long as he develops normally, he can become an elite in this world..."

"So this living example of him can only be used for reference for the time being, and cannot be widely copied, otherwise something will happen."

"There is another flaw. Although the 81st has become an all-round genius, it also magnifies certain genetic defects."

"If he encounters stimulating factors in the future, he may make a second change. This change will be good and bad, and no one can predict it."

The one-eyed old man’s face has a touch of worry: "Maybe he will destroy others, maybe he will destroy himself..."

When the dream reached this point, the style of painting changed, and there was another burst of flames, and the little boy ran away from the ‘zombies’ in a panic.

When he was about to run to the dry well, he was suddenly grabbed by a **** hand. The little boy turned his head to see that it was the one-eyed old man.

It's just that he no longer has the lightness on the podium, his whole body is blood, countless bites, and his expression is very painful.

The one-eyed old man instinctively wanted to bite him, but suddenly recognized that it was the little boy's face. He gritted his teeth and threw the little boy out and screamed:


Then, he picked up a gun from the ground and used his last reason to buckle the three guards who rushed madly...

"Boom boom!"

In a burst of gunshots, Ye Tianlong roused his spirits, his whole body was wet, his head was still a little bit painful, and his breathing was invisibly thickened.

He shook his head, and then leaned on the bed to gasp. He was a little tired, and the things in his mind became clearer.

The one-eyed old man who had never been impressed before, also sketched an image in Ye Tianlong's mind, making him feel that this **** dream is becoming more and more realistic.

Ye Tianlong felt that he had read too many novels and made his mind confused.

He wiped his sweat and looked at the time. It was already six in the morning, and he was about to get up and take a bath for morning exercises.

At this moment, he felt a little warm in his nose, and he reached out his hand to touch it, two wisps of blood were in his eyes, which made Ye Tianlong unable to stop frowning.

Why is the nosebleed again?

Ye Tianlong felt that it was necessary to go to the hospital for further investigation.

"Tianlong, are you up?"

When Ye Tianlong came out of the morning exercise after taking a shower, Zhan Qinglou came down from Zhao Ditian's attic with a tray, as if he had just delivered breakfast.

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "My eldest brother is so lazy? The weather is so good, and I don't want to go out for two laps, so I want you to bring breakfast in?"

Zhan Qinglou ran over happily, picked up the tray and tapped Ye Tianlong's head: "What time is it?"

"It's half past six, and Mr. Zhao got up at five o'clock. He had finished his morning exercises and stayed in the house for breakfast because there were guests."

She pointed her finger at the attic: "He invited the guests to breakfast."

"The guests?"

Ye Tianlong couldn't help but keep his eyes wide open, and asked with a hint of interest: "What guest? Are there any beautiful women?"

In the illusion that Zhao Ditian could only breathe and die at any time, except for Lu Yuanjia and Qin Tianhe, almost no one visited Ditianju.

Occasionally someone with a distinguished identity came to the door, and Zhao Ditian was also interviewed in a state of ‘mostly ill’, and then he had to go back to the room to take oxygen in five minutes after talking and laughing.

So today there was a guest who opened the door early in the morning, and Zhao Ditian personally invited him to have breakfast. Ye Tianlong was somewhat curious.

Zhan Qinglou smiled playfully: "What guest? You, it's better not to inquire, it's definitely not the person you want to meet."

Ye Tianlong didn't believe it: "There is such a lethality?"

At this moment, Zhao Ditian's voice came from the attic: "Tianlong, have you had breakfast?"

Ye Tianlong ran over, "No."

Zhao Ditian smiled leisurely: "Then come up to have breakfast and introduce you an old friend by the way."

In the playful smile of Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong went upstairs with a thump, then walked through the corridor decorated with flowers and birds and appeared in Zhao Ditian's room.

There was a long and narrow wooden table in the room, and the table was full of meals. Two people sat at the table, one was Zhao Ditian and the other was an old woman with a humpback.

"Brother, you have distinguished guests, I am not qualified to sit here, I will go down for breakfast."

Ye Tianlong looked at the hunched old woman, took a breath, turned around and ran out: "Goodbye."

Good deed, Zhao Ditian's old friend is grandmother, how can Ye Tianlong not run?

"It's not too late to have breakfast together."

When Ye Tianlong turned around, the grandmother dressed in grey smiled kindly and suddenly beckoned to Ye Tianlong enthusiastically.

Ye Tianlong's complexion changed slightly, and his slender body instinctively bowed, like a treasured sword that would be sheathed at any time, showing its sharp edge.

It turned out that when the grandmother waved to Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong obviously felt that a majestic force in the void grabbed him.

It was as if an invisible big hand stretched out, holding on to not let him go.

Grandma grandmother saw Ye Tianlong bowed, she actually stabilized her body and stood there without moving, her face was slightly surprised, and then she coughed slightly.

Following this cough, Ye Tianlong's bowed body was completely taut, and his face showed a touch of struggle and dignity.

Although grandma's cough was casual, it was no less than a sneak attack with a flying knife to Ye Tianlong, who was against the coercion of grandma.

But after Ye Tianlong struggled for a while, he recovered his calm again, and then, his arched body slowly straightened up.

Ultimately straight.

Like a knife!

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