Talented Genius

Chapter 1766: Looking for heroes (four more)


Grandma granddaughter suddenly laughed, with undisguised approval in her eyes: "Good boy, you deserve to be the one who killed the zombie grandma."

"You, who are in the middle and upper ranks of the eighth rank, can actually carry me, who are in the middle and upper ranks of the ninth rank. With this capability, you are qualified to sit down and have breakfast together."

Grandmother grandmother smiled sincerely and sent out an invitation: "Come, sit down."

With that loud laugh, all the pressure dissipated, Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, uncle, people above the 9th rank really can't provoke them.

At this moment, Zhao Ditian also smiled and tilted his head: "Tianlong, come on, sit down, all of you, don't be restrained."

"This is my grandmother and my old friend. She said you have met each other, but I will briefly introduce you."

"The head of the Sun family is also the leader of the martial arts known by the people of the rivers and lakes. Granny grandmother is indispensable for the security of the various martial arts and the inheritance of Chinese martial arts."

"Nearly half of China's martial arts halls are run by the grandson family, and most of the Zhongnanhai bodyguard team is also the grandson family. The secret guards of my house also have the grandson's nephew."

"In the three border wars after the founding of the People's Republic of China, six and a half of the members of the Sun family were killed and injured, and many of them were hard-core children."

Zhao Ditian spoke highly of Grandma's grandmother: "It can be said that Grandma's grandmother has done a lot to me and to this country."

The grandmother sighed softly: "Old Zhao, what is there to praise about this little thing?"

"Not to praise you, but to remind the younger generation."

Emperor Zhao smiled leisurely: "One more person to remember the past of the Sun family is also more affirmation of the Sun family."

Then, the conversation changed: "Tianlong, come, have breakfast."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised by the story behind Grandma's grandmother, but no matter what, Grandma's impression became taller.

Ye Tianlong also became respectful towards grandma, he walked back to greet grandma:

"Grandma, good morning, see you again."

Granny grandmother smiled kindly: "Yes, I've met again, don't worry, I'm not here to file a complaint this time, and I'm not here to inquire."

"I've found out about the old grandson. It was Zhao Sibao's deliberate play tricks, the purpose is to use Sun's knife to deal with you."

"I have found several parties in the past few days, and I can confirm that you are not sacking the old grandson."

She said softly: "So this grievance is over."

Zhao Ditian laughed lightly: "Grandma grandma is a sensible person."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then overjoyed, he hurriedly picked up a bun for his grandmother: "Mother-in-law is wise, grandmother is mighty, come, eat the buns."

"Thank you."

Granny grandmother smiled and looked at Ye Tianlong: "I have been paying attention to the matter between you and Xiaobai in the past two days. To be honest, you surprised me a bit."

"This surprise is not about your playing tricks to find out who is behind the scenes, nor is it about your sniping opponents on the auction field, but your tolerance and love."

"Not only did you spare the people from the Haojiang regiment, you also took the initiative to repair with Baishikang. This is commendable."

"Especially compared to you who had grudges before, you are much more mature and generous now."

She applauded: "This is a rare realm for warriors."

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Where, where, the mother-in-law passed the prize."

At the same time, a voice murmured in his heart, the former commander of the polished rod, of course, will get revenge if he hits it, and the ghost can't catch me.

Now the family has a big business, and the monk can't run away from the temple. Of course, the enemy has to "developing the poor peasants, uniting the rich peasants, and killing the landlords."

The grandmother grandmother smiled calmly: "Because of your generosity, I told Xiaobai that you are a friend worthy of friendship."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, as if she didn't expect Grandma Sun to look at herself so highly, and then thought of Bai Shikang letting herself participate in the Bai's project.

There is no doubt that the grandmother is indispensable.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong picked up the soy milk and smiled: "Mother-in-law, thank you for your kindness, and I would like to ask you to take care of me in the future."

"Come on, soy milk instead of wine, toast you a glass."

Grandma Grandma didn't bother, picked up the cup and touched it, then drank soy milk and said, "You have old Zhao shelter, why do you need my care?"

Before Ye Tianlong could speak, Zhao Ditian waved his hand and smiled:

"My eldest brother is ashamed of what he has done. He has poor health and loves face. He has never given Tianlong any convenience, and there is no way to talk about shelter."

"On the contrary, he has done a lot for me and the dragon soul."

He patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder with an apologetic look: "Big Brother owes you too much."

"I believe this, you, cherish feathers too much and demand yourself too much, so not only do you suffer, but the people around you also suffer."

The grandmother-in-law obviously knows Zhao Ditian enough: "Not only are they unable to touch your light, but you are also required to implement your similar standards."

Ye Tianlong grabbed her grandmother's sleeves, feeling empathetic: "Mother-in-law, you really hit the nail on the head, my elder brother is too straight."

"I originally wanted to find a backer to bully others so that I could be a bad guy better, but this backer gave me a lot of rules instead."

Ye Tianlong thumped his chest and his feet: "My domineering, my nonsense, my overlord stubbornly bow, nothing..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ditian and Grandma laughed loudly.

Grandma grandma touched Ye Tianlong's head and said softly: "Or, don't you mess with your eldest brother, come to Sun's house to help me?"

"Although I don't have any dignitaries or gangster fans, I have the fun of listening to the wind in a small building and smiling at the world."

"You can see the hundreds of years of vicissitudes of various martial arts, and you can also see the world of warriors singing."

Her voice was very gentle: "In short, this is an interesting river and lake, picturesque rivers and lakes, Tianlong, do you want to come and take a look?"

Although Grandma Grandma seemed to be joking, Ye Tianlong could still capture a touch of expectations. It seemed that Grandma Grandma wanted her to take a look at the rivers and lakes.

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, does grandma want to recruit herself to be grandson-in-law or something?

Ye Tianlong struck a spirit, and hurriedly sat up straight and smiled in response:

"Thank you mother-in-law for your kindness, your picture is very desirable, but the older brother is ruthless to me, I can't be unintentional to him."

He sighed with emotion: "He has few days left. After I take care of his last days, how about I go to see Jianghu with you?"

"Sure enough, he is a loving and righteous child."

Grandma Grandma didn't think Ye Tianlong was perfunctory, on the contrary, he felt that he was heartbroken to Zhao Ditian, with a hint of approval on his face:

"Let's make a gentleman's appointment. When your elder brother leaves one day, you will come to Sun's house and follow me."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly, and finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

At the same time, he made a voice in his heart, he must let Zhao Ditian live for another ten or eight years, how could he live his grandmother.

What rivers and lakes, what martial arts, how can the life of eating hot pot and soaking beauties have a better life.

Zhao Ditian smiled bitterly: "You two, in front of an old man with a lifespan of only three years, talking about whether he will die, will it be too much?"

This time it was Ye Tianlong and grandmother's turn to laugh, and then the three picked up chopsticks and ate breakfast.

Although the grandmother-in-law is a good person and the two parties get along well, Ye Tianlong still didn't stay for long, and ran away after breakfast.

He left enough room for the two to talk.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's gradually disappearing back, Grandma Sun put down her chopsticks and sighed, "Good seedlings."

Zhao Ditian smiled and asked, "Want to accept him as a disciple?"

The grandmother drew out the iron medal: "I am getting old...

She wants to find a ‘hero’.

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