Talented Genius

Chapter 1767: Don't kiss (five shift)

After Ye Tianlong came out of Ditianju, he first went to Shen Tianmei and asked about Yao Feiyan's condition. After confirming that everything was normal, he ran to the hospital for physical examination.

Compared with the previous examinations, this time the examination was more detailed and serious, and Ye Tianlong almost dissected himself into pieces before the doctor.

The coefficients of routine items came out quickly, everything was within the normal range, and several test data would not be available until the afternoon or tomorrow.

Ye Tianlong could only think about it and take a look at it tomorrow.

Ye Tianlong left the laboratory hall with his remnant hands, and when he got downstairs, he heard a noise, accompanied by a few harsh screams.

Ye Tianlong walked out of the elevator and saw a tall beautiful shadow surrounded by three middle-aged men. There were many people around, but no one stepped forward to stop it.

The three middle-aged men with blue noses and swollen faces, holding a telescopic stick in their hands, looked murderously at the tall Liying, ready to take action at any time.

Throwing this titanium-made stick on the body made it as painful as a whip.

Ye Tianlong took a look, and was happy, Gaotiao Liying was not someone else, it was Hoarfrost.

Bai Shuangshuang did not wear military uniforms today, just a denim skirt, chiffon shirt and cloth shoes, and a pair of brown sunglasses on her head.

The wide sunglasses concealed her proud beautiful eyes, but also added another charming style to her.

Ye Tianlong also found that an anxious old man stood beside Bai Shuangshuang, who was the grandmother of Huajun, the old man scavengers.

She was shouting to Bai Shuangshuang: "Girl, I'm fine, I'm fine, don't fight with them, you will suffer..."

"Grandma, don't worry, three wastes are not enough to stuff my teeth."

At this moment, Bai Shuangshuang was hooking his fingers at the three middle-aged men, with a hint of disdain on her pretty face:

"Several elders don't do anything. They just acted as this wicked scalper. Not only did they threaten such an elderly grandmother, but they also dared to steal her money for medical treatment."

She snorted: "You don't know Wang Fa unless you clean up."

"Death, go to death."

The three middle-aged men yelled and rushed up with their telescopic sticks, trying to teach the nosy woman.

The old man scavenger screamed: "Don't fight, don't fight."

"Boom boom!"

Just before the surrounding audience was worried about the safety of Hoishuangshuang, they saw Hoishuangshuang's body turned, her long legs turned over, and the jaws of three middle-aged men spurted blood and flew off.

Everyone's jaw was kicked by Hoarfrost. Not only did he spout a mouthful of blood, but also dropped a few teeth.


The three middle-aged men felt the power of Hoarfrost. They got up and looked at each other before running away. Hoarfrost stepped forward and kicked again.

The two were directly swept to the ground by her. Before she had time to scream, Bai Shuangshuang stepped on their calves again, and the two completely lost their ability to resist.

Only in this gap, the other scalper has already pulled away, waving his hands and running wildly, passing by one after another.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and tripped the opponent directly, Bai Shuangshuang rushed over, relentlessly patched up, and kicked him hard in the knee.

The scalper screamed and fell to the ground.

"Thank you--"

Bai Shuangshuang subconsciously thanked Ye Tianlong, but was taken aback in the middle of the sentence, and then immediately shouted: "Ye Tianlong!"

"Miss Bai, what a coincidence?"

Ye Tianlong smiled, and subconsciously asked: "I can't think of your temper as usual."

Bai Shuangshuang whitened Ye Tianlong's eyes, "I'm drawing a knife to help."

At this time, the scavenger lady also ran over, thanking Bai Shuangshuang for her gratitude: "Girl, thank you, if it weren't for you, my money would have been stolen."

As for the person being beaten, it is nothing to grandma. Then, she saw Ye Tianlong behind and shouted in surprise: "Tianlong."

Bai Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment: "Tianlong, you know grandma."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "I know, let me tell you later in the process."

Then he looked at the scavenger and asked, "Grandma, why did you come to the hospital? Are you feeling sick?"

"My heart is a little bad these days, so I just came to register to take a look."

Grandma didn't conceal it, and whispered to Ye Tianlong: "I didn't see the'scalper' stool in front of me, it's too much."

"They just pulled me, not only told me to get out, but also wanted to grab my money. Fortunately, this girl helped..."

She looked at Baishuangshuang again: "Girlfriend, thank you."

"Grandma, you're welcome."

Bai Shuangshuang scolded angrily: "Those scalpers are really scumbags. There are more than a dozen small stools. Whoever dares to line up will beat anyone."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized.

At this time, the security and the police rushed over, Bai Shuangshuang revealed his identity and asked them to take the three scalpers back to deal with them.

The security guards were inattentive. After all, the scalpers can come and go in the hospital and have nothing to do with the security guards. They only changed their faces when they saw the Baishuangshuang's certificate.

The three scalpers were quickly abducted by Wuhuada.

Then, Baishuangshuang arranged for her grandma to go to see the expert account and take a film for inspection.

Ye Tianlong wanted to tell his grandmother to get her pulse, but he had to think about it for a while, so as not to cool down the kindness of Hoarfrost.

After a check, the grandmother was fine, except that she lacked sleep and was depressed.

Ye Tianlong and Bai Shuangshuang breathed a sigh of relief, and then drove her home.

Ye Tianlong and Bai Shuangshuang had no time to chat until the grandma was sent home out of the community.

Ye Tianlong looked at Hoishuangshuang who was holding two thick bags and smiled: "Are you sick too?"

"You have the disease."

Baishuangshuang casts Ye Tianlong's eyes, and kicks it, as always, "Can you speak?"

Ye Tianlong knew this woman's character, madness, no lightness or seriousness, and immediately stepped back to avoid her yin legs.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong, who knew what he had said wrong, gave an awkward smile: "Why did you go to the hospital without illness?"

"Who told you that going to the hospital is sick? I'm here to get my father's early medical records."

Bai Shuangshuang saw that there were people around him looking at him, so he stopped fighting, but Xiaozui didn't forgive others: "You go to the hospital, are you sick too?"

Ye Tianlong nodded seriously: "Yes, I am sick."

He leaned forward and said in a low voice: "I have a dark disease, I heard it will be contagious."

Bai Shuangshuang was startled first, and then bashed Ye Tianlong's shoulder with shame: "Your brain is flooded, use this to scare me."

Ye Tianlong let out a cry, and then laughed loudly: "It's just a joke, don't be angry, Miss Bai."

"I'm already angry."

Bai Shuangshuang grabbed Ye Tianlong into the car: "If you don't want me to be angry, take me to the gun and shoot, I will settle the account with you by the way."

"Hey, just shoot when you shoot, can you stop pulling?"

Ye Tianlong yelled as he struggled, "Whether men and women give or receive marriage, how can I marry a wife in the future?"

Bai Shuangshuang did not respond, and directly pinched Ye Tianlong's waist, twisting three hundred and sixty degrees...

When Can Shou knowingly smiled and stepped on the accelerator to leave, a man in black appeared at the gate of the community, his eyes flickering with coldness...

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