Talented Genius

Chapter 1768: Take a look

Chapter 1768

"Boom boom!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Beijing Gun Club, Bai Shuangshuang wore earplugs and shot at the target in front of him. The gun hit the heart.

Ten rings! Full marks!

Then, Bai Shuangshuang held two guns again and fired at the moving target again. Twelve flying saucers shattered one after another in the crisp shots.

Finally, Hoarfrost put on a hostage-rescue game again, killing 15 bad guys and avoiding casualties of three of them.

The difficulty is not small, but Bai Shuangshuang is not a bit solemn, holding a long gun and shooting, walking eleven steps, and solve fifteen gangsters.

The three hostages were unscathed.

It is full marks again.


Bai Shuangshuang happily waved his powder fist, then proudly tossed the earplugs and stepped on the stool in front of Ye Tianlong:

"Master, go ahead, what can you teach me?"

Provocation, naked provocation.

It’s just that Ye Tianlong was not angry, holding a cup of chrysanthemum tea, while looking at the long legs in front of him,

The long legs outlined by the denim skirt and cloth shoes look so plump and so elastic that Ye Tianlong can feel the youthfulness.

If you don't know that this eldest lady has a hot temper, Ye Tianlong would like to feel the touch.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's gaze, Bai Shuangshuang quickly moved her long legs off the stool and knocked on Ye Tianlong's head.

"Not even the apprentice, are you still a human? It depends on Wu Lingshuang."

Hoarfrost snorted: "Her legs are straighter and more beautiful than mine."

Ye Tianlong reacted and slapped his head and shouted: "Yes, Ling Shuang looks better than you."

"Why do not you go to hell?"

Baishuangshuang gave Ye Tianlong a bright white eye, then walked to his side and hugged his shoulders: "Wu Lingshuang's legs are better than me, but she is two years older than me."

"I'm tenderer than her, fancier than her..."

She didn't hesitate to say something wrong, and she changed the subject at the right time: "Hurry up and show your strength."

"Let me take a look, what can you teach me."

With a scorching breath behind him and a soft lump, Ye Tianlong stood up hurriedly and took a sip of black tea ceremony:

"You have scored full marks. You hit the bullseye. I have nothing to teach you. I declare that you have become a teacher, Hoarfrost."

Ye Tianlong picked up the tea: "From now on, we will go our own way, and our destiny will be safe."

He lowered his head and drank a sip of chrysanthemum tea. It was sweet, delicious and tasted good, so he sucked and drank happily.

Bai Shuangshuang glared at him fiercely: "Are you a pig? Is this tea? Can you be gentle?"

Ye Tianlong licked his lips: "I haven't read it in elementary school, and I have never understood gentleness. The chrysanthemum is good here. You can try it too.

"Get the gun quickly."

Bai Shuangshuang was not angry and poke Ye Tianlong's forehead: "If you talk nonsense, I will let you **** chrysanthemum..."

When the words came to her lips, Bai Shuangshuang immediately realized that she was wrong, and quickly closed her small mouth, blushing, and loaded the gun: "Get the gun."


Just when Ye Tianlong was about to get up helplessly, the door of the room was suddenly stumbling and pushed open. A British man bumped in and glanced at it with a smile.

His eyes paused three times on Ye Tianlong, the sofa and the toes.

Later, he apologized again and again in blunt English: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong room."

Ye Tianlong glanced at him curiously. The motion of the other's eyes stopped making him very familiar, but he thought it was just an accident, so he smiled and said, "It's okay."

"Apologize again, goodbye, two people."

The British man bowed again apologetically, then retired politely.

This seemed just an accident, but the moment the British man closed the door, his eyes quickly fixed on Ye Tianlong, the door frame, and himself.

It's three o'clock again.

This action made Ye Tianlong's expression alert for an instant. Reminiscent of the other party's pause just now, Ye Tianlong cried out inwardly.

He almost didn't talk nonsense, and grabbed the gun directly from Bai Shuangshuang.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong faced the closed soundproof door with six shots. The bullets fired like rain, all of which came out of the door frame where the British man's eyes had stopped.

In the shock of Hoishuangshuang, the bullets hit the same position on the door frame one by one, and the three bullets in front fell down with the broken wood.

The last three warheads came out of the damaged bullet holes, followed by two more ‘dangdang’ sounds that collided with hard objects, and the last one was a short scream.


There was a muffled noise outside the door, as if a heavy object fell to the ground, followed by a mournful cry.

Hoarfrost subconsciously shouted: "What's the matter?"

"Be careful!"

At this time, Ye Tianlong bounced away from the original position, and threw Hoarfrost down and rolled towards the target.

Bai Shuangshuang was rushed, and followed Ye Tianlong's body to roll, astonished at the same time, but also shy.

Ye Tianlong in the fierce movement, his hands reached into the clothes, causing her skin to tremble slightly.


It’s just that the door of the room was knocked open without waiting for her annoyance. The British man just broke in.

The body was rolling on the ground like a sly rabbit, the muzzle was originally pointed at the sofa, and when there was no shadow of Ye Tianlong in his vision, his body suddenly fell.

At the same time, his back turned his head away, like a tortoise with all four legs facing the sky, facing Ye Tianlong, the gun in his hand shot fiercely:

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong, who threw Hoarfrost into the bunker, barely stopped, and the short gun in his hand also shot a bullet.

"Boom boom!"

The two strings of gunfire converged into a sound, astonishing as thunder.

Neither the British man nor Ye Tianlong backed away. On the contrary, they moved forward indifferently while pulling the trigger to shoot.

The British man yelled hysterically, as if he wanted to vent all his anger by bullets.

"Boom boom!"

After all the bullets were hit, the British man was surprised to find that the six bullets he had fired were all shot down to the ground by Ye Tianlong's warhead.

All twelve warheads were flattened.

What kind of accuracy, speed, and response can be used to shoot down the bullet?

This kind of magical marksmanship not only made the British men feel astonished, but Hoarshuangshuang's eyes widened, which was unbelievable.

Bai Shuangshuang felt that if his marksmanship were described as pure and innocent, then Ye Tianlong's marksmanship was completely extraordinary.

At this point, she discovered that Ye Tianlong was a mountain she could never climb in this life.

There was still a strange feeling in Bai Shuangshuang's heart. Ye Tianlong shot the opponent's bullet, not deliberately showing off his marksmanship, but didn't want the stray bullet to hurt her.

This can be judged from the fact that Ye Tianlong did not evade.

He has a stiff body and always stands in front of Hoarfrost.


The sweat of the British man dripped down, and even his breath became thicker. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Both were unscathed, but the British man knew that he had lost.

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