Talented Genius

Chapter 1769: Red dragon

His name is Thomson. He was once a trump card in the Seventh Division of the British Army. Although he has left the Seventh Division, his ability has not lost a point.

This time, he was hired heavily to kill someone in Beijing. He was confident that he sneaked in with his companions, but he didn't expect that he would look for teeth every time he met him.

His hand holding the empty gun was sweating, probably too tight, or maybe it was nervous, he couldn't tell.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ye Tianlong who had knocked out his bullet, and suddenly thought of a terrible figure that almost existed in the legend.

"Red Dragon!"

He was listed as the most **** and the most dangerous person by special departments of many countries.

He has repeatedly frustrated the world's top spy agencies, including MI7 and Eagle Intelligence Bureau. There is no one who cannot be killed, and nothing cannot be done.

Because he wears a dragon-shaped red mask every time he does something, MI7 uses the weird code name "Red Dragon" to represent him.

Although Thomson is a trump card, he has never met the red dragon, and he has no authority to even read the red dragon information. He has only watched one video.

Ten seconds of video.

The video shows the Red Dragon fighting a group of agents. Within ten seconds, it not only shot 33 bullets, killed 30 people, but also shot down three rockets.

The reason why Thomson was shocked was that the three rockets were in flight, but Ye Tianlong was able to hit it with one shot, causing it to explode in mid-air.

It is also because the red dragon is so powerful, in order to avoid affecting morale, many secret service bureaus have blocked the red dragon information, only a few people at the top know.

So thinking of his bullet being shot down, Thomson had to think of the long-lost red dragon.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You have no bullets, and I have no bullets either."

He simply dropped the empty gun in his hand.

"Have you been to Europe?"

Thomson's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously asked: "Are you a red dragon?"

He was like a gambler eager to win the jackpot, with anticipation in his eyes.

Ye Tianlong smiled and looked at him: "What do you think?"


This answer made Thomson, who had no way out, joy and despair. The guy in front of him was a red dragon.

He didn't expect that this time the target would collide with such a character, but at this time there was no retreat and he could only give it a go.

Thomson roared and flashed a dagger towards Ye Tianlong.

The speed is extremely fast, like a whirlwind blowing out.

Ye Tianlong did not greet him, nor did he shoot, but watched Thomson charge.

It wasn't until Thomson rushed closer to him that his eyes fell cold, and the sound of the wind rose, and his right foot quickly pointed towards the opponent's body.

Don't look at Ye Tianlong's movement range, but this kick was a thunderous kick, and the force in it was incredible.

Thomson tried to slash the knife down, but was slow, Ye Tianlong's toes passed through the shadow of the knife and hit his chest.


Thomson let out a muffled cry, feeling as if he had been hit by a moving train, his legs were suddenly off the ground, and his whole body was flying backwards.

He fell more than five meters away.

After falling on the ground, he slid three meters out and hit the wall, then finally stopped, and the dagger fell.

He lay on his back, panting, coughing hard, and spitting out two mouthfuls of blood to the side.

But after two breaths, Thomson took advantage of his last strength to get up, clenched his huge fist and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Bai Shuangshuang raised the spear subconsciously but was stopped by Ye Tianlong. The next second, Ye Tianlong jumped into the air, kicked his feet in a series, and hit his opponent's abdomen fiercely.

Bai Shuangshuang also flew, with long legs like the wind, sweeping Thomson's legs, making him completely fall and fly out.


With a loud noise, Thomson fell heavily on the coffee table, not only smashing the thick glass, but also consuming his last strength.

Now he has no power to fight back.

Ye Tianlong picked up his dagger and walked over slowly.

Bai Shuangshuang held the gun and followed: "Tianlong, be careful."

Thomson didn't struggle any more, just watched Ye Tianlong yelling: "It's really strong, our brother admitted today."

"It's just that I have one more question...Where did I reveal the flaw?"

A stream of blood flowed from his mouth: "You know, if you shoot two seconds later, our high-energy sniper shell can kill you."

Ye Tianlong clicked on himself, on the door frame, and then on the side of the door frame: "Three points and one line."

"This is the habit of observing the hand to lock the target. It is not an accident that you broke into here, but to determine my position in the room."

"Originally, I didn't pay attention to you, but when you closed the door, your gaze once again confirmed three points and one line."

"One time is an accident, two times, it is a dead end."

"If I estimate it is good, it is your companion who fell to the ground in the opposite room, who is also the sniper of this operation."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You are a very good observer, but because of your care, it betrayed your identity."

Bai Shuangshuang hit a sharp spirit and rushed to the door with a gun. As expected, the opposite room was hidden, and behind the door was a burly man.

He is holding a sniper rifle in his hand.

He was hit in the neck, a **** bullet hole appeared, and the door frame of the room where he was, there were also tracks squeezed out by two bullets.

There is no doubt that when he locked Ye Tianlong with a gun, Ye Tianlong also followed this line to kill him.

So far, Bai Shuangshuang was completely shocked by Ye Tianlong, only relying on the gaze of the British man, he shot through two soundproof doors and killed his opponent.

This vision, this marksmanship, she would never be able to achieve this.

At this moment, Thomson was sighing with emotion: "Unexpectedly, I took another look, which led to this failure."

It's just that he knew in his heart that even though he looked at it a bit more to arouse suspicion, it also required great care and courage, and he was of the same type.

Thomson stared at Ye Tianlong: "Are you a red dragon?"

"Some people call me Fa Cailong, others call me Shui Junlong."

Ye Tianlong slowly put the dagger on his throat: "Of course, there are still a handful of people who call me the Red Dragon."

It really is a red dragon!

Thomson laughed loudly, madly like a demon, with a lot of emotions, but he was not unwilling to be unwilling, even though he died of a headache for the world's six major secret service bureaus.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Perhaps you tell me your employer, and I will give you a way to survive."

Thomson shook his head: "It's not in accordance with the rules, and you killed my brother. This enmity can't be resolved. Do it, die in your hands, not injustice."

"Is a particular person."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "In order to respect you, do you have any last wishes that I need to fulfill?"

The eyes of Thomson's head had become calm, and he could feel that the black dagger under his jaw was slowly piercing his throat.

The muscles on his face were spasm uncontrollably, and he smelled the breath of death on his face

He gave a wry smile: "When you kill me, hurry up."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Go all the way well."

After speaking, the dagger fell into Thomson’s throat...

Seeing this scene, Bai Shuangshuang's eyelids twitched and said nothing, then she rushed to Ye Tianlong's side and wiped the blood on his face.

Then, she snatched Ye Tianlong's dagger, and said stubbornly and domineeringly: "I killed people..."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "Afraid that Jin Xuejun takes the opportunity to detain me as a murderer?"

Baishuangshuang Liu's eyebrows raised: "Go!"


When the security personnel rushed over, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, put on earplugs to answer, and soon there was a shrill shout:

"Uncle, save grandma, save grandma..."

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