Talented Genius

Chapter 1770: pit

Ye Tianlong's heart sank when he heard Hua Jun's shout.

He asked Bai Shuangshuang to deal with Thomson's death. He walked out of the gun and got into the car while holding the phone. He asked the hand to pick up the granny's community.

Step on

"Hua Jun, don't be afraid, you will be fine."

Ye Tianlong expressed relief to the phone. Before he finished speaking, he heard a plop and fell to the ground, and then another person’s laughter came from the phone:

"Ye Tianlong, congratulations on passing the first level."

The other party's voice was very arrogant: "Now it's the second level, I tell you clearly, the old woman and the little kid are in my hands."

"It turns out that you hired to kill me, a foreign gunman, really cost me money."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "It's just that I don't seem to know you, why are you so hard to deal with me?"

"You and I have no grudges, but you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

The other party replied happily: "I take money from people, so naturally I want to help people eliminate disasters."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Who?"

The other party smiled: "You don't need to ask anyone. This is not in compliance with the rules. I just remind you that there are two hostages in my hands."

Ye Tianlong's tone was calm: "What do you want?"

"I was originally worried that this old trash is useless, I never thought you were really nervous about them."

The kidnapper laughed wildly, "This way, the game will be fun. I will give you half an hour to come to the Chunfeng Waste Treatment Plant."

"If it doesn't arrive for half an hour, just wait to collect the dead bodies for them. The incinerator in the waste factory is much more popular than the furnace in the crematorium."

Ye Tianlong's heart rose with anger: "You have successfully angered me, telling you that you provoke people who shouldn't be offended."


The kidnapper was noncommittal: "The tone is really not small, but it's a pity that it's useless to talk ruthlessly."

"You have twenty-seven minutes."

The kidnapper laughed out: "Remember, don't call the police. Come alone, otherwise I will throw them into the stove when I am afraid or panicked."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Ye Tianlong held the phone with a cold face, and apart from the cold killing intent in his eyes, no emotion was revealed on his face.

Even if the kidnappers didn't remind him, Ye Tianlong couldn't call the police. He was used to solving all the troubles in his own way.

If the scavenger grandma and Hua Jun really had an accident because of him, he would be unable to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Ye Shao, are you okay?"

Canshou didn't worry about the safety of the old man scavengers and the Huajun, he was more worried about Ye Tianlong who seemed to be a different person.

That gloomy, cruel, and murderous intent was never seen before by Canshou, and was 80% similar to his original murderous murder.

"I'm fine."

Ye Tianlong reacted and sat up straight and said, "Go to the Chunfeng Recycling Plant. At the last intersection, you will get off and I will drive over by myself."

"Five minutes after I leave, you will bring it in and pass it quietly."

Ye Tianlong gave an instruction: "Remember, you can't let any bandits run away."

Canshou nodded in response: "Understood."

The Chunfeng Recycling Plant is not far from the Gun Club, so in less than 20 minutes, Canshou drove to the last intersection, and he got out of the car.

Ye Tianlong sat in the driver's seat, and then drove the car to the last mile. In less than three minutes, he appeared at the breathtaking gate.

For environmental reasons, the waste recycling plant was not only shut down, but there was also a big teardown on the wall, but the plant was really big enough.

"Stop! What are you doing?"

When Ye Tianlong poked his head out to look for the entrance, a sharp-mouthed man walked out from behind the door, with two men in gray clothes behind him.

The three of them looked thin, but Ye Tianlong could see that they were very agile and alert enough, as if they were fierce fighters.

Seeing the three of them staring at him sharply, Ye Tianlong put out the car and pushed the door to the ground: "I am Ye Tianlong."

The pointed-mouthed man looked at Ye Tianlong, feeling much more handsome than the picture: "Are you Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, I am Ye Tianlong, where are the old man and the child?"

The sharp-mouthed man tilted his head slightly and motioned Ye Tianlong to follow him.

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and followed the three of them to walk forward, passing six low buildings, three warehouses, and finally stopped in an indoor storage area.

During the period, there were a few secret whistle, Ye Tianlong's face flashed a touch of joke, but he had to admire these people for being careful.

After going around so many circles, if someone follows behind, they will definitely find it.

The kidnappers chose to meet here, which is indeed a good choice. Of course, this is also a good place for Ye Tianlong.

This group of enemies can be resolved with the greatest possible movement.


After the sharp-mouthed man blew a whistle, more than forty men with knives and guns appeared in the gaps and above the waste products piled around.

They stared sharply at Ye Tianlong, like a mouse falling into a trap.

A panic of anxiety made Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitch, and his nerves were invisibly tightened. He smelled a touch of danger, within 30 meters.

However, this danger did not come from the enemy in front of him. What made Ye Tianlong's mouth touched was that that little danger quickly disappeared.

Hidden Feng Rui!

The other party suppressed the danger.


Ye Tianlong's pupils condensed and glanced around, but no suspicious person was found. Then, he calmed himself back.

"I am Ye Tianlong, I have already come."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward: "Where are the two hostages?"

The sharp-mouthed man shouted: "Search!"

The two companions stepped forward to search, Ye Tianlong lifted his foot and kicked them away: "I'm here to change the hostages. There are no hostages. Don't make terms with me."

He had a Hoarshuangshuang pocket gun with six bullets, Ye Tianlong didn't want to be confiscated.

"Unexpectedly, you really dare to show up."

When the sharp-mouthed man was about to rush in a rage, a hoarse voice slowly sounded.

Afterwards, seven or eight men appeared in the crevices of the scraps, and came forward with murderous aura, headed by a young man in black, who sneered coldly:

"Sure enough, I have a bit of courage, which also shows that the old and the young are really important to you."

He smiled coldly: "It seems that this hostage has not been caught wrong."

The young man in black is exactly Zhao Siwen's cronies, Zhao Jinzhong.

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Don't talk nonsense, I've already come, you should put the hostage away, you should always say a letter when you are in the rivers and lakes."

"Okay, take you hostage."

Zhao Jinzhong patted his hands. Behind a pile of waste products, two strong men appeared carrying the old man scavengers and the Chinese army, and then threw them in front of the waste products.

The two of them had blue noses and swollen faces and stuffed their mouths, as if they had suffered a lot.

After the old man scavengers and Hua Jun snorted, they saw Ye Tianlong not far away, and they struggled humbly, as if to signal him to leave here quickly.

"The hostages are here."

Zhao Jinzhong smiled playfully: "You come over and let them go."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong raised his head slightly, and then approached the old man scavengers and Hua Jun.

Zhao Jinzhong and the others did not move. They just watched Ye Tianlong step forward, seeming not to care about saving the two.

Ye Tianlong seemed careless, but his expression was always alert, his eyes locked on the positions of several gunmen, and he also observed whether there were bombs on the hostages.

He quickly judged that neither Grandma nor the Huajun were different. It must be that the enemy was confident that he could deal with him, so he disdain to make tricks on them.

Just thinking of the dangerous aura just now, Ye Tianlong instinctively tightened his nerves.

"Grandma, Hua Jun!"

Ye Tianlong quickly walked to the old man and Hua Jun, stretched out his hand to tear off the cloth strips in their mouths and asked, "Are you all right?"

Grandma and Hua Jun shouted together: "It's okay..."

"Tianlong, thank you."

Seeing Ye Tianlong risking to save herself, the grandma, who didn't want to be troublesome, made a decision in her heart and handed the thing to Ye Tianlong.

"It's okay, I killed you..."

Ye Tianlong felt a touch of relief in his heart, but before he finished speaking, he felt the ground shake, and the three of them suddenly fell into an unstable center of gravity.

At the same time, a large, tough fisherman's net came down from the sky.

This is a well set up.

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