Talented Genius

Chapter 1772: Mu Xiu

The attackers rose to the sky!

Facing this thunderous blow, Ye Tianlong's face did not panic. On the contrary, his harsh eyes became more vigorous.

"Swish swish!"

When Ye Tianlong's body fell back, the attacker blasted out his fists continuously and slammed Ye Tianlong's feet severely, as if to smash his feet.

Ye Tianlong made a mistake with his feet, and his feet came out again and again, and he greeted him like a rainbow.

"Bang bang bang..."

Fists and feet collided, and a series of impacts were exploded. After more than ten collisions, the attacker fell to the ground like a fallen boulder.


The assailant's feet touched the ground, and huge cracks spread like a spider web, and two holes of rubble fell along with the spider web.

Crackling, amazing strength.

In the next second, the attacker kicked with both feet and countless stones shot at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of paper corner, then his body was raised two meters high, avoiding the range of stone attack.


The rubble hit the waste products constantly, and dozens of small holes appeared in the paper, which was shocking.

Seeing another miss, the attacker made another circle with his left foot and flew out.

Ye Tianlong's body turned again, and his toes hit the knife fiercely.


The saber instantly shattered into dozens of pieces, and then all reflected the attacker.

Very fast.

The assailant was about to step forward and attack, when he saw the fragments shooting at him, his face changed, his body turned repeatedly to avoid the sharp fragments.

"Pump pound!"

The fragments hit the ground like weeds.

The assailant narrowed his eyes, then stood firm and did not make another move.

Ye Tianlong pulled the piled waste products and fell, with some pain in his feet but no serious problems, and then turned his eyes to the sneak attacker.

A tall and thin man in his forties, elegant-looking, graceful in dress, standing in the crowd, he is also a prominent intellectual.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward, and the ancients sincerely don't deceive me."

The tall and thin man smiled: "Unexpectedly, I hadn't been walking around for many years, but I was surprised to see someone like you when I came out."

His face was calm and calm, but he was somewhat surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong was not injured by such a sneak attack.

You know, he took the best time to shoot, and for this reason even Zhao Jinzhong's life was not saved.

But Ye Tianlong was unscathed.

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up: "Mu Xiu? Thirteen Leagues, one of the Eight Heavenly Kings?"

In the materials of Shangguan Xiaozhi and Bailihua, Mu Xiu is also a very eye-catching existence. As the Eight Heavenly Kings, he is indifferent by nature.

What he likes the most is not fighting and killing, nor is it the beauty of money, but the countryside and chrysanthemums. It is rumored that he will really plow the fields every year.

The reason why he became the Eight Heavenly Kings and joined the Thirteen Leagues was only because he was a favor of Zhao Wuji.

Ye Tianlong also caught that the other party dared to report the name, which means that he is determined to kill him.

"Unexpectedly you know me?"

Mu Xiu raised a smile: "It seems that you are a caring person. This also shows that I made the right move today."

People who can care about him, pay attention to him, and recognize him at a glance, Mu Xiu naturally knows that Ye Tianlong is the enemy of the Thirteen League, otherwise he would not be so concerned.

"No, you will regret your shot today."

Ye Tianlong licked the blood on his mouth: "You are good at it, but I'm a little disappointed. If you want to deal with me, why take a child as a hostage?"

Mu Xiu's expression was slightly stagnant, and then he sighed: "This is definitely not my intention. I disdain to do this, but I am just an executor."

"What you said was to avoid responsibility and to cover up your crime."

Ye Tianlong spoke unceremoniously: "You are one of the eight great heavenly kings, and your power is much higher than the leader. Even Zhao Siwen is not as good as you."

"But you not only didn't stop it, you also hid in the pit and attacked, which shows that you are essentially the same as them."

He stared at Mu Xiu and said, "At least you are so happy that you use hostages to threaten me."

Mu Xiu was silent for a while, then narrowed his eyes: "Ye Tianlong, you really are a character, know how to use shame to suppress my morale."

Ye Tianlong's words made him feel ashamed, and this cruelty weakened his morale. Mu Xiu saw Ye Tianlong's intentions, but he was helpless.

"I didn't suppress your morale. I just stated a fact. In fact, you are really a ruthless person."

Ye Tianlong’s smile was even more playful: “Otherwise, why would I make a mobile phone meeting for the best and watch Zhao Jinzhong be killed by me.”

"Ye Tianlong, you are indeed a character, and you have played well in psychological warfare."

Mu Xiu stared at Ye Tianlong and sighed, "It's a pity that you overlooked one thing."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"I'm a bad guy."

Mu Xiu smiled faintly: "Isn't it normal for bad guys to do ruthless things?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "This point is ignored."

Mu Xiu said indifferently, "As long as I can kill you today, it doesn't matter no matter how sinful I am."

Although Mu Xiu was indifferent, he was not a good man and a believer, and his hands were stained with blood. Although he was ashamed of today's incident, he did not stop there.

"It seems that you are bound to kill me today."

Ye Tianlong said with great interest: "It's just that you don't worry about it. You can't kill me. Instead, I think about revenge?"

Mu Xiu's aura is strong: "I'm here, you are doomed to die."

"I'm a little curious. I don't seem to have any grudges with the 13th League. Why are you trying your best to kill me? You still use you, the king?"

Ye Tianlong tentatively asked: "Is it Zhao Wuji that is not pleasing to my eyes, or are you taking people's money to eliminate disasters?"

Mu Xiu said playfully, "Don't worry, I will tell you when you die."

Ye Tianlong looked calm: "You can't kill me."

Mu Xiu also attacked Ye Tianlong: "You have already fought a fierce battle."

"Furthermore, in the fierce battle, you were a big hit to kill the red eye. Just now I was sneak attacked again, your energy and physical strength are no longer good."

There was confidence in his eyes: "One more thing, I just talked nonsense with you for so long, not to restore your strength, but to wait for you to lose blood."

"At most thirty strokes, you will die in my hands."

Ye Tianlong laughed, his hostility rose again: "Come on."

Mu Xiu swayed in front of Ye Tianlong, did not speak any more, but Senhan's breath forced away, it seemed that even the light had dimmed a lot.

Ye Tianlong did not step back, on the contrary, he threw away the blood-stained saber and took a step forward to welcome Mu Xiu's undisguised killing intent.

Ye Tianlong saw the cold in Mu Xiu's eyes, but Mu Xiu saw the heat in Ye Tianlong's eyes.

The two people seemed to have waited for each other for a long time, and they seemed to be separated from each other.


A cold wind blew in, causing a piece of paper to ring. This movement seemed to be the whistle of the referee.

Mu Xiu and Ye Tianlong moved together.

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