Talented Genius

Chapter 1773: Kill the enemy


Not moving is like a mountain, and moving is like a tiger fighting a rabbit.

At a distance of more than ten meters, Mu Xiu and Ye Tianlong were just a stride, and then the two fists collided fiercely, making a dull crackling sound.

An overbearing and fierce force penetrated in, and Mu Xiu's expression changed slightly. As the person flew back, he immediately gathered his strength to counter the force.

Ye Tianlong also floated and then retreated three meters to cushion the momentum of his fist.

Ye Tianlong once thought about using a little bit of red, but he always felt that there were still dangerous factors in this waste factory. Once he took the shot, he would have no more power to face the change.

As for Canshou, they must be dealing with peripheral enemies, so Ye Tianlong decided to postpone the fight for a while.

"Boy, there are two tricks."

Mu Xiu stood firmly on his heels and laughed, then his face sank and his fighting spirit was vigorous. He raised his arms and flicked, and there was a series of crisp sounds from the joints of his body.

To Ye Tianlong's slight surprise, his body seemed to swell a little with it.


When Ye Tianlong showed surprise, Mu Xiu slid forward seven or eight meters, and at the same time threw a punch.

Ye Tianlong seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and when he lifted his right hand out of his palm, he accurately sealed the opponent's heavy fist.

A pop sounded, fists collided in the air, and the air sank suddenly.

Mu Xiu pressed Ye Tianlong like Mount Tai, but Ye Tianlong didn't even take a step back, so he held the opponent's fist with his right hand.

Mu Xiu laughed, then another punch from his left hand.

Ye Tianlong had been prepared for a long time, his left arm moved upwards, abruptly separating the opponent's wrist.


Mu Xiu's two consecutive waves of offensives were not satisfactory, so he stepped back and laughed loudly, then shot up again and fisted again.

Ye Tianlong didn't have many expressions, and he sank his right hand to meet Mu Xiu's stormy offensive.

Muxiu is good at attacking, and Ye Tianlong is also good at attacking.

The two of them were not restrained, they were all tyrants, fists and feet intersected closely, and the dull clashing sound of people's hearts was mixed.

Mu Xiu's fist every time he strikes, like a bitter wind blowing his face, his heart is throbbing, but Ye Tianlong calmly resolves it, and it is amazing.

"Ye Tianlong, you really are a good opponent!"

After Mu Xiu's continuous attacks didn't work, a touch of approval appeared on his face, and after speaking, he laughed wildly, showing his domineering and terrifying expression.

The two arms were charged again, and he leaped out in a big stride, his toes pressed hard and his body hit Ye Tianlong directly, shocking the world.

Ye Tianlong didn't retreat but moved forward, lowering his waist and stepping forward, avoiding Mu Xiu's bear hug that can crush the internal organs.

"Boom boom!"

Then he sank both fists, and rain fell on the lower abdomen protected by Mu Xiu's hands, quite in the mood of Wing Chun, faster than lightning, continuous.

This series of attacks actually beat Mu Xiu, who had been brazenly forward, back again and again.

Ye Tianlong, who got the slightest chance, just leaned sideways and hung his waist, clinging to Mu Xiu's body, sliding out his fists like a shadow.

Fist to the palm of your hand, penetrate your heart and soul.

Mu Xiu, who had endured Ye Tianlong's continuous fist and strength, although passively blocked the attack, he did not lose his position and retreated step by step in an orderly manner.

When a waste pile was pasted on his back, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, his right foot sank suddenly, and Ye Tianlong's heart instantly shook.


The next second, the ground collapsed again, and Ye Tianlong's position sank down, Ye Tianlong's eyelids jumped, and his center of gravity was unstable.

He immediately retracted his fist and withdrew it back.

At this point, he knew that Mu Xiu was only tempting the enemy to bear his own blow.

When Ye Tianlong withdrew from the gravel and mud, Mu Xiu had already clicked his foot, centered on Ye Tianlong's abdomen.


Ye Tianlong flew out, a smear of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The two sides separated again.

When Ye Tianlong rubbed his painful abdomen, Mu Xiu moved his feet, and a short sword came out of his hand, stabs Ye Tianlong's chest quickly:

"Ye Tianlong, pick me up."

Ye Tianlong didn't dare to be careless, a tremor slid from his face to his eyes, which was the strong vigor of his opponent.

He took four or five steps back quickly, then grabbed a saber and drew a half circle to seal the opponent's attack.

Upon seeing this, Mu Xiu revealed a little, and then with the help of force, he kicked on the waste collection pile, and pointed a sword at Ye Tianlong's head.

The dagger was swaying in the air, and it was clicked a dozen times, and with each click, the castration was faster than before.

"Swish swish!"

A series of sword shadows swept through the air.

Ye Tianlong waved his knife calmly and pierced the sword shadows from the opponent one by one.

Mu Xiu's eyes showed approval again, but his figure did not stop because of this. When the short sword and the saber touched, his left hand suddenly shot out.

Tarzan is overwhelming!


Ye Tianlong didn't dare to make a head-on with Mu Xiu, his figure turned sideways to avoid the opponent's offensive, and his right hand drew a circle and directly hit the opponent's wrist.

The corner of Mu Xiu's mouth chuckled, and his arm joints bend slightly to bend his arms, just to pat Ye Tianlong's palm.


There was a muffled sound when two palms touched.

Ye Tianlong felt a little sore in his tiger's mouth, and he took two steps back to suppress his haste breathing.

Mu Xiu also shook his body slightly, but he did not stop, his right wrist shook slightly, and the short sword shot two needles, hitting Ye Tianlong's heart.

At such a short distance, the dagger was fired again, and it was impossible to prevent it.

When Ye Tianlong felt the danger, the silver needle had already reached his eyes, his eyes fell cold and he fell backward.

The silver needle rubbed Ye Tianlong's bent abdomen, and the clothes were slightly torn.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, Mu Xiu's toes once again touched the waste product, turning up in the air like a cheetah, and pressing against Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong straightened up, fighting intently.

"Take me another sword."

I didn't see how Mu Xiu made a move, people walked with the short sword, and shot out like a prolonged meteor.

This sword gave people a visually slow feeling, but in fact it was just a gesture, and it was already in front of Ye Tianlong.

It really hit Ye Tianlong's thick knife.


The blade was shaking violently, as if it were too heavy, Ye Tianlong only felt a surge of force, as if being hit by a huge boulder.

As he retreated, he waved his saber and turned into a net of light.

Mu Xiu took another step, but this vain step was extremely fast, with a sense of shrinking.

At the same time, Mu Xiu laughed: "Ye Tianlong, take me one more trick."

A sword stabbed.

Ye Tianlong waved his saber and blocked the sword.


At this moment, Mu Xiu's mouth suddenly exploded with a roar, and a sound wave spread out in the void.

This roar not only made the surrounding waste products hum, but also made Ye Tianlong's mind hum with a loud bang, his mind trembling, and his head seemed to explode.

His mind inexplicably thought of deserted islands, fires, dry wells, little boys, and more clearly captured the complete face of the little boy.

It was himself.

He is number eighty one.

On the eighty one, he was Ye Tianlong.

He is the hero in the dream of desert island!


At this moment, Mu Xiu kicked the Flying Ye Tianlong again, shaking his body, more than a hundred poisonous needles burst all at once, covering Ye Tianlong all over the world.


Ye Tianlong, who was shocked by Mu Xiu's memory fragments, was stunned. When he felt the danger, the poisonous needle had already covered it.

Ye Tianlong couldn't hide. He didn't hide at all. He just turned sideways and raised his arms. He took the poisonous needle with his back and a saber.

"Pump pound!"


Countless poisonous needles hit Ye Tianlong's body and sabers, stinging on the ground, and many more shot into the clothes, stabbing the golden silkworm suit.

Ye Tianlong's body shook twice, but he didn't fall down, but he didn't move either. He seemed to be at the end of a crossbow, standing heavy on the spot.

His upper body, his legs, seemed to grow weeds, which made the heart tremble.

"Send you a ride!"

Seeing that Ye Tianlong had no resistance, Mu Xiu laughed wildly, leaping high, and leaping down, taking Ye Tianlong's head straight with the short sword.

Must kill a sword!

The overall situation is set!


At this moment, the red light flashed and all Mu Xiu's movements stopped, then he fell to the ground with a thump, and fell heavily one meter away from Ye Tianlong.

What fell, was the dagger with a sharp killing intent.

Mu Xiu's eyes protruded, the muscles on his face twitched, full of fear, doubt and unbelief, and his twisted face was dripping with sweat.

There was a knife in his throat.

A little red.

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