Talented Genius

Chapter 1774: Feiyan is saved (three shifts)

Mu Xiu died slowly, unwillingly.

He couldn't believe that Ye Tianlong, who was attacked by his own sonic anger and poisonous needle, turned the situation around and killed him.

He couldn't believe that there were sharp knives in this world that he couldn't prevent or stop.

It's just the coldness of the throat and the lack of strength, which declared him a mess.

If you lose, you will die. No matter how helpless you are, you can only die with suffocation.


Mu Xiu opened his mouth to vent his final anger, but only a sigh of relief came out.

After that, he looked at Ye Tianlong who came forward, his head tilted to death with a sad expression in his eyes.


Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to pull out a little bit of red, and then fell to the ground with a plop, sweating and exhausted all over, like a person who has traveled for many days.

Ye Tianlong would not have been so embarrassed when dealing with Mu Xiu.

It's just that the previous killing of forty-five people including Zhao Jinzhong, and the roar that awakened the memory fragments, made him less relaxed.

"Ye Shao, Ye Shao!"

There were footsteps outside again, as well as the screaming of Canshou, but Ye Tianlong didn't seem to hear it, and there was a touch of confusion in his eyes.

He didn't even look at the dead Mu Xiu, and the joy of killing the 13th League Heavenly King was still less than the impact of memory fragments.

Ye Tianlong thought about the little boy, but he didn't expect that the little boy he had been pitying for was himself.

"Did I really get caught for an experiment when I was a kid?"

Ye Tianlong muttered to himself: "Am I still the only successful No. 81?"

He watched the **** scene motionless, as if returning to the night of blood and fire, where is that deserted island? Has anyone survived?

Is he the only living thing?

The many thoughts in Ye Tianlong's heart, like the tide, could not be suppressed, he still thought of that cute little girl...

"Ye Shao, are you okay?"

When Ye Tianlong's head was sore and his eyes were painful, Canshou showed up with seven or eight tiger masters, and rushed to Ye Tianlong's side and shouted:

"Are you hurt? Hurry up, call the doctor, call the ambulance."

Feeling that Ye Tianlong's struggling hand was full of eagerness, thinking that he was injured by a stab wound on his body, he issued an instruction to the people around him: "Quick!"

While speaking, Can Shou swiftly helped Ye Tianlong to pull out the poisonous needles. More than 30 poisonous needles shot on the golden silkworm suit quickly fell to the ground.

Several poisonous needles that pierced the body were also carefully pulled out by the remnant hand. Looking at the color of the needle body and Ye Tianlong's blue wound, his face changed slightly:


Ye Tianlong woke up, quickly suppressed the thought that made him headache, and then stretched out his hand to hold the can hand and said, "I'm fine, don't worry..."

He took out a black leaf holy cicada pill, threw it into his mouth and took it. The blue of the poisonous needle quickly disappeared, and even the bleeding wound stopped the bleeding.

"This injury won't kill me, I'm just a little tired, just take a rest..."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, and seeing the faint blue of the wound dissipate, he let out a sigh of relief, and then revealed a touch of guilt:

"We got rid of the perimeter scouts, and there were a few good players who blocked us, which was quite powerful. It took a while to solve them."

Canshou lowered his head: "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "It is not only the thirteen alliance halls who are dispatched today, but also Muxiu, one of the eight heavenly kings."

"The good guys you deal with are 80% of the pastor, so it is understandable that you are late."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I won't blame you."

Canshou expressed gratitude: "Thank you, Shao Ye."

"Go and see Grandma and Hua Jun."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head slightly and said, "I hope they are all right."

Canshou did not talk nonsense, and ran in the direction of Ye Tianlong to check Grandma and Huajun.


When Can Shou picked up Grandma and Hua Jun from the waste products, Grandma coughed and opened her eyes. She was short of breath, but there was no serious problem.

Hua Jun woke up, and then hugged his grandmother and shouted: "Grandma, grandma, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong with you?"

Grandma forced a smile: "I'm fine, I'm fine..."


Hearing that grandma was okay, Hua Jun breathed a sigh of relief, but turned his head to see the **** Ye Tianlong, he screamed, and then rushed over:

"Uncle, what's the matter with you? You shed so much blood?"

Hua Jun looked anxious: "I will call an ambulance for you, an ambulance!"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Ye Tianlong was very relieved. He could see that the Hua Jun really cared about him. Otherwise, he would have been fainted by the corpses all over the floor. Wherever he might have come to greet him:

"Hua Jun, you and grandmother leave first, uncle has to deal with the scene."

Hua Jun pulled Ye Tianlong's sleeves: "Uncle, are you really okay? Why do you have so much blood on your body?"

"Look, you have a knife edge here, and a few more needles."

Hua Jun was very anxious: "You are going to see a doctor."

"I'm okay, the blood belongs to someone else, so it doesn't matter what the slight wound is like..."

Ye Tianlong explained that he didn't want Hua Jun and grandmother to get involved too deeply: "Hua Jun, you take grandma away first, uncle will look for you later."

Afterwards, he turned his head to the two tiger divisions and asked them to take the Huajun grandson away from here: "Let Tianmei arrange them properly."

Hua Jun wanted to advise something, but he nodded in Ye Tianlong's smile, and then he sensibly said: "Uncle, take care."

"Good boy."

Ye Tianlong touched the head of Hua Jun. This was a very good child. Ye Tianlong believed that he would do something in the future, and he was ready to support Hua Jun.

Later, Ye Tianlong smiled at the grandma who came over: "Grandma, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."

"Tianlong, we should be the one who said I'm sorry. It is we who continue to trouble you and let you take risks to rescue us."

The scavenger grandma has a touch of gratitude and shame on her face: "You almost died for us. I'm really sorry, sorry."

She felt very emotional in her heart. With the two humble ‘cheap’ lives of her and the Hua Army, how could He De let Ye Tianlong go to the danger alone?

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "Grandma, don't say that, I am the one who hurts you, so I should save you."

"Denon, this is my phone with a video on it."

The old man scavenger took out the broken mobile phone from his arms, walked over and handed it to Ye Tianlong's hand with a complicated expression:

"Maybe you can use it."

The scavenger grandma didn't want to be nosy, let herself and the Huajun fall into unnecessary trouble, and let her ordinary and stable life be destroyed.

But Ye Tianlong helped them in this way. Grandma felt that she should also do something, so she took out the video that she accidentally recorded in the Baishi Building that day.


Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, took the phone and asked, "What video?"

The scavenger grandma smiled kindly, without making a sound, and then took the Hua Jun and the Tiger Master to leave, covering the eyes of the Hua Jun all the way...

The scene was too **** and cruel, even she was about to fall with weak legs, and the Huajun couldn't bear it.

Ye Tianlong stood up holding the pile of paper, and took out his grandma's phone card, and then put it in his phone to read it.

After looking through seven or eight videos about the daily life of the Hua Army, Ye Tianlong saw a short and disorderly video.

This was a shot accidentally taken, because the images were oblique and the first half was full of blue sky, but Ye Tianlong saw the back and his eyes were instantly attracted.

He roared joyfully: "Feiyan is saved!"

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