Talented Genius

Chapter 1775: In the count (four more)

Approaching dusk, a train drove towards the Chunfeng Waste Factory, and Zhao Siwen sat in the middle Lincoln car very energetic.

Half an hour ago, he received news from Zhao Jinzhong and Mu Xiu that after the sacrifice of forty-five brothers, Ye Tianlong was finally killed by them.

Zhao Jinzhong also sent a photo of Ye Tianlong's stubbornness.

Mu Xiu asked Zhao Siwen to deal with the scene, because he and Zhao Jinzhong were also seriously injured and unable to move, and at the same time negotiated how to deal with Ditianju.

Zhao Siwen was very happy. Ye Tianlong was dead, and then he would kill Feng Jiutian and Ling Xiao. He was not only the Hallmaster of the Capital City, but also a major hero in the 13th League.

So he went to the waste factory to deal with the end of the hand, but for safety reasons, Zhao Siwen still brought fifty guards, ten of whom carried guns.

"Ye Tianlong is dead, and Feng Jiutian is next."

As the car was on the way, Zhao Siwen **** his long hair, and then pinched out a piece of Lotus King: "Is there any news from Feng Jiutian?"

The opposite confidant hurriedly responded: "Not for the time being. Several of her confidants don't know her whereabouts. I guess she hid her to recover."

"But I have scattered nearly a hundred brothers, let them find out Feng Jiutian's whereabouts at any cost."

The cronies gave a deadline: "It is estimated that there will be news tomorrow."

"be quick!"

Zhao Siwen lit up King Furong with a slap: "Otherwise Feng Jiutian gasped and contacted his subordinates to smash with us, and things would be troublesome."

Although he has the advantage now, Feng Jiutian has been in charge of Jingcheng Tangkou for too many years. She really doesn't care about her death. It's hard to say who wins and who loses.

Therefore, Feng Jiutian must be killed before the plum blossom virus is solved.

The cronies replied respectfully: "Don't worry, the hall master must have killed Feng Jiutian."

Hearing the confidence of his subordinates, Zhao Siwen nodded with satisfaction, and then let out a puff of smoke, feeling that life is really pleasant...

After driving for thirty minutes, the convoy finally stopped at the door of the Chunfeng Waste Factory. Looking at the quiet factory building, Zhao Siwen was not surprised.

This place is rotten and remote, and it is still a seriously polluted waste factory. Apart from the people working in the factory, few normal people will come over.

And the staff all went home again.

"Ye Tianlong's car?"

When Zhao Siwen asked people to open the rusty iron door, he also saw Ye Tianlong's car parked at the door, and the corner of his mouth was joking:

"Things are not, it is really interesting."

He flicked the cigarette **** out: "Ye Tianlong, you can't blame me, it's someone you should not offend..."

After speaking, he waved his hand to enter, and the convoy quickly drove in. After bypassing several warehouses and low buildings, he approached the scene of the incident.


As he approached the waste storage area, Zhao Siwen's face changed slightly and signaled the team to stop.

His nose not only smelled the leather and **** smell of the waste factory, but also smelled a dead silence that made him uneasy.

It stands to reason that Zhao Jinzhong and Muxiu are alive, and the factory should not be so silent.

Zhao Siwen got out of the car door, fumbled for the phone to call Zhao Jinzhong, and waved his men to be on high alert.

He was originally happily, but now because of the surging blood and silence in the air, he was vigilant and solemn.

Especially when the phone could not be connected, Zhao Siwen's face was instantly solemn: "There is a problem, please be careful!"

The fifty-odd people drew out their weapons together, spread them out well-trained, and then slowly pressed forward.

Zhao Siwen dialed Mu Xiu's cell phone again, and a bell rang in front of him, as if it were Mu Xiu's phone, but no one answered it after six rings.

Zhao Siwen's heart sank.

Five minutes later, more than fifty people protected Zhao Siwen into the stacking area. They did not see the corpse, only four or five holes covered by paper.


And Mu Xiu's cell phone rang crazily on a piece of paper.

Zhao Siwen hung up the phone and screamed: "One group went up to dig the pit, the second group was on alert, and the fourth group was searching around."

Following the issuance of this order, the elites of the Fifties and Thirteen Leagues quickly dispersed, with murderous auras performing their duties.

"Boom bang bang!"

Under the guard of eight short guns, the nine men in gray clothes stepped forward with a grimly face, and swiftly pulled the paper covering the hole.

The paper skin was not unusual at first, but after opening over twenty sheets, the paper skin began to see a lot of blood and dirt.

Zhao Siwen's eyelids twitched, and he screamed: "All torn apart."

He had difficulty breathing. He came to the waste factory to welcome victory, but the result was such a variable.

The nine gray-clothed men ignored the blood on their hands, and accelerated their speed to tear apart the paper. A few cronies around Zhao Siwen also joined in, using both hands and feet to clean them.

Zhao Siwen didn't move. Who knows if there are any traps in the hole, he even backed up two steps, letting his body hide behind a few armed bodyguards.

The papers were thrown away one by one, and there were more and more blood stains, which made Zhao Siwen and the others more and more serious.

It's just that no one noticed that the paper leaves their handprints.

"Pump! Pounce!"

Five minutes later, three large pits that had sunk in appeared abruptly in front of everyone, and more than forty corpses were laid out in the three large pits.

Because it was only three or four hours, the corpse and blood still showed the most vivid pictures.

Mu Xiu's head is at the forefront of the pit, but his sharp eyes have lost their light.

Only the expression showed accusation, unwillingness and anger!

Behind him was Zhao Jinzhong, whose head was also chopped off and placed on top of the corpse sadly.

The stomachs of the children of the Thirteen Leagues were twitching, and they had a strong desire to vomit. They never expected to see such a scene.

Zhao Siwen didn't even expect that Mu Xiu died, the powerful Mu Xiu died just like that, and his head was cut off mercilessly.

That sadness and anger made him ignore that he had received text messages from Mu Xiu and Zhao Jinzhong.

How could this be? How could this be?

Zhao Siwen couldn't believe it, but the **** facts made him feel anguish. He wanted to rush over to take a look, but stopped.

Although his mind is a bit confused, he also knows that he will be killed if he rushes forward. God knows whether there is explosives in the body.

The scene is dead!

Half a minute later, Zhao Siwen knelt down with a'plop' and roared, "Ye Tianlong, I won't let you go!"

More than fifty people knelt on one knee and shouted at Tian Chang: "Kill Ye Tianlong, kill Ye Tianlong!"

They vowed to find Ye Tianlong's blood to pay the debt.


At this moment, a harsh police siren suddenly sounded outside, accompanied by a burst of high beams, and then a clear voice came:

"Listen to the people inside. We are the Beijing police. You are already surrounded."

Wu Ningbing said through the audience: "Put down your weapons, stop resisting, disarm and surrender, don't do fearless resistance..."

Zhao Siwen looked at the **** hands on the paper, and his heart sank:

It was counted.

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