Talented Genius

Chapter 1776: completely annihilated

Policemen? Surrounded?

The more than fifty people were all taken aback, and they didn't expect that the police would appear here or at this time.

The atmosphere is heavy.

"Hall Master Zhao, it's not good. A large number of police officers came outside."

An outgoing Thirteen League child ran to a high place and glanced twice, then rushed back to Zhao Siwen, with an anxiety on his face:

"At least one hundred people, three entrances and exits were sealed, all with guns, and two armored vehicles."

Hearing this news, the audience was in an uproar, all of them looked tense, and while clenching their swords and guns, they also showed a sense of fear.

Zhao Siwen is also affected by the corners of his mouth. This kind of battle is no longer a normal police call, but has come prepared.

"Hall Master Zhao, we didn't kill or fight. We were afraid that he would be a bird."

A close beard confidant approached and wiped the blood on his hands: "Just walk out directly, what can they do with us?"

The other comrades also nodded one after another: "That is, we did not kill, we are here to find someone, to arrest someone, they should arrest Ye Tianlong."

More than fifty people are all optimistic.

Outside the door, Wu Ningbing was holding a loudspeaker, and repeated her words like a rainbow:

"You are already surrounded. Putting down your weapons is your only choice. Please don't make senseless resistance."

"Now, we give you ten minutes, and you seriously consider making the right choice."

"In ten minutes, if you don't surrender, we will storm the factory."

Hearing these words, the children of the Thirteen Leagues didn't take it seriously, but Zhao Siwen didn't smile at all, he smelled an unspeakable danger.

With so many corpses, so many handprints, so many knives and guns, and Ye Tianlong's background, the police surrounded him with time. This is definitely a game.

Ye Tianlong killed so many people, and used Mu Xiu and Zhao Jinzhong to lure him to the scene, with the goal of making him a scapegoat.

Zhao Siwen could fully imagine that once he stayed, he would definitely be identified as a murderer, and he was a murderer with complete personal and physical evidence.

Once convicted, he will never be able to get out again, and will even be killed by the authorities. After all, more than forty lives are involved.

Zhao Siwen did not intend to kill the police. He is not a fool. In addition to the huge difference in weapons, there are serious consequences of shooting the police.

Not only will everyone be killed on the spot, but even Zhao Wuji will be affected.

Now, his only way is to find the gap and run away.

Of course, Zhao Siwen couldn't talk about these thoughts. To run away, he could only run away with a few cronies, and running together would be impossible.

"Everyone will be fine if they go out. They will be detained for ten and a half days at most, and then they can come out safely, but I cannot be caught by the police."

Zhao Siwen exhaled a long breath and looked around at more than 50 of his subordinates and said, "Because I am the leader, the police will suppress me anyway."

"And I had four lives a few days ago, so I definitely cannot be taken back by the police."

"One group and two groups stepped forward to haunt the police, and three groups and four groups spread out to find a way out."

He decisively issued an instruction: "It's up to everyone whether I live or die."

More than fifty men were taken aback, and then they whispered in unison: "Don't worry, Hall Master Zhao, you must be fine."

Afterwards, more than 50 people quickly dispersed and performed their own tasks. More than 20 people rushed forward to negotiate with the police, and more than 20 people dispersed to find a gap.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Siwen took out a mobile phone, replaced it with a new calling card, and then walked to a corner next to a hole.

Afterwards, he dialed a number that he knew well. After the other party connected, Zhao Siwen immediately whispered: "Mu Xiu is dead, I'm in the middle."

Then, he made a brief report of everything that happened.

His words are concise, objective and truthful, without any personal emotions, but obviously every word he says is well thought out.

After he finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Zhao Siwen took the microphone and waited quietly, with no impatience on his face.

Three minutes later, Zhao Siwen heard a sentence: "How much is safe to get out of?"

Zhao Siwen glanced at the direction of the police: "30%."

The other end of the phone was silent again. One minute later, Zhao Siwen received a deep and powerful instruction, and then the other party hung up the phone.

Zhao Siwen turned off his hand and took out the phone card and lit a cigarette. Then, he took a hard sip to ease his emotions...

When he stepped on the ashes of the calling card, his eyes fell on the hole in the gravel, looking at a crawling passage...

"Damn! Ye Tianlong, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Five minutes later, Zhao Siwen asked dozens of his subordinates to surrender to the police, and he took two cronies to crawl through a tunnel where corpses were piled up.

He pushed away the **** corpse, followed two cronies to crawl into the hole, no matter where they climbed, in short, it was a way out.

Zhao Siwen will never stay to face the police.

"Too despicable! Too shameless!"

While crawling in the hole, Zhao Siwen scolded Ye Tianlong as a bastard, not only killing Mu Xiu and Zhao Jinzhong, but also dug a hole for him.

Fortunately, this hole allowed him to escape.

As he crawled, the noise, sirens, and shouts outside became farther and farther, and Zhao Siwen's front became darker and darker.

No matter what, Zhao Siwen only wanted to crawl to the end, even if there was no exit, he could hide here to avoid police searching.

He hoped that the fifty or so brothers who went out and surrendered could give himself some more time.

At this moment, according to Zhao Siwen's instructions, Luojihu led fifty-three to approach the police and shouted: "Don't shoot, let's come out."

"We are out now!"

"We didn't do anything bad, we just passed by."

"Our brother number over 40 was killed, and we came to support them."

The beard led everyone to Wu Ningbing's field of vision. They walked slowly and easily, and didn't care about the guns of the police.

Wu Ningbing said: "Immediately put down the knife and gun in your hand."

The beard turned his head slightly: "Everyone put down..."

"Pump pound!"

At this moment, three gunshots sounded, and the three policemen wearing bulletproof vests stepped forward and disarmed them and threw them out with a grunt.

Not dead, but vomiting bleeding in his mouth.


Then there was another shot, hitting the police car in front of Wu Ningbing. The lights burst and the fragments flew. The two nearby people were shaken and threw out sideways.

Wu Ningbing raised the police gun and shouted, "Be careful!"

"Boom boom!"

Before Wu Ningbing pulled the trigger, another five or six gunshots sounded. All five police officers who evaded were hit by bullets and fell on their backs.

If the bullets were not in bulletproof vests, the police might have died.

Then, another bullet hit, blasting an unmanned police motorcycle.


There was an explosion, the motorcycle blew out, the flames soared, and black smoke appeared everywhere.

Seeing gunshots and explosions, the beards conditioned their reflexes to clenched the guns in their hands, and their bodies reacted as they were about to fight.

It was this action that made the policemen, who were already nervous, pulled the trigger in anger.

"Boom boom!"

The gunshots were loud, and the tide of dense bullets generally flooded the elite of the 13 Leagues.


Dozens of gray-clothed men fell to the ground screaming, and there were more than a dozen bullet holes on their cheeks...

He fell to the ground and couldn't catch his eyes...

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