Talented Genius

Chapter 1777: Alive


Although they were getting farther and farther from the outside, the dense gunfire still shocked the three of Zhao Siwen's body, and Qi Qi subconsciously looked back.

It's just that they can't see anything, all they see is the dark passage.

"Hall Master, it seems to have fired."

The corners of a cronies' lips moved after the break: "Bearding them...nothing will happen, right?"

Zhao Siwen calmed his mind and coughed back: "They are surrendering, not resisting, how can something be wrong? The police will not mess around."

Although he feels that his analysis is in place, the police are always the police, and will not do anything wrong, let alone rush to death, but he still feels uneasy.

It's just that Zhao Siwen can't understand the situation at this moment, so he can only comfort himself, and then continue to let his cronies crawl to see if there is any exit at the end.

"Hall Master Zhao, there is an exit ahead."

I don’t know how long I have been crawling. The cronies who crawled in front turned a turn, suddenly took off the mobile phone flashlight in his mouth, looked at the front in surprise and shouted:

"It's the secretive mouth of the waste plant."

Zhao Siwen was overjoyed and crawled quickly, and he saw that there was a lid in front of him, tattered, and weeds, like an undercurrent of the waste factory.

The pollution of every waste factory is a big problem. Purifying the pollution in accordance with environmental protection requirements requires a lot of costs, so many factories are undermining.

They dig an underpass directly under the factory, and then discharge the waste water into the ground through the underpass to reduce costs.

This kind of behavior cuts off children and grandchildren, and people and gods are angry, but Zhao Siwen is very happy at the moment because it will save himself.


Zhao Siwen and the others continued to move forward, and soon opened the tattered cover used to cover up, and then tore off the weeds that covered it, and the three of them got out.

A dry river.

A stream of fresh night air rushed over, causing Zhao Siwen, who was standing upright, to take a hard breath.

"It took me so long to come out, it really disappointed me."

Just before the three of Zhao Siwen were happy, a cold voice came from the side, and then a young man came into view.

A sword in linen.

Zhao Siwen lifted his mobile phone flashlight: "Who is it?"

The two gray-clothed men raised their daggers and pointed them at the gloomy person in front of them. They thought about using guns, but worried that the police would hear them coming.

"The one who killed you!"

Mai's tone was cold: "The reason why I let you climb here alive is because Ye Shao asked me to ask you, do you have anything to save your life?"

"If there is, you can live, if not, you will die tonight."

He ignored his gunpoint: "There is only one chance, answer me if you think about it."

"Okay, I think about it."

Zhao Siwen burst into a smile, and then screamed: "Kill!"

The two men in gray immediately rushed up with their swords.

There was no wave on Mai's face, but her body moved instantly, slamming into a person's arms like a cannonball.


Amid a loud noise, the man in gray who was hit by Mai in his arms suddenly fell out like a broken kite.

The man in grey clothes is not bad, but he still can't stand Mai's attack.

His body slammed into the stone behind him, and he broke and spurted out of blood. Where could he survive?

"Go to hell!"

The other man in grey clothes suddenly broke his heart and guts. Seeing his companion die in front of him, the saber slashed to his own Mai.

Mai turned around, dodged the saber, and then weirdly appeared behind her opponent, put her hands on the gray man's head, and turned vigorously.


With a crisp sound, the gray-clothed man's neck twisted into twists, his neck bone broke, and then he fell to the ground without a word.

The vitality goes out.


Seeing two cronies dying in front of him, Zhao Siwen had a killing intent in his eyes and moved to shoot Mai.

After a few ups and downs, he arrived in front of Mai, and made a bold move without saying a word. Mai also sank his eyes without talking nonsense, and shot directly.

The moves are fierce.


After the fists met in mid-air, Zhao Siwen raised his foot and kicked Ma Yi's chest fiercely, but he was framed by Mai's left hand.

With a pull and a tugging, Zhao Siwen's body was suddenly unstable, and he rushed to the opponent directly, Mai sneered, and his body instantly bounced.

He was like a cannonball, and suddenly hit Zhao Siwen in the chest.


With a loud noise, Zhao Siwen snorted and fell out, knocking over a pile of mud behind him and falling down, with a splash of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't move!"

When Mai looked at Zhao Siwen indifferently, Zhao Siwen had flashed his pistol and said to Mai:

"Raise your hand!"

Although the shooting will attract police chase, Zhao Siwen has no choice at this moment. The opponent is too strong and has no chance of winning.

Only guns can be used to establish victory.

It's just that Zhao Siwen didn't wait for Mai's to raise her hand, Mai's body flashed, and she went to the side of Zhao Siwen, holding the latter's wrist with one hand.


The sound of broken bones spread cruelly, Zhao Siwen let out a howl like a pig, and his entire wrist was crushed by Mai.

Then he was thrown out by Mai, slammed into the stone and fell down. Mai kept his strength, so Zhao Siwen didn't die, only vomiting blood.

This time, Zhao Siwen's head was dizzy and his whole body was in pain, as if he was falling apart, and he had no ability to make a move.

He wanted to struggle, but saw Mai step forward.


Mai stepped on Zhao Siwen's back, causing him to fall to the ground again.

"Do not kill me!"

Thinking of Zhao Wuji's words, the desperate Zhao Siwen coughed and struggled to squeeze out: "I have something to save my life."

"Killing Ye Tianlong was not the original intention of the Thirteenth League. It was Jin Xuejun who asked us to set up the situation. He instigated us through his secretary Ling Xiangsi."

Zhao Siwen let out a long breath: "If you don't believe me, I can confront him face to face..."

Mai took out his phone and opened the recording: "You tell me the story again."

Zhao Siwen licked his lips, and then told about his meeting with Ling Xiangsi, as well as the hint of her and Jin Xuejun.

He put the blame on Jin Xuejun and Ling Xiangsi, both of them survived, and the consequences were not as important as survival.

After listening to what Zhao Siwen said, Mai turned off the phone to record, turned and walked towards the night.

Zhao Siwen was taken aback and surprised, but he didn't expect Mai to really let herself go.

He was lucky to have recovered his life, his eyes fell on the gun next to him, and then he looked at Mai's Leng Ao back.

There was a fierce light in Zhao Siwen's eyes. He stretched out his intact left hand, picked up the gun silently, and then slowly raised it to aim at Mai.

With his finger on the trigger, Zhao Siwen laughed wildly: "Go to hell!"

He fired vigorously, but the gun did not go off, and the trigger was blocked by half of a branch.


Zhao Siwen's heart sank, and he hurriedly squeezed away the branches, and wanted to shoot again, but saw a cold light flashing, and blood shot.

One sword seals the throat.

Mai took the sword calmly and left with a face of indifference.

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